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Am I the only one who was more scared of mizzou?


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FSU is very, very good. Just like Gus has been declaring all year, one game at a time.

BTW I will be pulling for Mizzou in their bowl game. They are classy bunch of Tigers.

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I was fairly confident about beating UAT. Mizzou scared the crap out of me. I'm about 1/2 way between with FSU. I think they are good. I also think we're better.

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I knew we were going to beat Bama. Was pretty nervous about Mizzou. Nervous about FSU and our secondary... and YET... Miracle win on offense, check. Miracle win on special teams, check. Miracle win on defense? Hoping we can get the pressure on Winston to create some turnovers!

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A healthy nervousness (respect of the opponent) is good for the fans as well as the players. I think FSU is a lot like Mizzou, but I do think the Mizzou O & D lines were better than FSU's lines. If that is the case, our offense should be okay and our D-line should be able to disrupt their Offense. And that will be key as I think their QB and receivers are better than the Mizzou version.

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I knew Missouri didn't have the athletes to keep up. That's not the case for Florida st unfortunately so I'm more nervous about them

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I was fairly confident about beating UAT. Mizzou scared the crap out of me. I'm about 1/2 way between with FSU. I think they are good. I also think we're better.

I knew before the season started we would beat bama, but I'm more concerned with fsu
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I knew we were going to beat Bama. Was pretty nervous about Mizzou. Nervous about FSU and our secondary... and YET... Miracle win on offense, check. Miracle win on special teams, check. Miracle win on defense? Hoping we can get the pressure on Winston to create some turnovers!

STOP with the miracle crap. Yes, the UGA win could be classified as such, but the bama and Mizzou games can not. Kick 6 was well executed and coached play to win the game. Mizzou was just great D and play calling by DC to shut down Mizzou in 4th quarter.

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Newman, I know what you mean on "miracle". Watching miracle conjoined with skill/opportunity/perseverance/execution/more, a healthy mix of tangible plus intangible has what has made 2013 unforgettable. The funny thing about a miracle is that it never repeats itself...THE SAME WAY...but more than one game can be described as you did. :jossun: The whole season is miraculous in that we're here, earned every step of the way, but miraculous, nonetheless. One difference I feel in playing the two mentioned, Mizzou vs. FSU, is that we have gone into this year with FSU ranked at or near the top the whole season. Mizzou was an unknown, rising just like us. We will find out January 6 how much FSU's ranking, like that of UA, IMO, is hype vs. the real thing.

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FSU is very, very good. Just like Gus has been declaring all year, one game at a time.

BTW I will be pulling for Mizzou in their bowl game. They are classy bunch of Tigers.

Yes they are. Not many other SEC teams I pull for, but they're on my list now. FAL, AL, Miss St, GA, can all rot as far as I'm concerned.

As for FSU, yes they are very good and it will take a hurculean effort on the Part of Auburn to beat them, just like it took such an effort to beat bama and MO. I'm hoping, in this case, we'll see Auburn continuing to improve at an exponential rate just as we've been seeing over the entire season.

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If FSU shows up like Fresno St did today, it will get ugly quick. Yes, in the first half, I would love to see us ahead by 42 points.

FSU is nothing like Fresno St., outside of the fact that both have good QBs. Jameis is surrounded by 4* and 5* athletes, while Carr is surrounded by 1*s and 2*s. If you are expecting AU to blow FSU away, you will likely be very disappointed.

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I knew we were going to beat Bama. Was pretty nervous about Mizzou. Nervous about FSU and our secondary... and YET... Miracle win on offense, check. Miracle win on special teams, check. Miracle win on defense? Hoping we can get the pressure on Winston to create some turnovers!

STOP with the miracle crap. Yes, the UGA win could be classified as such, but the bama and Mizzou games can not. Kick 6 was well executed and coached play to win the game. Mizzou was just great D and play calling by DC to shut down Mizzou in 4th quarter.

Thank you. In my opinion the only miracle this year was the Georgia catch and that miracle win was only possible because we had scored 34 miracle free points previously against a pretty damn good football team. The rest of them we just out played. Upon reflection, after last year, it is hard for me not to call the 2nd half of the LSU game our finest moment. No miracle crap, no destiny crap. Just a bunch of tough kids who did not give up and if they had had 15 more minutes would have wiped up LSU also.

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I think it was just as much miracle that UGA scored 21 in about 10mins with a blown call on the field and in the replay booth. we beat them soundly for 3 qtrs.

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I place FSU somewhere in the ballpark with UGA & Mizzou. If FSU had to play both UGA and Mizzou, they would be 1-1. I like our chances against FSU. If for some reason, Winston goes down during the first half, we would eat them alive. If NM went down, we would be in much better shape with JJ coming in the game. I hope none of this happens, and we have a great game with our best beating their best!

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I just feel in my gut we'll beat them handily. But I've told friends over and over that if we get curb-stomped, I'm just one satisfied Auburn fan.

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FSU will use the same defensive scheme as little nick used. AND it will not work again we run on it.

I agree we will run on them, but I do think major adjustments will be made and they will learn from others. I tried to post the following link as a new topic, but can't cause I don't have enough posts.


It's pretty simple, but a good look at how scary good our offense is.

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I too was more worried about Mizzou than I am FSU. Kinda weird and it's not really one thing. I just feel pretty confident going in to this. Not cocky or overlooking the 'Noles, but a healthy confidence for sure.

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