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Here ya' go. How bspn tries to taint the opinion of Auburn.


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Quote from Holly Rowe, sideline reporter for bspn, who covered the AU/LSU game:

Q: How different is Auburn from a year ago?

A: Oh my gosh, night and day. The game we did they struggled the first three quarters but in the fourth quarter they moved the ball on LSU and started to come back against LSU. Now, LSU had some subs in and it was a different situation. But I could see then that things were starting to click for Auburn. When that offense clicks, as you guys know, it's deadly. It's hard to stop. When you have a mobile quarterback and a guy who can run, it changes the numbers and the mismatches and everything. Auburn will be as good as their defense is this year. And that's what I'll be curious to see.


Just had to re-quote this: "The game we did they struggled the first three quarters but in the fourth quarter they moved the ball on LSU and started to come back against LSU. Now, LSU had some subs in and it was a different situation."


NOTE: Auburn scored 14 of their 21 second half points in the 3rd quarter.

Why do they pay these people who don't pay attention to the game? Jeez...

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It's easy to read it and find that, if that's what you're looking for. However, think about the actual point she is making; it falls in line with what many here think. LSU was a turning point that led to a continually improving and focused team. She is saying that she started seeing the team (offense) that we have now really falling into place against LSU, after shaking the terrible start off and getting it together. I can excuse her not remembering all of the precise details from a game over a month ago, when she is asked a question in a Q&A. It was complimentary.

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It's easy to read it and find that, if that's what you're looking for. However, think about the actual point she is making; it falls in line with what many here think. LSU was a turning point that led to a continually improving and focused team. She is saying that she started seeing the team (offense) that we have now really falling into place against LSU, after shaking the terrible start off and getting it together. I can excuse her not remembering all of the precise details from a game over a month ago, when she is asked a question in a Q&A. It was complimentary.

That's a very level-headed and kind way to look at it and I commend you. I cannot disgree with you said when you put it that way either. I guess my point being, those of us who wonder why the perception is still out there that AU's not really to be taken seriously quite yet, stems from thoughts like this. If this is really how an "expert" who was actually AT the game perceives that that's how it went down? Guess I just figured she should have been more prepared seeing as to how she was speaking at an event in the state of Alabama. But...that IS just me.

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It's easy to read it and find that, if that's what you're looking for. However, think about the actual point she is making; it falls in line with what many here think. LSU was a turning point that led to a continually improving and focused team. She is saying that she started seeing the team (offense) that we have now really falling into place against LSU, after shaking the terrible start off and getting it together. I can excuse her not remembering all of the precise details from a game over a month ago, when she is asked a question in a Q&A. It was complimentary.

That's a very level-headed and kind way to look at it and I commend you. I cannot disgree with you said when you put it that way either. I guess my point being, those of us who wonder why the perception is still out there that AU's not really to be taken seriously quite yet, stems from thoughts like this. If this is really how an "expert" who was actually AT the game perceives that that's how it went down? Guess I just figured she should have been more prepared seeing as to how she was speaking at an event in the state of Alabama. But...that IS just me.

The reason that perception exists is ultimately AU's fault. We were taken seriously in the early to mid 2000's, because we were consistently a force to be reckoned with by the best teams in the SEC. During that time, we fielded the pinnacle of Tuberville's tenure: the monster that was 2004. However, we went on to collapse in his last year. We looked resurgent under Chizik with a decent bounce back in 2009, then 2010. 2011 and 2012 proved that we were one-and-done though. Now we appear to be bouncing back again. Considering our recent history, the objective people (meaning not fellow Auburn fans) want to see more than one good year surrounded by mediocre years with Gus before they hop on the bandwagon. I cannot disagree with them. There is no real bias against Auburn at ESPN, and there never was. The truth is less complicated, if you give most media ammunition, they will shoot you with it.

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It's easy to read it and find that, if that's what you're looking for. However, think about the actual point she is making; it falls in line with what many here think. LSU was a turning point that led to a continually improving and focused team. She is saying that she started seeing the team (offense) that we have now really falling into place against LSU, after shaking the terrible start off and getting it together. I can excuse her not remembering all of the precise details from a game over a month ago, when she is asked a question in a Q&A. It was complimentary.

That's a very level-headed and kind way to look at it and I commend you. I cannot disgree with you said when you put it that way either. I guess my point being, those of us who wonder why the perception is still out there that AU's not really to be taken seriously quite yet, stems from thoughts like this. If this is really how an "expert" who was actually AT the game perceives that that's how it went down? Guess I just figured she should have been more prepared seeing as to how she was speaking at an event in the state of Alabama. But...that IS just me.

She's a sideline reporter, not an analyst. She doesn't really watch the games, at least not the entire game. She's supposed to walk the sidelines, get news on in-game injuries, assess player attitudes, and occasionally fill in a slow moment with a human interest story. I would hardly call her an "expert".

In that same Q&A, she said Bama should not sleep on Auburn. She said, "I don't know how good Auburn is yet. ... I'm not surprised that they are as good as they are this year to be honest with you. But the toughest part of their schedule is still ahead. They have some tough games in the next three weeks." She hasn't paid close enough attention to Auburn to know how good we are, but that will change. When we go into the Iron Bowl at 10-1, we will be everybody's Upset Alert of the week, and nearly everyone in the country who isn't a bammr will be pulling for us.

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If you work in an industry or are a SME on a subject area and then see the media report on it, you become aware of how little they really seem to understand. Whether they are just incompetent or just don't care to get the facts and concepts correct is another matter.

