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The stupid targeting rule results in tacklers going for the knee, just like what happened to Duke.

There were interviews with NFL safeties and corners and all of them said this would be an issue going forward

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The stupid targeting rule results in tacklers going for the knee, just like what happened to Duke.

There were interviews with NFL safeties and corners and all of them said this would be an issue going forward

Yet coaches are all concerned about the HUNH.

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I heard he was seen walking outside the stadium without crutches. Anyone have a pic, or did anyone else witness this? I'd be extremely surprised if he is okay. It looked bad. #pray4duke

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I heard he was seen walking outside the stadium without crutches. Anyone have a pic, or did anyone else witness this? I'd be extremely surprised if he is okay. It looked bad. #pray4duke

I have a hard time believing that.

Passthebiscuits will probably have the 411 for us soon.

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Seems probable since they iced the knee immediately on sideline. He was grimacing for what seemed like three minutes on the field before ever closing his mouth. Then, he was really really upset on the sideline. I tried looking for him after the half in street clothes but never saw him. Honestly, I missed a good bit of the second quarter just looking through my binocs to check on him.

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Am I the only one who thinks that the tackle on Duke was beyond filthy? Thankfully our team isn't full of thugs who retaliated and went after Harris just for the sake. I swear that kid and rest of Aggies purposely tried to take him out. I'm glad I'm not a coach cause I'd have encouraged someone to throat stomp Harris after I saw that happen.

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Okay, so if he is injured for the rest of the year, which is horrible because Duke would have made money this offseason. Any chance he still goes pro? I agree with all the previous sentiments about players targeting the knees btw.

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Someone on the team needs to encourage Duke that the NFL isn't going anywhere and if he stays his number and skill level will increase drastically and he will have a degree.

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I heard he was seen walking outside the stadium without crutches. Anyone have a pic, or did anyone else witness this? I'd be extremely surprised if he is okay. It looked bad. #pray4duke

He was on crutches on the sidelines. Dr Andrews spent a lot of time with him then a lot of people were consoling him. Pats on head, hugs etc. I would imagine he is finished for the year

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Okay, so if he is injured for the rest of the year, which is horrible because Duke would have made money this offseason. Any chance he still goes pro? I agree with all the previous sentiments about players targeting the knees btw.

I think we may be lucky if he gets to play again anywhere.

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I agree with all the previous sentiments about players targeting the knees btw.

Agree also. Helmet and shoulder pads to protect upper torso, nothing on lower legs.

But would we rather have torn ligaments in knees or bruised brains/neck injuries? Ask Terry Beasley if you have any questions. Or better than that, try to ask Chuckie Mullins.

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