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War Eagle from Germany


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Im over here for work the next two weeks and this site is my only connection to the outside world. No english TV or news paper. Thanks guys for keeping me up to speed.


WAR EAGLE from Germany!!!

PS I had to change my post because I did some investigation and the Auburn city talked about on international CNN with the Bull loose was in the state Washington, DUH :-[

I jumped the gun on that one, sorry guys. But WAR DAMN EAGLE, it's getting close to GO time.

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Auburn gets a a little worldwide pub, I am in Germany on a trip and woke up this morning and watching the international CNN news the only channel not in German and they mentioned Auburn and the Bull that escaped. I thought that was pretty cool, I am sure the turds are having a Field day with that one. They talked about the police and how they were cowboys and showed them coral and lasso the bull from their cars. :thumbsup:

WAR DAMN EAGLE from Germany!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wedance:

lol no doubt the Turds are loving the ammo. WAR Eagle back the Germany! thanks for the story.

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War Eagle from Hungary. Look for a newspaper called the International Herald Tribune. I read it now and again. It's English and most European countries carry it.

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What part of Germany?  I was in Bad Durkheim (an hour south of Frankfort) back in March for a week.  The only English speaking channel was the BBC and there's only so much anyone can take of that. 

I actually had someone at the Frankfort airport say War Eagle to me.....cause I always travel wearing my National Championship shirt.


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War Eagle brother!! Glad to have you around!!!

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Im over here for work the next two weeks and this site is my only connection to the outside world. No english TV or news paper. Thanks guys for keeping me up to speed.


WAR EAGLE from Germany!!!

PS I had to change my post because I did some investigation and the Auburn city talked about on international CNN with the Bull loose was in the state Washington, DUH :-[

I jumped the gun on that one, sorry guys. But WAR DAMN EAGLE, it's getting close to GO time.

Are you over there for Gamescom in Cologne?

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Guest Tigereagle03

War eagle from tuscaloosa! Get me out of here!!!!!

You really are in a foreign country aren't you?   :laugh:

haha!! Yep luckly im just visiting!!  :zapbama:
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War Eagle to you! If you can make to Berchtesgaden or Salzburg, you will not be disappointed. The Eagle's Nest is a must see. Come home safe.


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You can get USA Today at most kiosks in cities in Germany/Austria-Europe as a whole. Are you in a really small town? To ask for it simply say: ,,Haben Sie die Zeitung, USA Today?" (phonetically: hah-ben zee dee tsy-tung)

As a former resident of Salzburg-I concur on the advice to visit there. The area is spectacular and he is right the Eagle's Nest is awesome.

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