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Did IRS scrutiny include asking Pro-Life group about content of their prayers?


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It's clear you're an ass. It's completely ridiculous that the IRS asked a group about the content of their prayers and for Miller to basically say he isn't sure if it was appropriate or not.

Your problem is clearly in someone having a problem with this line of questioning and pointing it out on this board.

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Awww, did bunky get pissed off? Oh well. Ass? Is that another one of the conservative "values " words? They should ask about my prayers, it is for gravity to stop having an effect on people who like such political hyperbole. Alabama would damn near be empty. None too soon. What part of "I was talking about the website" theory, wasn't clear in your mind? Buzz off.

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There has been a misunderstanding. You went and edited your post. When I started responding you simply said, "Completely ridiculous. Clear?"

Nothing else. That is why I called you an ass.

It wasn't clear you were talking about the 'website' when you stated:

"The occasional theory proposed on this board..."

Hence my response above.

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My op was edited before a response was posted, I did so, so there would be no assumption of personal attack like there is on every thread on this forum. I'm uninterested. The extreme sensitivity here to a response on a message board is amusing. Quite simply, if you do not want opposing opinions, do not participate by posting.

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Just so we're all on the same page, here's the "offending" question.

Please explain how all of your activities, including the prayer meetings held outside of Planned Parenthood, are considered educational as defined under 501©(3)...Organizations exempt under 501©(3) may present opinions with scientific or medical facts. Please explain in detail the activities at these prayer meetings. Also, please provide the percentage of time your organizations spends on prayer groups as compared with the other activities of the organization.

Seems perfectly fair to me. I think your outrage here is misguided, MDM.

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Yes, your post was edited before my response posted but not before I began my response. Your initial response seemed short, snarky and, well...someone just wanting to be an ass. (I'm posting using a mobile app and satellite Internet so there is a delay.) I don't mind opposing views and opinions at all. And I apologize for calling you an ass and thank you you for your clarification.

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Ben, from what I could tell, the question was about 'content of prayer' which I find ridiculous if asked of anyone. If I read it wrong or misunderstood, correct me. I'm not above reproach and don't pretend to be.

Content of prayer and content of meetings to me are two different things.

Finally, I am learning this mobile app and poor Internet service is not the best for this forum.

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Just so we're all on the same page, here's the "offending" question.

Please explain how all of your activities, including the prayer meetings held outside of Planned Parenthood, are considered educational as defined under 501©(3)...Organizations exempt under 501©(3) may present opinions with scientific or medical facts. Please explain in detail the activities at these prayer meetings. Also, please provide the percentage of time your organizations spends on prayer groups as compared with the other activities of the organization.

Seems perfectly fair to me. I think your outrage here is misguided, MDM.

This is a different question than what you have:

“Their question, specifically asked from the IRS to the Coalition for Life of Iowa: ‘Please detail the content of the members of your organization’s prayers,’" Schock declared


I have no problem with the question you quoted. The question Schock is talking about is out of line, in my opinion.

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Just so we're all on the same page, here's the "offending" question.

Please explain how all of your activities, including the prayer meetings held outside of Planned Parenthood, are considered educational as defined under 501©(3)...Organizations exempt under 501©(3) may present opinions with scientific or medical facts. Please explain in detail the activities at these prayer meetings. Also, please provide the percentage of time your organizations spends on prayer groups as compared with the other activities of the organization.

Seems perfectly fair to me. I think your outrage here is misguided, MDM.

This is a different question than what you have:

“Their question, specifically asked from the IRS to the Coalition for Life of Iowa: ‘Please detail the content of the members of your organization’s prayers,’" Schock declared


I have no problem with the question you quoted. The question Schock is talking about is out of line, in my opinion.

I don't think you or Congressman Shock are being disingenuous. If the question were actually posed I would consider that reasonable cause for outrage. I followed the link and the only evidence I saw pertaining to any questions that could be construed that way are the text I quoted. Perhaps that's why Mr. Miller said that, even though he couldn't cite specifics on the case, he would be surprised were the question asked.

