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Anti Gay Marriage Preacher Caught....


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Obviously he watches the slanted Fox news and was worried about the possibility of prostate cancer and took matters into his own hands.


Sex acts in public for thrills is nothing new to history, long as he wasn't involving children it's actually quite normal, and ya thrills is why sex in public is performed.

Girl I dated at AU and I went on a few romps. Places like the library, elevator of the Haley Center, Beard Eaves, amphitheater behind Parker, Parker and a few other buildings around campus =P. Almost got caught on the stage of Peet Theatre. Which looking back was probably stupid cause we probably would of gotten suspended or expelled.... so don't do it kids!

Don't believe you can get into the buildings like you use to be able to though now.

One of those sexual things that the psychologist in me just doesn't find surprising. Just like when you see a head suddenly pop up out of the drivers lap on the interstate, or ever notice some female passengers (notably those with one foot on the dash or out the window) sometimes look really satisfied. Something like 20% of all drivers have participated at one time or multiple times in sexual acts while driving and even more as a passenger. Or when your on a long flight and you see couples leave at different times to go to the bathroom, except the other hasn't come back yet. Though I believe that has really gotten cracked on since 9/11. I haven't flown much since then.

Obviously he needs to not be as noticeable cause he obviously drew attention to himself, because majority of vans I have seen you can't see below the drivers middle-upper arm unless you are right on top of the window.

Wonder how much hell or told I am going to hell I'll catch for this.

Not sure what your point is. Every been to a gay bar (oops asked you a question.. you never answer questions)? Been to 3 myself, two with a male friend from HS that came out in college and one with a female, and you see hands slipping here and there between partners..... just like you can at heterosexual bars. No big deal if you are secure in your sexuality and be cool. They can usually tell if you are or not and most I found think its extremely dick to mess with a heterosexual if they are being friendly, normal, and respectful.

I didn't freak out when Clinton hooked up with Monica either btw, just figured she would of been hotter. Mean if I'm the most powerful man in the world and I'm gonna cheat.... people are gonna say damn..now that's how you cheat.

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The only problem with Clinton was his lying under oath.....the rest was his business.

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