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Enterprise - 2007

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I'm sure the is the wrong place and the mods can slap me...but it is the anniversary..hard for me to ignore.  Hopefully the pic gets posted.

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I was in the high school on 3rd hall that day (the hall where all the deaths were).  No one will ever forget what that day brought us, but we will continue to rejoice in the fact that fewer people were killed than there were. 

I was good friends with Jaime, AJ, Ryan, and Mikey.  Sad day indeed, but God is still great.

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I graduated several years before the tragedy...but if I'd been told bad storms were coming and offered my choice of where to be...I would have probably chosen 3rd hall.  Shows what I know!

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I graduated in '98 but I got a magnet on my fridge and 2 baby girls that remind me to pray for the families.  Seemed to come out of nowhere

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I was a student at Troy when it took place. Even though I am from Calhoun County, the devastation really hit home due to a lot of my college friends being from the area. It was a very sad and somber day. Prayers lifted for all the families and my friends.

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I saw the top of the tornado as it hit the school. Was driving and got away as fast as I could... then heard the news that it had hit the school. It's the kind of thing that makes you question the fairness in life but I have to believe there is a reason. The families are in my prayers.

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May I suggest that any further posts on this topic be moved to PM's instead?  It really isn't a topic for this group, but the mods have been considerate enough to let it stand.  (Thanks to all of you)  :wareagle:

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Traveler, I disagree, this topic does belong here.  These families still need our prayers.  The Auburn Family and AE Family will continue to pray for the families of the Enterprise tornado and all other families affected by tornadoes and other tragedies.   WAR EAGLE AND GOD BLESS!!

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I just happen to be in level plains visiting mom n pops for the weekend.  I'm gonna ride out to the old school and pay some respects.  War Eagle

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