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T. Bell's leadership this past Saturday & sitting in the AUF section


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I enjoyed watching Bell constantly walking the sidelines encouraging his teammates. He was out on the field around the offensive huddle several times to keep encouraging them, especially after the Blakely fumble. If that type of attitude and a never quit mentality continues to spread through this team, they will certainly become something to be proud of.

I must have been sitting in the same section as some of the posters I have read on AUF. Negative does not BEGIN to describe the running commentary from the several different sets of people in the row behind me. One guy left with 4 minutes left in the game after doing nothing but complaining for hours while we all baked in the sun. One of his more tame comments, "Blake was so open he could've taken a crap in the endzone and STILL caught the ball!" I suppose that could be slightly humorous if he hadn't already annoyed everyone within 6 rows of him.

(Yes, I'm semi-joking about the AUF seating section!)

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I was in the north end zone. We only had one guy somewhere behind me whining about the lack of pass defense. So all in all not that bad thank goodness.

I really do not like hearing that negative stuff in the stands. I know the players and their families don't.

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Everyone around me was very respectful. Some were just shaking their heads when LaM tied the game but no nasty comments....and nobody left early. Several did keep talking about the length of time Kiehl holds onto the ball and as fans we the see the open receivers. But it was more of a discussion than trashing Kiehl. I thought he did a decent job for three quarters.

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T Bell has really impressed me. Kiehl seems like he is willing to be a leader, but he's not a flashy outspoken type of guy from what I've seen. He's definitely not the jump around Cam/Dyer/Fairley type that we're used to. I don't know since I'm not playing if more of this aggressive style will help, but I don't think it can hurt. He also likely hasn't been nearly as eager to get in there and bust heads when he's been making mistakes; but he has to show confidence or his guys will figure he has quit too.

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T Bell has really impressed me. Kiehl seems like he is willing to be a leader, but he's not a flashy outspoken type of guy from what I've seen. He's definitely not the jump around Cam/Dyer/Fairley type that we're used to. I don't know since I'm not playing if more of this aggressive style will help, but I don't think it can hurt. He also likely hasn't been nearly as eager to get in there and bust heads when he's been making mistakes; but he has to show confidence or his guys will figure he has quit too.

I agree about Kiehl. I think we see flashes, but nothing sustained as of yet. Looking forward to the sustained leader/playmaker we know he CAN be.

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I was in the north end zone. We only had one guy somewhere behind me whining about the lack of pass defense. So all in all not that bad thank goodness.

I really do not like hearing that negative stuff in the stands. I know the players and their families don't.

Yeah, I just shake my head at what the people around me say. On one play THREE different refs flagged the same Pass Interference call against us and the people around me were alleging cheating and incompetence by the refs on the play. I guess there are idiots everywhere, it shouldn't be any surprise that they show up a a football game.

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