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Quan Bray arrested (merged topics)


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I don't understand the point of trying to justify the mistake by stating that he shouldn't have been pulled over to begin with.

If he had been stopped at a road block, would you all be complaining about the road block's location?

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Give the kid a freaking break. He busts his ass day after day for your entertainment on Saturdays. What everyone on here should be saying is that we are behind you, mistakes are made! For God's sake he didn't commit an armed robbery or doing drugs.

I think the problem is that this is another bad day in the press for AU. We have had too many of them. I know that this isn't a major felony but AU has taken it's share of immaturity from these players this year. It's beginning to look as though our coaches aren't in control.

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If Chizik, or any coach for that matter, got rid of kids for riding around blaring loud music, or drinking, then college football would be much more boring than it is now, because a lot of talented players would be sitting at home. Not saying that playing football gives you a pass, but this seems like a BS "charge" to get someone one. And how is it that Bray gets pulled over last night, and it is already on a Rivals message board just hours after it happened? Seems to me that these "sports journalists" are getting as bad as the papparazzi!!! Make him run the hill a few times, and apologize to his teammates for being a bonehead, and let's go back to work getting ready for Ar-kansas.

I would venture to say that the only reason this was reported as a "Breaking Story" is to take some of the heat off of the bammer player involved in a federal law suit, and the bammer commit that was arrested for RAPE AND SODOMY for the 2nd time, as these stories have been in the news recently. Rick Karle worships sabear just like the rest of the bammerham media, so I'm guessing he got his invite to sabear's Christmas party for running this "breaking news".

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What needs to start happening is that every reporter or journalist needs to be followed, and whenever they even so much as have a drink after work, or a beer in their backyard, it needs to be splashed across websites and elevated to the journalist being an alcoholic. Sick of everytime an Auburn player sneezes in the wrong direction, there is a journalist ready to pounce.

If you live in a glass house...

Auburn athletes know the amount of pressure, scrutiny, and the amount of eyes that stay on them. No excuses.

Not what I said. They should know better. Just sick of vultures always coming after Auburn players and it being headline news.

Both good points and yes, there are reporters down there that play up this kind of stuff for AU and down play the same thing for UA, coughcoughScarbinskycoughFinebaumcough. After Scab wrote more than one article about Dee Liner, I am still waiting on Scab to also write an "in depth" article on the UA recruit that got arrested on a sex charge relative to what kind of players UA is recruiting. I am sure it will be any day now. :laugh:

Until then, I'm not going to get all worked up when an AU player catches a cold.

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Its dumb crap that get overhyped on the news. Settle down. Remember - the media can only try and bring down one team. The bammer H-back's FEDERAL suit just isnt news worthy. Jeez people - just let it roll. Quan should not even miss a game for this - maybe a few stairs or a hearing exam.

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Tripplite19.. no reason to pose as one of us.. We know you are an Updyke.

Or I am an AU grad. I have the diploma if you want to see it sir.

There are AU grads that are Bammers. I have at least one bammer in every class. They understand where they need to go for an education.

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Just wow. Guy gets arrested for a restricted license and everybody riots.

I can't speak for everyone but it isn't about the restricted DL. It is the culmination of all the trouble AU has faced the last few years. Enough is Enough already.

Every time a player or recruit gets arrest everyone wants to make excuses for him. Oh he has had a rough time, oh I did that when I was that age, oh its not big deal. Well it is a big deal when it continues to happen over and over again. I hate uat and $aban but you don't see them having these issues anymore. It is time to get tough and stop trying to rehabilitate everyone. AU isn't a halfway house. It is a privilege to be on that beautiful campus. If the guys don't respect that then let them go.

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Tripplite19.. no reason to pose as one of us.. We know you are an Updyke.

Or I am an AU grad. I have the diploma if you want to see it sir.

I would like to see the diploma sir. Sounds like you have it out for Chizik and want him gone. Bammer!!!!!!

