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It's hard to believe we just had a mass shooting with an AR-15 and 1300 rounds of ammo and nobody is talking about it. Not that I want to talk about it, just not getting much media play. I guess that subject has been exhausted. Not a very efficient shooter either.

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It's hard to believe we just had a mass shooting with an AR-15 and 1300 rounds of ammo and nobody is talking about it. Not that I want to talk about it, just not getting much media play. I guess that subject has been exhausted. Not a very efficient shooter either.

CNN has been covering it pretty well.

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Same story, different location. Known mental issues dating from his high school years, nothing permanent done about it even after he was admitted to a psychiatric unit before an incident of him hurting students at his high school happened. There has to be a change in the laws regarding the mentally ill, and being able to institutionalize people like this.

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I'm sure psychologists are trying to figure it out, but hell...where does shooting up everyone you possibly can enter into a person's head as any sort of 'solution' to your problems ?

Just don't make no sense.

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I'm sure psychologists are trying to figure it out, but hell...where does shooting up everyone you possibly can enter into a person's head as any sort of 'solution' to your problems ?

Just don't make no sense.

tell me about it. Don't see how even the mentally ill can kill strangers. Of all the mass shootings the has been a fortunate aspect in each. The shooters have really caused a lot of death and pain, but all have been relatively low number of casualties considering the artillary and the time they had before being engaged by cops. Somewhere right now there is a yoyo taking all this in and trainning do be the "rambo" of mass shooters.
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I'm sure psychologists are trying to figure it out, but hell...where does shooting up everyone you possibly can enter into a person's head as any sort of 'solution' to your problems ?

Just don't make no sense.

tell me about it. Don't see how even the mentally ill can kill strangers. Of all the mass shootings the has been a fortunate aspect in each. The shooters have really caused a lot of death and pain, but all have been relatively low number of casualties considering the artillary and the time they had before being engaged by cops. Somewhere right now there is a yoyo taking all this in and trainning do be the "rambo" of mass shooters.

And that's what I don't get. Where's the appeal for them to do this ? Even if they DO " win ", and don't die, they're universally condemned. Well, almost universally. There's a death cult crowd out there, I suppose, but it's not like these psychos ever actually get to see their 'fans' or anything. So, basically, as much as their life sucked before they decided to go postal, it'll be all that much worse, or none at all, afterwards.

I mean, really... if you're that messed up, take yourself out in some big , grand style. Just leave the rest of us out of your show.

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