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We're surrounded by morons


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If I didn't know better, I'd swear these budding Mensa candidates were plants by the gun control lobby to turn the country against the 2nd Amendment.


I have often thought that about the open carry enthusiasts that seem to think it is somehow productive toward their goal to be seen in plain clothes walking around with AR's and AK's. People that might not have a strong opinion on the matter are likely to develop a contrary one when they see such armed yabbos parading around their local Wal-Mart. As a civilian, if you are heading somewhere the probability of attack is so high that you need to carry a semi-automatic longarm with you, you should be giving more thought to your destination.

Open carry itself is something that I find counter-productive, but open carry of such firearms is just begging the general public to be uncomfortable. They remember that when its time to vote. My perspective is that of someone that has concealed carried a Glock 30 since I turned 21 and could do so legally, and I own several AK models.

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I am a huge 2nd Amendment proponant and anti-gun control on 99% of issues. These jack wagons walking around with their rifles and long arms like this get on my nerves. They're never going to sway those who see the 2nd amendment differently than them but they are going to sway those who may be undecided and in a direction these fanatics will not like.

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I am a huge 2nd Amendment proponant and anti-gun control on 99% of issues. These jack wagons walking around with their rifles and long arms like this get on my nerves. They're never going to sway those who see the 2nd amendment differently than them but they are going to sway those who may be undecided and in a direction these fanatics will not like.

I'm right there with you on that. In my thoughts open carry means, openly wearing a sidearm. It wouldn't occur to me to carry like a long gun into a place of business.

When I lived in Alaska it wasn't uncommon to see people wearing sidearms in down town Juneau. Some even carrying long guns, but they were on the way to ( a ) gunsmith ( b ) home or ( c ) hunting or fishing. Before anyone wonders 'Why in the world would you want a gun to go fishing?' It's because it was bear country. I've had (and so have many others) both brown bears and black bears come close enough to make us nervous while fishing.

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I am a huge 2nd Amendment proponant and anti-gun control on 99% of issues. These jack wagons walking around with their rifles and long arms like this get on my nerves. They're never going to sway those who see the 2nd amendment differently than them but they are going to sway those who may be undecided and in a direction these fanatics will not like.

I'm right there with you on that. In my thoughts open carry means, openly wearing a sidearm. It wouldn't occur to me to carry like a long gun into a place of business.

When I lived in Alaska it wasn't uncommon to see people wearing sidearms in down town Juneau. Some even carrying long guns, but they were on the way to ( a ) gunsmith ( b ) home or ( c ) hunting or fishing. Before anyone wonders 'Why in the world would you want a gun to go fishing?' It's because it was bear country. I've had (and so have many others) both brown bears and black bears come close enough to make us nervous while fishing.

I think of it the same way, but I've always preferred concealed carry. There are some people that are not comfortable around anyone other than the police openly carrying a firearm. While I cannot relate to their position, I respect it, and I see no need to make them uncomfortable and thus likely to vote for restrictive gun bills simply to prove a point. That is the thing I do not understand about the organized open carry groups. By making an obvious display of open carry, they act counter to their actual goals. Another thing some of them do is walk the streets to video the inevitable police encounter that comes from walking down Main Street with an AR slung. I'm certainly no fan of our descent into a police state, but I understand the police perspective on that. Someone walking down Main Street with an AR certainly warrants approaching for a chat.

In a place like Alaska, firearms are not really given a second thought by anyone. They are an accepted part of life. There is no envelope to push, so you do not hear about this kind of nonsense there. Like Titan, I do sometimes wonder if these people are not doing it specifically to draw negative attention to it. I cannot understand the logic required to reach the conclusion that parading through Target with AR's and AK's is necessary or a productive endeavor.

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I prefer concealed carry too. I don't want someone to know I have a firearm unless I choose to reveal it to them. If they got the jump on me from behind and yanked my firearm out of the holster for instance...I just think advertising the fact I have a firearm makes that more likely. But even if I did open carry, it would be a 9mm or .40 cal or something, not a damn AK-47.

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Although not a gun owner or enthusiast myself, I don't want to see any of our liberties protected by the Bill of Rights diminished, including the 2nd Amendment.

But my 1st thought on reading about such open carry was:

"Oh great, now the sickos attempting a mass murder can just stroll openly to the middle of the mall or restaurant, take a good position, and start firing with much less effort or subterfuge.."

My 2nd thought was:

"Of course, if there are others there with guns, what if they all start firing? How does one decide in the heat of the moment who is firing at whom, or whether a particular gun wielder is an accomplice or an adversary of the initial shooter?"

Yes, a single mass murderer, if unstopped, can take many lives. But how much carnage will result, and how many unarmed innocents will be killed, if the whole damn place turns into a lethal version of "laser tag" with everyone shooting at everyone?

My 3rd thought:

Some (not all) of the gun owners and hunters I know personally don't really have the sense to be trusted with a water pistol, much less an actual weapon, but now I have to worry about them getting careless at my restaurant, store, or mall? KNOWING proper gun safety and PRACTICING proper gun safety are two very different things!

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As one of my friends on Facebook who is a HUGE gun and concealed carry advocate said:

"Sure I support all of the amendments, but if I'm buying bread and look over to see you turn the corner with an AK-47 on your side... I will chamber my 9mm and be prepared to make my 7 rounds count. I don't want to restrict your freedoms, but I want to be free to shop without wondering if I'm going to have to stop a mass shooter."

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