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Give the kid a freaking break. He busts his ass day after day for your entertainment on Saturdays. What everyone on here should be saying is that we are behind you, mistakes are made! For God's sake he didn't commit an armed robbery or doing drugs.

I think the problem is that this is another bad day in the press for AU. We have had too many of them. I know that this isn't a major felony but AU has taken it's share of immaturity from these players this year. It's beginning to look as though our coaches aren't in control.

I agree. I guess that make me a bammer too. How ridiculous does it sound to call someone a bammer because they feel the issues at AU need to be addressed?

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Tripplite19.. no reason to pose as one of us.. We know you are an Updyke.

Or I am an AU grad. I have the diploma if you want to see it sir.

I would like to see the diploma sir. Sounds like you have it out for Chizik and want him gone. Bammer!!!!!!



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My question is does Chizik really have control over this team? I mean this is the 4th, 5th ,6th time we are in the news for this type of stuff???? Come on, I mean Chizik is a real swell guy, but he just might be too nice. Obviously these players aren't getting it through their heads that there will be consequences for actions. I get that loud music isn't a big deal, but he knew where he was allowed to drive and not to drive and when with a restricted license. He also knew that an open container was a big deal. Please let's stop giving everyone excuses here.....Coach is in charge so he needs to get it together or get out of AU. Tired of being in the news while Bama is winning games in professional fashion.

Now is the time to support the team. If you don't like Chizik we can assume you are a Bammer. The fact you think Bama is professional is a joke. Go back to Tuscalooser!!!! You have just been Bazinga'd!!!! I'll be there tomorrow cheering us on against Ole Piss no matter what!!!!!

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Tripplite19.. no reason to pose as one of us.. We know you are an Updyke.

Or I am an AU grad. I have the diploma if you want to see it sir.

I would like to see the diploma sir. Sounds like you have it out for Chizik and want him gone. Bammer!!!!!!

Wow guys. Nice to know that in order to post on this site you have to agree with everyone else. Bazinga and Tigerinatlanta, TrumanCrockett, I am an Auburn fan through and through. What you think about me matters not. I just don't feel that AU being in the press again is good for us. I am a frustrated fan. That is allowed.

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From what I am hearing there was No drinking adult beverages, No drugs, No resisting arrest or attempting to alude the police but he had a restricted license and was playing loud music. The only punishable problem I see hear is the restricted license issue. Determine the severity of that and lets move on

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From what I am hearing there was No drinking adult beverages, No drugs, No resisting arrest or attempting to alude the police but he had a restricted license and was playing loud music. The only punishable problem I see hear is the restricted license issue. Determine the severity of that and lets move on

If no alcohol was involved then I would tend to agree. This is no big deal. However, it is just one small thing after another with a big deal mixed in. It is really getting frustrating that the guys keep putting themselves in this position.

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Context. that is the word that keeps coming to mind ...

Context. this should be kept in context. this SHOULD be a non-issue.

loud music? are you kidding me!

restricted driving? no one here has any idea what that means. could be he was supposed to be wearing prescription glasses and left them in his backpack at his apartment.

open container? yes, that is dumb. it is dumb for me. it is dumb for you. cop said he wasnt drinking. cop should make him pour it out. then send him on his way.

i am a very strict person and parent, but this is simply ridiculous. no, he should not have been pulled over. (i get the "road-block" question and i still dont care). this would never, ever have been an issue 10-20 years ago. i think the world has lost the ability to see things in context. this doesnt even rate a thread on AUF it is such a non-issue ... quite frankly the only reason i am writing anything is because i am shocked that this bothers so many people.

yes, i get all of the other issues the last couple of years. i still dont care. this kid should not be beat up for THIS occurrence. IF there were other issues, or if the restriction was truly a big deal or if he was belligerent then OK, i can see the issue. i love cops, but this was an overreach and i believe not a productive decision by the cop. chizik should run him for the open container, for sure. should not even miss a game for this.

