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For someone who really understands X's & O's


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Keep this in mind. Early last season, Prosch struggled blocking in open space. Several times early on, he did an ole', but as the season progressed, he was deadly. The cohesion will come. Just hope it makes a big progression this week.

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Coming from someone who played on the o line. We are getting off the ball just fine. The problem is communication and working as a unit. The o line is supposed to be a team. If one member screws up it messes with the entire unit

We are not working as a unit at all

My son says it's hard to explain if you haven't done it. I never did it. He did. We have one O lineman playing where he played last year at certain times. The center. And we don't have the best blocking FB in college football starting. And I don't think Gus has forgotten how to coach.
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Has anyone on here ever heard of a Gap Defense? Basically, it is a very simplified defense for the front seven that assigns the defensive line to gaps and the linebackers to gaps/holes. Those gaps change depending on the call, alignment, and blitzes. However, No matter what happens,or where the ball is run to, the defense fills the gaps or "running lanes." I run this defense at our Junior High and our varsity team that I also help coach, runs the same defense. With all of the moving parts, motion, puling, smoking mirrors, etc. as long as the defense does there assignments and fills the running gaps it is very very difficult to run on. With that being said, I am seeing more and more teams use this defense against us. Teams know Marshall is not going to beat them threw the air. He might make a big play here and there but he is so inconsistent, teams can sell out for the run. Point in case, when JJ came in the game, the defense completely changed and running lanes became open because the linebackers then had to worry about the pass. That is the main thing that I have noticed. Now, also, we lost an All American tackle and another starter on the line. It takes serious time to gel together as a line, to know what the guy beside you is going to do on EVERY play. In a nutshell that is what is going on with our offense.

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Actually bikeriderga is somewhat right in his comment. The offense does work better with Johnson at the helm, but it's not because of JJ being better than NM. When NM is in we, are running Gus's preferred offense using the read option. This requires a lot more on the part of the OL's execution. Much more complex blocking assignments. With JJ we are usually in a less complicated type play calling. This is not anything against either QB, but just what CRL feels more confortable calling with each QB. As to why we are struggling, you should look back at the first 4 games of last year. We struggled then also. In fact our stats are ahead of last year at this point and we probably have played better opponents so far. The problem is no matter how good each individual on the line is, it is a team effort and they have to adapt to each other. You have to trust and know your mates. That chemistry takes time. With the loss of Greg and Kozan, we have some new folks in the lineup. Chad has been playing LG when he was more use to RG and Avery at RG that was at RT last year. May seem simple but its not. Each position has different requirements to learn. They are all good players and will get the chemistry going, just have a little patience. WDE

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Our offense is struggling in learning their assignments and getting off the ball. They are not aggressive enough, missing blocking assignments, and not pulling properly on trap type running plays.

In addition, Marshall is simply not leading the offense like last year, for whatever reason. You can notice a marked difference when Marshall is in and when Johnson is in. When the coaches let Johnson play his game, the entire offense seems to be more in sync. I am not sure why this is, but look at the series when Marshall is in verses when Jeremy is in.

I notice a marked difference too. We become a more dangerous team passing the ball but based on what I saw in the first half of Arkansas and JJ's work in this game, the running game is less effective.

Marshall is great at the read option, but our line is not executing in the read option game. Jeremy is much better running a pro style offense and this simply seems to fit this offensive unit better.

I love Nick Marshall, but if the offense continues to sputter, Gus needs to make the QB change. It is not a personal preference of mine of Johnson over Marshall, it is a statement of fact if you watch the film of which offense is more effective on a consistent basis.

Again, watch the film and decide for yourself. The offense was pretty much totally in sync on the first drive where Johnson came into this game (no incomplete passes and a TD), and it was true the first game of the year against Arkansas. The offense simply clicks better under Johnson and Johnson is a much more accurate passer.

The offense does not "click better", it does some things differently.

People are having some selective memory on JJ's Arkansas performance. Yes, he came out on fire and we scored 21 pts with him lacing it in there. Then in the 2nd quarter we sputtered:

3 plays, 8 yards, PUNT

3 plays, 4 yards, PUNT

8 plays, 36 yards, end of half at our 40 yard line

Even today, he had one nice drive that ended with a wobbly TD pass that Uzomah made a nice grab on (somewhat like the Bray grab from Marshall some wish to write off). Next drive, 5 plays for 19 yards and a turnover on downs. It's not like we were suddenly lighting the world on fire with JJ in there.

The bottom line is this: QB play is not the real problem. It is the line and it won't get consistently better no matter who is in there until that gets solved. Period.

Hey now, don't be using logic and facts. That's uncalled for. 15 yard penalty for idiot baiting :)/>

Yep, I don't see the JJ fans coming back from this. Before I get labeled a JJ hater, let me clearly say this, I respect our starting qb, whomever Gus decides is our best option to win, which just happens to be NM

Haha, we all should be JJ fans. Just it may not be this year as a starter. The future is bright fellas. Trust the HC unless we lose a lot. Until then, he's earned the right to know best

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I don't claim to know everything, but there's two things I'm sure of. Our o-line isn't blocking at all for our RB's to run through, and Nick is having all kinds of problems throwing the ball. Blast me if you wish, but you saw the samethings I saw against KSU and Tech.

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