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Saban being Saban


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Anyone have any doubts that Saban is a dirty potty-mouth. I agree with what he means but it is clear that money doesn't buy class!

For your viewing pleasures... http://www.bamsradio.com/files/settle.gif

Please, this is football a man sport, not some food network sissy baking show. Hell I'd honestly like to see Chiz dropping some F bombs every once in a while again.

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Anyone have any doubts that Saban is a dirty potty-mouth. I agree with what he means but it is clear that money doesn't buy class!

For your viewing pleasures... http://www.bamsradio.com/files/settle.gif

There were quite a few potty-mouthed coaches caught using bad language.  Did you see Will Muschamp, Bobby Petrino?  Muschamp's gonna have an aneurism on the sidelines by the end of the season. :laugh:

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Anyone have any doubts that Saban is a dirty potty-mouth. I agree with what he means but it is clear that money doesn't buy class!

For your viewing pleasures... http://www.bamsradio.com/files/settle.gif

Please, this is football a man sport, not some food network sissy baking show. Hell I'd honestly like to see Chiz dropping some F bombs every once in a while again.

It was a joke J A. I'm well aware that it is part of the game, sometimes. But, no I would not like to see CGC dropping the F-bomb on the sidelines. Weeman needs to cuss to stay in charge. CGC commands respect without ever opening his mouth.

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Anyone have any doubts that Saban is a dirty potty-mouth. I agree with what he means but it is clear that money doesn't buy class!

For your viewing pleasures... http://www.bamsradio.com/files/settle.gif

There were quite a few potty-mouthed coaches caught using bad language.  Did you see Will Muschamp, Bobby Petrino?  Muschamp's gonna have an aneurism on the sidelines by the end of the season. :laugh:

:laugh: Boom has been moments away from stroke and aneurism many times in his career!

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Anyone have any doubts that Saban is a dirty potty-mouth. I agree with what he means but it is clear that money doesn't buy class!

For your viewing pleasures... http://www.bamsradio.com/files/settle.gif

Please, this is football a man sport, not some food network sissy baking show. Hell I'd honestly like to see Chiz dropping some F bombs every once in a while again.

I don't know about CGC but I know for a fact that some of our coaches can make a sailor blush in practice.

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Anyone have any doubts that Saban is a dirty potty-mouth. I agree with what he means but it is clear that money doesn't buy class!

For your viewing pleasures... http://www.bamsradio.com/files/settle.gif

Please, this is football a man sport, not some food network sissy baking show. Hell I'd honestly like to see Chiz dropping some F bombs every once in a while again.

It was a joke J A. I'm well aware that it is part of the game, sometimes. But, no I would not like to see CGC dropping the F-bomb on the sidelines. Weeman needs to cuss to stay in charge. CGC commands respect without ever opening his mouth.

Are you serious?  You think coaches curse to stay in charge of their team?  

It dang sure didn't help Muschamp on Saturday. He and Weiss curse like sailors and they got their lunch handed to them.

I could care less what kind of language Coach Chizik uses, I was just glad to see him show some intensity with our players on the sideline.

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Anyone have any doubts that Saban is a dirty potty-mouth. I agree with what he means but it is clear that money doesn't buy class!

For your viewing pleasures... http://www.bamsradio.com/files/settle.gif

Please, this is football a man sport, not some food network sissy baking show. Hell I'd honestly like to see Chiz dropping some F bombs every once in a while again.

I don't know about CGC but I know for a fact that some of our coaches can make a sailor blush in practice.

I had the pleasure of witnessing a practice last year.  It was not pretty, but it dang sure got one or two players attention when they needed to focus.

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These are all true statements and I didnt mean to say that cussing doesnt have its time and place. Im just saying that sometimes its not needed like when Saban cussed at a bunch of 10 year olds. I should have posted this more clearly as poking fun at Sabans loose tongue. I am however happy that I have not seen our staff in public yelling F and GD at our kids, opponents, refs, eachother...I know it happens. Im not nieve enough to think it never happens. And when it does I agree that it does serve its purpose and it probably does gain some attention. Sorry to let you think that I don't understand the game or its "isms".

War Eagle  :we:

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He was trotting off the field pumping up the fans behind the bench! I just don't see how anyone likes a coach that does that. Let the kid run off the field and be excited.  To me, it is ironic that saban was the one screaming settle down when he is the only one screaming on the field looking like a fool.

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I don't see the big deal...nick was just telling AJ to set the FORK down.  In the chest tat pics, it was clear that AJ had put on a few lbs recently.  Anyone who has ever dieted can tell you that snacking, especially during stressful times can throw off your diet.  Saban was just being a pal to AJ and letting him know that those extra calories are not worth it in the long run.  Hats off to nick for being a good buddy here. 

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I don't see the big deal...nick was just telling AJ to set the FORK down.  In the chest tat pics, it was clear that AJ had put on a few lbs recently.  Anyone who has ever dieted can tell you that snacking, especially during stressful times can throw off your diet.  Saban was just being a pal to AJ and letting him know that those extra calories are not worth it in the long run.  Hats off to nick for being a good buddy here. 

:laugh: :laugh: :thumbsup:

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I'll tell you  something I have noticed, the disrespect that some of the bammer players show saban, have y'all seen when saban is trying to get on his players, another player will step between the other player and saban, put his arm around his teammate and lead him away from saban ignoring what he is saying? I have seen this several times and saban let's it go. Really disrespectful of your coach.

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No one really cares, He gets caught on camera using the F word every year. last year, the year before, etc...

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No one really cares, He gets caught on camera using the F word every year. last year, the year before, etc...

I hear ya, but Saban can cuss all he wants beat whoever he wants. He could even drink a bottle of jack Daniels and snort a line of Coke outta Jimmy Johns old jock on the sidelines and would still be head coach of Harvey U.

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Kind of funny, Nikki throws fits like this every week, yet his is a motivator. Brian Kelly does the same thing and is being questioned if he is fit to be the HC of ND.  :dunno: talk about your double standards.


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I do think the Bama players are becoming arrogant and getting the "big head". This may cause them problems.

Hope it does.....if my player was walking away from me while I was getting onto him and another guy was helping him walk away from me.....I would be flying through the air like Johnny Cage bicycle kicking both of them square in the ass.

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I do think the Bama players are becoming arrogant and getting the "big head". This may cause them problems.

Hope it does.....if my player was walking away from me while I was getting onto him and another guy was helping him walk away from me.....I would be flying through the air like Johnny Cage bicycle kicking both of them square in the ass.

I've seen it several times. I would be kicking the crap out of the player leading the other one away. NFL players do this crap, that's where they get it. Total disrespect.
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