ESPN = ABC = Disney

entertainment, mainstream media and fantasy......

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If you work in an industry or are a SME on a subject area and then see the media report on it, you become aware of how little they really seem to understand. Whether they are just incompetent or just don't care to get the facts and concepts correct is another matter.

ESPN = ABC = Disney

entertainment, mainstream media and fantasy......

Not much difference between those 3.

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If you work in an industry or are a SME on a subject area and then see the media report on it, you become aware of how little they really seem to understand. Whether they are just incompetent or just don't care to get the facts and concepts correct is another matter.

ESPN = ABC = Disney

entertainment, mainstream media and fantasy......

Given what they do for a living, it would be impossible for them to really understand most of what they're actually reporting on. There are too many bases to cover, and their writers ultimately share the same weakness.

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Good gosh, you guys are overly sensitive. She's commenting based on her recollection of a game that happened 5+ weeks ago, and she's not incredibly wrong. She said fourth quarter when the majority of the rally occured in the third quarter (and fizzled with the overturned onside and the false start inside the 5).

She's asked to cover all of college football, meaning her primary job is to watch broadly and comment. She's not breaking down game film of every Auburn game. She's not asked to comment on A&M's backup LBs. She's not expected to remark on the third quarter of the ASU/UCLA game. She covers all the teams with some depth and wit. That's it. If she mistakenly thought Auburn's comeback happened in the fourth instead of the third, oh well. She remembered the comeback and noticed the spark we gained by not quitting (which is what we did for the last two seasons against good teams). That's specific enough. Don't be so touchy.

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Good gosh, you guys are overly sensitive. She's commenting based on her recollection of a game that happened 5+ weeks ago, and she's not incredibly wrong. She said fourth quarter when the majority of the rally occured in the third quarter (and fizzled with the overturned onside and the false start inside the 5).

She's asked to cover all of college football, meaning her primary job is to watch broadly and comment. She's not breaking down game film of every Auburn game. She's not asked to comment on A&M's backup LBs. She's not expected to remark on the third quarter of the ASU/UCLA game. She covers all the teams with some depth and wit. That's it. If she mistakenly thought Auburn's comeback happened in the fourth instead of the third, oh well. She remembered the comeback and noticed the spark we gained by not quitting (which is what we did for the last two seasons against good teams). That's specific enough. Don't be so touchy.

You're absolutely right, but remember that her employer hasn't exactly earned the benefit of the average Auburn fan's doubt. The OP was reaching, but I find it understandable.

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Good gosh, you guys are overly sensitive. She's commenting based on her recollection of a game that happened 5+ weeks ago, and she's not incredibly wrong. She said fourth quarter when the majority of the rally occured in the third quarter (and fizzled with the overturned onside and the false start inside the 5).

She's asked to cover all of college football, meaning her primary job is to watch broadly and comment. She's not breaking down game film of every Auburn game. She's not asked to comment on A&M's backup LBs. She's not expected to remark on the third quarter of the ASU/UCLA game. She covers all the teams with some depth and wit. That's it. If she mistakenly thought Auburn's comeback happened in the fourth instead of the third, oh well. She remembered the comeback and noticed the spark we gained by not quitting (which is what we did for the last two seasons against good teams). That's specific enough. Don't be so touchy.

You're absolutely right, but remember that her employer hasn't exactly earned the benefit of the average Auburn fan's doubt. The OP was reaching, but I find it understandable.

Yep. Hate everything that network provides.

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The quicker you learn to ignore what anyone from ESPN says about us, the better.

That said, this just seems to be a case of over-sensitivity.

Shocks my brain that I'm 100% with SMB on this one. Why make a big deal out of every slight (real or perceived) ?

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Come on man. Does anybody really give a s*** what Holly Roe says? I didn't realize anybody actually listened to her opinion.

mod edit: there's no reason to call her names

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Good gosh, you guys are overly sensitive. She's commenting based on her recollection of a game that happened 5+ weeks ago, and she's not incredibly wrong. She said fourth quarter when the majority of the rally occured in the third quarter (and fizzled with the overturned onside and the false start inside the 5).

She's asked to cover all of college football, meaning her primary job is to watch broadly and comment. She's not breaking down game film of every Auburn game. She's not asked to comment on A&M's backup LBs. She's not expected to remark on the third quarter of the ASU/UCLA game. She covers all the teams with some depth and wit. That's it. If she mistakenly thought Auburn's comeback happened in the fourth instead of the third, oh well. She remembered the comeback and noticed the spark we gained by not quitting (which is what we did for the last two seasons against good teams). That's specific enough. Don't be so touchy.

Amen. Someone has made some money selling tin foil hats with AU logos on them to a large number of posters here.

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Yeah perhaps I could see it being a tad annoying her quote was a little inaccurate. But the title "How BSPN tries to taint the opinion of Auburn" is way overkill. I would say your post in the context of that headline is more ludicrous than her getting the time frame wrong of when we scored our second half points. I mean who honestly cares that Holly Rowe said 4th quarter instead of 3rd.

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I took it as her saying really good things about us. I mean do you now how much football she has to deal with? Who cares if she said 4th quarter or 3rd? The main point is we struggled early but then started clicking. Sounds right on to me.

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I said something similar after the LSU game too. In my mind, LSU changed their offensive strategy, especially in the 4th quarter. Now, I don't know if they had subs in or not and at what point, but calling out ESPN for this is absurd.

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