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Spirit's Pregame Flight


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Thanks for posting. That may be one of the longest flights I have seen. Spirit even left the stadium, which actually was a preview of things to come.

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I was there last night and was amazed by the length of the flight too... Actually thought he was going to fly away for a bit. I hadn't thought about that in a sense of foreshadowing but in hindsight that is pretty accurate.


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It was crazy windy in the stadium and I believe that is why the flight lasted so long. Every time spirit attempted to dive a gust of wind would catch her wings and send her sailing back up.

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I was there- The crowd was electric, the flyover was perfect, Spirit gave a good show... And then the game started.

We were in that game, right up until that point of it.

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Jacked the crowd up, that's for sure. It went a little too far, but it's still much better than Nova taking off at the flag and making a b-line for the AU.

I thought something was in the air after the pregame, like something awesome was about to occur on that field. I was very wrong.

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Jacked the crowd up, that's for sure. It went a little too far, but it's still much better than Nova taking off at the flag and making a b-line for the AU.

I thought something was in the air after the pregame, like something awesome was about to occur on that field. I was very wrong.

I felt the same way until the defense took the field for the first time. Unfortunately that was the immediate beginning of the game.

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We were all scared she had left. The trainers always say that the flight is the scariest part of their job. And with Air Force losing their falcon not too long ago...Yea, it was scary. But yes, it was very windy. Swirling winds were most likely the cause. She scared the crap out of us!! We were all yelling "Just land already damnit!!"

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The roar of the crowd when she seemingly launched back over the video board was pretty cool. Yeah I won't forget this flight for a while.

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They say the eagles all wear transponders so the can tracked if one fly off. If it has happened, ithr video of spirit leaving would have been on every tv sports show for a week. Playing so bad their eagle even left. Maybe that would get the PTB and BOT attention. :-(

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