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Really proud of our team today...


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Proud of em too. We won ugly but it's a 'W.' And with over twenty freshman playing today, we'll only get better with each play.

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Very impressed that they never gave up even though I did.  I figured that it would take a miracle to win and they did it.  They faced adversity and overcame it.  That will go along way toward this team reaching their potential this seasons. 

War Eagle

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They made a lot of mistakes and somewhere down the road we may not be able to overcome them but I am very proud of the effort and the fact that they never quit.  Let's all stay with them and continue to be "All in" no matter what.  War Eagle!

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There's a saying that teams make the biggest improvements between game 1 and game 2.  It may be a blessing in disguise that we had a scare today and MSU cruised to a win.  Glad we got the win, but even if we had fallen short it's still great to be an Auburn Tiger.

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Been amazed at the negative posts on AUC from people claiming to be AU and "all in".  It's a game....these are kids playing it and the future of world peace does not depend on who wins.

Sure would  hate to be paying to get on that site and then have to sort through the bammer trash to look at a handful of interesting comments.  Auburn people should keep it positive....there are enough of the UAT, LSU, UGA, etc people ready and willing to post the negatives.

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My eight year old little girl said it best. "It's not always easy to win. A GREAT team pulls out a win even when it's been ugly. Even when Auburn doesn't win they are still my tigers and I love them."

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