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There was improvement. Considering alot of the freshmen got playing time tonight.  Thats experience.  You can't train experience, you can't buy experience.  You can only gain it from being in the game.

Calm down. Enjoy watching the games and these guys get better. 

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Nah it was the same game, you just may have watched it with a negative mindset.


Because I saw a Florida Atlantic team that has made 12 first downs thru 3 games get 20 on our defense.

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They still lost.

And Auburn's young players got some much needed experience. When they made mistakes it did not cost Auburn the game. The win was NEVER in doubt, and it was a useful way to get more of the kinks out.....like poor OL play and dropped passes.

This team is not ready to dominate anybody yet so fans need to stop putting their own unrealistic expectations on these kids right now. The domination will come sooner rather than later the more these kids learn from games like this one.

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This team is not ready to dominate anybody yet so fans need to stop putting their own unrealistic expectations on these kids right now. 

It's not unrealistic to have a defense in the top half of college football.

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This team is not ready to dominate anybody yet so fans need to stop putting their own unrealistic expectations on these kids right now. 

It's not unrealistic to have a defense in the top half of college football.

It is right now. In the next few seasons....that's when the defense should be able to carry that expectation. It's like expecting a toddler to have the same abilities as a first grader. You may have the smartest toddler in the world, but without some time to grow and learn, that baby will not be able to perform at a higher level.

Auburn's defense has tons of potential, but that takes time to become fully realized.

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It is right now.

So, you're telling me, that it is unrealistic to expect Auburn's defense to better than the likes of Temple, Illinois, Ohio, Rutgers, Florida International, Eastern Michigan, Purdue, Colorado State, Navy, Western Michigan, Bowling Green, Northwestern, Arkansas State, UTEP, San Diego State, Miami (Ohio), Wyoming, SMU, Washington State, Buffalo, & Minnesota?

Do you realize how absurd that sounds?

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I'm sure if we played in those conferences, we'd have better defensive statistics. Unfortunately we play set of MUCH better teams.  Yes one of those teams was a cupcake and we allowed some yardage from them (FAU), but USU is a big contender in their conference, MSU is a SEC team who had a good offensive showing early on against LSU today, and Clemson just beat a supposed FSU national title contender.

If you're upset that all your bammer friends are giving you crap for how bad the Defense is doing right now, just tell them what I tell the ones I speak to.

28-27 with that supposed "bad defense".

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this d is bad we played 1 sec team 2 cupcake teams and another YOUNG team like ours and every game the d is not there imo its time to stop making excusses and lower the expectaions way down this year. lets go all the way young with this team take our lumps and build for a championship run :bow::hellyeah:

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this d is bad we played 1 sec team 2 cupcake teams and another YOUNG team like ours and every game the d is not there imo its time to stop making excusses and lower the expectaions way down this year. lets go all the way young with this team take our lumps and build for a championship run :bow::hellyeah:

We don't have a choice.  We have to go young.  We only have 9 scholarship players from the 07 and 08 classes.  Lower the expectations?  Why were your expectations so high to start with?  Many of us knew this was going to be a tough season.  We will be fine and we will surprise a couple of teams that should beat us this season.

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Did Spirit take a knee after hitting the glass? Hellnaw. And this team won't either.  >:(

Because Eagles don't quit and quitters don't Eagle.

If you're not football savvy enough to have seen the struggles with this young team coming, perhaps.....nevermind.

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Regardless of whether you thought 5 wins or 10 wins going into this season, the win against Florida Atlantic was most unsatisfying.

And, whether you buy into the youth line of reasoning or not, the offense has regressed since the first game and particularly since the second quarter of the Clemson game.

The defense may be young, but I do not believe it is anti-Auburn to expect that we have the talent and staff with the ability to put at least a mid-SEC ranked D on the field every year. 

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I'm always going to be optimistic towards the Tigers during football season. I'll always expect them to play well in every game week in and week out. This team is building something this season - and we may not win many - but we will continue and we will finish strong.

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