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Players are still playing hard - Gene Chizik


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Gus is working hard too, but not for us. Where would we have been without Gus the past three years?!

Sure wish he was our HC!

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Chizik is great at getting really good players to come to Auburn. He's also really good at getting really good coaches to come to Auburn. Since 2010 with a team that already had a bunch of leaders, he has been unable to put a team together with all of the good parts. It's not just the offense that has no identity now. It's the entire program from what I can tell.

No, Trooper Taylor is great at getting really good players to come to Auburn. Ditto for Jeff Grimes. Ditto for Gus. And Luper. Chizik did a good job in putting together his initial offensive staff, and his second defensive staff to a lesser extent, but the Loeffler Laughingstock will cost him and several people their jobs.

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There is one simple problem, an inept offense. We all want to say its this and that, players quitting, etc...but this offense is not working. Players are not being used correctly, play calling has been baffling...is it a case of Chizik meddling or CSL just being in over his head....who knows. But this offense goes backwards more often than forwards.....I mean they had like 5 straight three and outs against Ole Miss....really?

This is dead on right!
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Coach Chizik is a smart man, he knows what is going on. Problems are bigger than SL, but that will be resolved at year end. I don't think CGC is the type of man to let SL go now. Not that I think that would make him a bad man, I just think for CGC to do that it will have to get very, very bad,SL will have to be disrespectful, or he is told he has no choice.

Dude, the strength and experience of this team was supposed to be the D-line. CGC is a defensive guy! How is the D line playing? That is besides the rest of the team which is a running train wreck!

Wake up!

I don't disagree with you about the teams performance and the defense. My point is, I just don't think he will pull the trigger on SL, unless he is told to do so or he is fired. Which he may( or already has) been told that. And SL will not be the only casualty.
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I've never been w/ the conspiracy theorists that think every negative post on this board is a lurking Bamzo...but I'm starting to wonder about some of ya'll.

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