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Public Restrooms closed to Public While St. Saban was there.


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Not only that, there were two bammers apprehended in the basement of the Winfrey trying to open a sewage valve to get some of his urine.   :o   ;D

I hear it can cure cancer!

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Not only that, there were two bammers apprehended in the basement of the Winfrey trying to open a sewage valve to get some of his urine.   :o   ;D

I hear it can cure cancer!

Should've had a moon pie...damn V8's!

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It was closed because he sits to pee!

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To take this as far as it could go, it's almost worth getting banned or getting the little flashy/blinking by your name.  But, I'm going to follow Weegs and just let it go.

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To take this as far as it could go, it's almost worth getting banned or getting the little flashy/blinking by your name.  But, I'm going to follow Weegs and just let it go.

Ha! Ha! Isn't that the truth! For a moment there I was so wishing that this wasn't a family site because I had some good stuff, but had to refrain.  :banghead:  :laugh:
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Guess he didn't want anyone to see him use a ladder to get on the toilet.


sabban on a shelf  :laugh:

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I wonder WHO was blocking the door? Was it was an SEC official? a Hotel employee? someone with a badge? or was it  NS's UAT security detail? The latter has no more right to block a public restroom than I do.

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I wonder WHO was blocking the door? Was it was an SEC official? a Hotel employee? someone with a badge? or was it  NS's UAT security detail? The latter has no more right to block a public restroom than I do.

If this guy told you the restroom was temporarily closed, would you argue with him?


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Crimson Mafia. Now add Crimson Gestapo. Where does it end? :zapbama:

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I wonder WHO was blocking the door? Was it was an SEC official? a Hotel employee? someone with a badge? or was it  NS's UAT security detail? The latter has no more right to block a public restroom than I do.

If this guy told you the restroom was temporarily closed, would you argue with him?


If someone needed to go bad enough....yeah. ;)

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I wonder WHO was blocking the door? Was it was an SEC official? a Hotel employee? someone with a badge? or was it  NS's UAT security detail? The latter has no more right to block a public restroom than I do.

If this guy told you the restroom was temporarily closed, would you argue with him?


If someone needed to go bad enough....yeah. ;)

Okay... but what if this guy was with him.


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I wonder WHO was blocking the door? Was it was an SEC official? a Hotel employee? someone with a badge? or was it  NS's UAT security detail? The latter has no more right to block a public restroom than I do.

If this guy told you the restroom was temporarily closed, would you argue with him?


If someone needed to go bad enough....yeah. ;)

Okay... but what if this guy was with him.


Well....in a real bathroom emergency.....intimidation is not a factor.

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Why... because Saban needs additional security to protect him from the crazy bammers that worship him when he needs to use the facilities at SEC Media Days held near Bammerham or that some alleged bama fan has repented and quit being so hateful towards all things Auburn because Saban cured them of their hateful ways? 

Seems like much ado about nothing to me.  Saban said he is not bigger than the U of Alabama like that guy at PSU, so what is the problem?

Actually the story said it was the media from whom they were "protecting" him.

Are you sure?  I read it as it was written in the first person, that the media wasn't allowed in, and one of the media was needing to go pretty bad.  That doesn't say whether the public was or not.  I figure they were not... just like the media.

I think the area where the restroom in question is located is upstairs...off limits to us common folk during SECMD.  Therefore, Saban was worried the hacks would ask him a question will standing at the urinal...or he just needed some privacy while he uncorked a big ole Updyke.  Who knows?  :dunno:

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I gotta ask, were the rest rooms closed to media and public when any other coaches went in? 

I do not know, my guess is NO, since the writer wrote about only Saban.

If the person blocking the door was an owner or his rep (hotel employee), not much one can do,  He has a right

If the person blocking the door had the place rented (the SEC), not much one can do, he has a right as well

If the person blocking the door had a badge, not much one can do, (he has a gun as well)

However, if one came to the door of a public restroom and knew the person blocking the door was just some security guy hired by UAT or NS, it could be very lucrative to make the security guy forcibly stop him from entering.

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I gotta ask, were the rest rooms closed to media and public when any other coaches went in? 

I do not know, my guess is NO, since the writer wrote about only Saban.

If the person blocking the door was an owner or his rep (hotel employee), not much one can do,  He has a right

If the person blocking the door had the place rented (the SEC), not much one can do, he has a right as well

If the person blocking the door had a badge, not much one can do, (he has a gun as well)

However, if one came to the door of a public restroom and knew the person blocking the door was just some security guy hired by UAT or NS, it could be very lucrative to make the security guy forcibly stop him from entering.

I think it was Kristan blocking the door...she's the new body guard for the wee one.

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I gotta ask, were the rest rooms closed to media and public when any other coaches went in? 

I do not know, my guess is NO, since the writer wrote about only Saban.

If the person blocking the door was an owner or his rep (hotel employee), not much one can do,  He has a right

If the person blocking the door had the place rented (the SEC), not much one can do, he has a right as well

If the person blocking the door had a badge, not much one can do, (he has a gun as well)

However, if one came to the door of a public restroom and knew the person blocking the door was just some security guy hired by UAT or NS, it could be very lucrative to make the security guy forcibly stop him from entering.

IIRC, the Wynfrey Hotel along with the Galleria are owned by a UAT BOT member aren't they?  It would make sense that the Wynfrey would cater to saban when he's in attendance.

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I gotta ask, were the rest rooms closed to media and public when any other coaches went in? 

I do not know, my guess is NO, since the writer wrote about only Saban.

If the person blocking the door was an owner or his rep (hotel employee), not much one can do,  He has a right

If the person blocking the door had the place rented (the SEC), not much one can do, he has a right as well

If the person blocking the door had a badge, not much one can do, (he has a gun as well)

However, if one came to the door of a public restroom and knew the person blocking the door was just some security guy hired by UAT or NS, it could be very lucrative to make the security guy forcibly stop him from entering.

IIRC, the Wynfrey Hotel along with the Galleria are owned by a UAT BOT member aren't they?  It would make sense that the Wynfrey would cater to saban when he's in attendance.

GGP, a publicly traded company owns the Galleria. Not sure about the Wynfrey.

Correction, Jim Wilson Associates still owns part of the Galleria, however GGP owns 50% or more of it and manages it. Jim Wilson III is a member of  the UAT BOT

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