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The occasional theory proposed on this board is intellectually embarrassing and this is one of them.

Translation: " There is no defense for what this administration has done, so instead, I'll mock and ridicule those who were right. all along, and there by hope to discredit any and all talk of this being a worse than Watergate issue that it actually is.

Obama is god! Haters gonna burn! "

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There are a few people here who are close , but you are the leader in most irrelevant political opinion possible. I'm going to make sure you stay angry, I'm going to donate to a Hillary PAC in your honor. Maybe she'll send you a thank you note. :ucrazy: If people who generally hate were going to burn, you would've been gone long ago. You are a joke, go away.

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There are a few people here who are close , but you are the leader in most irrelevant political opinion possible. I'm going to make sure you stay angry, I'm going to donate to a Hillary PAC in your honor. Maybe she'll send you a thank you note. :ucrazy: If people who generally hate were going to burn, you would've been gone long ago. You are a joke, go away.

You have my name and address ?

Yes, I'm a " joke ".

Thanks bunches for validating my prior post / translation regarding your inane comments.

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Yes, you are a joke and I'll just tell you ONLY one of the ways. I had a POLITICAL appointment working in one of the press offices for a CONSERVATIVE administration. But you have me all figured out, huh? You are clueless. The conservative PTB, continues to use the southern social conservative votes when they get them, for the votes. They give you nothing but lip service for the issues of social conservatives and you are so collectively brilliant, you fall for it every time. Working out well for you is it? Dumb as dirt. I have more faith in the dirt. Even given your more recent claim of being more libertarian. Your next clue will be your first one.

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The occasional theory proposed on this board is intellectually embarrassing and this is one of them.

Translation: " There is no defense for what this administration has done, so instead, I'll mock and ridicule those who were right. all along, and there by hope to discredit any and all talk of this being a worse than Watergate issue that it actually is.

Obama is god! Haters gonna burn! "

We all wish it was more like the last administration...


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Awww, did bunky get pissed off? Oh well. Ass? Is that another one of the conservative "values " words? They should ask about my prayers, it is for gravity to stop having an effect on people who like such political hyperbole. Alabama would damn near be empty. None too soon. What part of "I was talking about the website" theory, wasn't clear in your mind? Buzz off.

How dare you criticize a respected news organization like World Net Daily! :no:

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Awww, did bunky get pissed off? Oh well. Ass? Is that another one of the conservative "values " words? They should ask about my prayers, it is for gravity to stop having an effect on people who like such political hyperbole. Alabama would damn near be empty. None too soon. What part of "I was talking about the website" theory, wasn't clear in your mind? Buzz off.

How dare you criticize a respected news organization like World Net Daily! :no:/>

Day late and a dollar short. This has been worked out and we've moved on...keep up old timer.

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Who ever the hell you are finxster, care to tell us what any of that b.s. has to do w/ the IRS intimidating American citizens based purely on their political affiliation ?

You think you shove some lame anti-war poster up in everyone's face who dares to call out THIS administration on thug tactics ?

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Awww, did bunky get pissed off? Oh well. Ass? Is that another one of the conservative "values " words? They should ask about my prayers, it is for gravity to stop having an effect on people who like such political hyperbole. Alabama would damn near be empty. None too soon. What part of "I was talking about the website" theory, wasn't clear in your mind? Buzz off.

How dare you criticize a respected news organization like World Net Daily! :no:/>

Day late and a dollar short. This has been worked out and we've moved on...keep up old timer.

Well you are welcome to kiss my old-timer :moon:

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The occasional theory proposed on this board is intellectually embarrassing and this is one of them.

Translation: " There is no defense for what this administration has done, so instead, I'll mock and ridicule those who were right. all along, and there by hope to discredit any and all talk of this being a worse than Watergate issue that it actually is.

Obama is god! Haters gonna burn! "

We all wish it was more like the last administration...


I wish it were more like the early administrations.

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