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Wow guys. Nice to know that in order to post on this site you have to agree with everyone else. Bazinga and Tigerinatlanta, TrumanCrockett, I am an Auburn fan through and through. What you think about me matters not. I just don't feel that AU being in the press again is good for us. I am a frustrated fan. That is allowed.

You should be allowed your opinion w/out that stupid as hell automatic scream for anyone who disagrees. I actually don't really agree with your comment, but I can see why people would say it. Can we quit this "Bammer!" crap when someone has a differing opinion?

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Give the kid a freaking break. He busts his ass day after day for your entertainment on Saturdays. What everyone on here should be saying is that we are behind you, mistakes are made! For God's sake he didn't commit an armed robbery or doing drugs.

I think the problem is that this is another bad day in the press for AU. We have had too many of them. I know that this isn't a major felony but AU has taken it's share of immaturity from these players this year. It's beginning to look as though our coaches aren't in control.

I agree. I guess that make me a bammer too. How ridiculous does it sound to call someone a bammer because they feel the issues at AU need to be addressed?

I too agree. It isn't right for anyone to call someone a bammer on this board unless there is proof. I too have an issue with our football program. But I AM DEFINITELY NOT A BAMMER!! Bazinga needs to learn that just because someone doesn't like the way things are being run in AU that doesn't mean they are Bammers. He might be okay with mediocre play from our football team, but true AU fans know that we can and will be better! Tripplite19 was just stating his opinion as any true AU fan has the right to do. So please let's be better AU men and women and not call each other Bammers on this board. Pretty bush league Bazinga and Tigerinatlanta.

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My comments to you Triplite are due to you wording how Alabama is winning games in a "professional fashion". If you think Alabama didnt have kids arrested this offseason you are mistaken.

In fact they had an incident in which one player beat the crap out of the other player after he pulled a knife on him. Both players remain in this "professional" program.

Nick Saban dumped two kids on signing day last year. I guess that is "Professional". Coming on this board with 2 whole posts to your name, while praising Updyke U definitely warrants suspicion.

Yes, your precious Napolean does run his program in one professional manner, and that is how his players are compensated.

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I saw a tweet yesterday from Gabe Wright about going home to Columbus this weekend. I think Chiz gave them the weekend off and Quan left early. But when I saw the tweet from Gabe, I thought to myself that someone was going to get in trouble. I wish I had been wrong.

That answers my question about violating team curfew. I though he'd be in more trouble with CGC for violating the team curfew.

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Context. that is the word that keeps coming to mind ...

Context. this should be kept in context. this SHOULD be a non-issue.

loud music? are you kidding me!

restricted driving? no one here has any idea what that means. could be he was supposed to be wearing prescription glasses and left them in his backpack at his apartment.

open container? yes, that is dumb. it is dumb for me. it is dumb for you. cop said he wasnt drinking. cop should make him pour it out. then send him on his way.

i am a very strict person and parent, but this is simply ridiculous. no, he should not have been pulled over. (i get the "road-block" question and i still dont care). this would never, ever have been an issue 10-20 years ago. i think the world has lost the ability to see things in context. this doesnt even rate a thread on AUF it is such a non-issue ... quite frankly the only reason i am writing anything is because i am shocked that this bothers so many people.

yes, i get all of the other issues the last couple of years. i still dont care. this kid should not be beat up for THIS occurrence. IF there were other issues, or if the restriction was truly a big deal or if he was belligerent then OK, i can see the issue. i love cops, but this was an overreach and i believe not a productive decision by the cop. chizik should run him for the open container, for sure. should not even miss a game for this.

Couldn't agree more. Thank you for a reasonable post.

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Just wow. Guy gets arrested for a restricted license and everybody riots.

I didn't realize being arrested was commendable.

Where in my post does it say that? Because I am having a hard time finding it.....No I do not find it commendable for anyone being arrested.

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