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Funny, I've been an Auburn fan since 1984 (I was 12 when I fell in love) and I don't remember watching this game. I was a senior in high school in Bradenton, FL and I just don't remember watching it. I remember so many other games... Just not this one.

I'm watching it now and I'm recording it. Thanks for the heads up!!

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Fun to watch again. Wife and I were at the game and everything surrounding the game was something special. Also seem like everything was in slow motion for the game watching in person at least to me. After the game was over I looked up into the sky and said a little prayer to Shug knowing how proud he was for the team and fans. Still brings chills and a tear to my eyes. No more BS about being little brother to those a holes.

Poor Bill Curry go death threats and bricks thrown at his house after the game.

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Been to alot of AU games over the past 40 years. If the atmosphere is ever more electric than it was for this game I'm not sure that I would survive it. Looking back, the game was pretty close but I never had a single doubt once the teams came onto the field that AU was going to win. Amazing day.

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It was one of the most special days I have ever had. My husband and I had season tickets with my parents. Now that my mother is gone and my dad is too old to go to the games, I have these amazing memories of going to the games with them. This game was so cool, because my parents never thought they would see the day when Bama came to Auburn. I can still feel the emotion of utter joy that it brought to them. There will never be another game is that significant to Auburn.

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Been to alot of AU games over the past 40 years. If the atmosphere is ever more electric than it was for this game I'm not sure that I would survive it. Looking back, the game was pretty close but I never had a single doubt once the teams came onto the field that AU was going to win. Amazing day.

Perfect analysis. My buddy and I went to sell our tickets to stupid bama fans. We got to Auburn hours early. No way we sell. Not for a thousand bucks. Best decision of my life. The freaking upper deck shook, and my ears rang for three days. In the upper deck. People that never lived with the bammers that made us play in Birmingham have no idea what Pat Dye means to AU. No. Idea.


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It was one of the most special days I have ever had. My husband and I had season tickets with my parents. Now that my mother is gone and my dad is too old to go to the games, I have these amazing memories of going to the games with them. This game was so cool, because my parents never thought they would see the day when Bama came to Auburn. I can still feel the emotion of utter joy that it brought to them. There will never be another game is that significant to Auburn.

No. Not a hundred championships. My Dad gave me a speech on how to treat the bammers before I left. AU grad. He said to never shrink to their level. Be class and show them what they are not. Gosh, I miss him.
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