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Come in here if you still have faith in Coach Chizik (merged threads)


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Lol, at the whole expecting 8 to 9 wins things. That's a good one.

No offense, but what would lead you to expect that after the MSU game? I'm assuming you are basing that prediction upon their play this season since nothing before this year would lead one to believe that would be a possibility. I'll just go ahead and say it since nobody else will... Mosley and Frazier are not SEC level QB's. I mean, just look at the last game. They brought Frazier in in mop up with a a huge lead and he STILL overthrows a wide open receiver on a simple outlet pass. Why? Why can't Frazier in his one pass attempt not completely launch the ball over the head over a wide open receiver? If he can't make that throw, what throw can he make? I'm not rooting against the kid, but I have yet to see him make even easy throws. Same goes for Mosley.

Um, it was an expectation before the season, not two games in.

You have to establish a sample before one came a make reasonable prediction. I'm sure you mean well, but anybody that watched the Miss State game and thought we would win 8 to 9 games is delusional. Miss State is not even that great defensively. A&M, Troy and Bama rolled them up and down the field. UT scored at will against them, although at a loss. Auburn barely managed to pick up a first down in the first 3 quarters against Miss State and our QB had 6 or 7 turnovers, I lost count. The kicker here is that I don't feel our coaches asked the QB's to do anything unreasonable. That game was close in the fourth quarter and it came down to execution.

It was a prediction based on talent on hand, expected improvement on defense since everyone seemed to think it was Roof's fault, and so on. Simply on talent alone 6-6 was a minimum.

So you're beating on a strawman. No one felt after the MSU game that we were an 8-9 win team so this group of delusional people you keep referencing didn't exist.

A strawman? Where was this mythical 9 win team before the season started.... All I'm saying is just look the evidence. Watch the film. The coaches have not asked some of these players do unreasonable things. They simply are not executing. To be honest, I feel like I would be a better QB than Frazier when it comes to the short passing game. I am one hundred percent certain, I could make better throw than what has done within a 10 to 15 yard radius. I'm not even trying to be sarcastic. If I didn't know better I would say he is intentionally overthrowing his receivers. He is so wildly inaccurate that it actually defies explanation.

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So you're beating on a strawman. No one felt after the MSU game that we were an 8-9 win team so this group of delusional people you keep referencing didn't exist.

A strawman? Where was this mythical 9 win team before the season started.... All I'm saying is just look the evidence. Watch the film. The coaches have not asked some of these players do unreasonable things. They simply are not executing. To be honest, I feel like I would be a better QB than Frazier when it comes to the short passing game. I am one hundred percent certain, I could make better throw than what has done within a 10 to 15 yard radius. I'm not even trying to be sarcastic. If I didn't know better I would say he is intentionally overthrowing his receivers. He is so wildly inaccurate that it actually defies explanation.

I agree, which is why I said going into the season people thought 8-9 wins was reasonable. We won 8 games last year with two QBs who appeared to be wearing cement shoes and a terrible defense. Most felt Frazier, despite his experience level, would be an overall upgrade at QB and that the defense would improve with Roof gone, meaning that when you factored everything in with the change of offense and experience issues, we'd finish about the same or maybe a game better than last season. If things took longer to gel then 6-7 wins looked more likely. When you look at our schedule and seeing how these teams are, I don't think it was crazy to think that we beat 6 of these 7 teams: ULM, NMSU, Alabama A&M, Ole Miss, Arkansas, MSU, and Vanderbilt. If we get lucky, maybe we take out a Clemson or Georgia.

The fact that they aren't getting the job done is coaching. It would be one thing if a player here or there wasn't performing. But outside of Emory Blake and maybe Tre Mason, the offense has been failing to execute as a whole. The defensive line is soft and the LBs are still not up to par. Expectations coming into this year were not unreasonable. Coaching has failed.

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spoke to some players today

i feel confident :homer:

Did we have a good practice?!

Good practice! The prayer session for GC, TJ, and JJ immediately afterwards was very emotional with players citing the many accomplishments of the big 3 in their individual prayers.

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So you're beating on a strawman. No one felt after the MSU game that we were an 8-9 win team so this group of delusional people you keep referencing didn't exist.

A strawman? Where was this mythical 9 win team before the season started.... All I'm saying is just look the evidence. Watch the film. The coaches have not asked some of these players do unreasonable things. They simply are not executing. To be honest, I feel like I would be a better QB than Frazier when it comes to the short passing game. I am one hundred percent certain, I could make better throw than what has done within a 10 to 15 yard radius. I'm not even trying to be sarcastic. If I didn't know better I would say he is intentionally overthrowing his receivers. He is so wildly inaccurate that it actually defies explanation.

I agree, which is why I said going into the season people thought 8-9 wins was reasonable. We won 8 games last year with two QBs who appeared to be wearing cement shoes and a terrible defense. Most felt Frazier, despite his experience level, would be an overall upgrade at QB and that the defense would improve with Roof gone, meaning that when you factored everything in with the change of offense and experience issues, we'd finish about the same or maybe a game better than last season. If things took longer to gel then 6-7 wins looked more likely. When you look at our schedule and seeing how these teams are, I don't think it was crazy to think that we beat 6 of these 7 teams: ULM, NMSU, Alabama A&M, Ole Miss, Arkansas, MSU, and Vanderbilt. If we get lucky, maybe we take out a Clemson or Georgia.

The fact that they aren't getting the job done is coaching. It would be one thing if a player here or there wasn't performing. But outside of Emory Blake and maybe Tre Mason, the offense has been failing to execute as a whole. The defensive line is soft and the LBs are still not up to par. Expectations coming into this year were not unreasonable. Coaching has failed.

This is exactly what I felt this season would be like. I said 8-4 & if we were lucky 9-3. I expected the dline to be tops in the conference, I expected the overall defense to execute better with BVG at the helm. I expected some rough stuff from the offense due to an inexperienced oline and a relatively green QB, I expected Clint/Onterrio/Lutz/Bates to really step up and be vocal leaders and make big contributions. I expected the young talent to slowly get worked into the system and to slowly learn their role and make contributions at the end of the season. I expected/hoped to see improvement each and ever week in all area's of this team.

I never expected to see the dissention in the locker room, or disarray of the coaching staff like I've witnessed this year.

I can hardly name one unit on this team that is cohesive, that works together and shows a sense of unity. Sad

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see the problem is just like installing a new offense, we've installed a new defense

people are also being heartless about the off field things that have happened to this team

its sad and shameful really

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I have recently heard about some off-the-field issues that I have not seen reported ANYWHERE. Some really bad stuff. The worst part is, it seems like the blame for this rests not with the players or CGC. Not sure this puts me in the "Keep CGC camp" but it does make me wonder how things may have been different for him with a few different personnel decisions early on. Then again, 2010 probably doesn't happen in that case either.

I am now of the opinion that cleaning the coaching house is the only way that AU can solve its off-the-field problems and thats going to be the only thing that will solve our on-the-field problems.

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