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Prayer request


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I would appreciate your prayers for our baby girl. She's just over a month old now. We'd been having trouble getting her to take consistent naps. She was just very, very fussy...sometimes inconsolable. At first, we thought we just got a light sleeper. But as time went on, it became apparent that many times, it wasn't a fussy cry. She was in pain.

Well, we have determined after going to the doctor that she has problems with acid reflux. So she's on some infant Zantac for a while until this calms down. Please pray that this stuff works and begins working quickly. We're just worn out, especially my wife who's home with her all day. We just want Hailey to be happy and not uncomfortable and in pain so much.

But, also, while we were at the doctor, they detected what they think is a heart murmur. They think it's a mild one but we have to go see a cardiologist and get a ultrasound of her heart. From what I understand, heart murmurs are pretty common in infants...up to 40% have them as newborns and 85% of those are considered "innocent heart murmurs" that they just grow out of. But they can be a little more serious if there are holes in the heart and may eventually require surgery.

So, please pray that this is nothing serious, that at worst, it's just one of the "innocent" heart murmurs and hopefully, it was not a murmur at all and there are no problems. Thanks.

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I will definately be praying for her.

My little brother had one of the worst cases of acid reflux, so the doctor says, when he was born. The doctor said they "grow" out of it, and he did at about 5 months.

Keep us updated!

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You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Watching a little one in pain is no fun and I know your wife must be exhausted. Keep us updated, hopefully with good news soon!

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I can TOTALLY relate - Katie had what we thought was acid reflux too, because she would lie down to sleep and start making the most horrible gargling noises, sounding like she was choking. Never slept more than 45 minutes at a time for the first few weeks unless she was our arms or in her bouncy seat. They did an upper GI series on her (drink the barium and all that fun stuff) but showed nothing, but they still put her on infant Zantac. Then we discovered that she slept fine in her crib because the mattress was much more firm than her pack and play. Maybe that is worth a try if you haven't already?

I have also heard of lots of children with that "grow out of it" heart murmur, so we are just going to think positive and happy thoughts for Hailey!!!

And I know your wife is wiped out - I'll be thinking about her (and you too!) as well.

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There is nothing wrong with letting them sleep in the jumper. We had the bumper jumper that hangs in the doorway. Just put a towel on the tray to catch the drool and enjoy the silence.

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We tried the car seat under the same principle and because she seems to fall asleep in the car, but that didn't work. She's a little young for the bumper jumper because her head would be too bent to one side, but don't think we won't do it if we need to later.

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An update: GOOD NEWS!

First of all on the heart murmur, the EKG came back completely normal. Her heart is perfectly healthy. She had what they call a pulmonary flow or pulmonary systolic murmur. Basically, the flow of blood through vessels in the lungs is giving off the sound of a extra heartbeat through the stethoscope. It sounds just like it does when they have a hole in one of the upper chambers of the heart. She's going to be fine and she'll grow out of this "murmur" she now has with no trouble.

Second, the Zantac seems to have helped things greatly. She still has some moments where she's all but impossible to settle down, but she's getting a lot more naps and is sleeping longer. It's so much better than it was just a few days ago. Just continue to pray that it will improve.

I really appreciate all of your prayers for us. It's been a rough 6 weeks but we're finally starting to see the face of a happy, contented baby instead of a miserable one and it's a real blessing.

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Titan, get her away from the computer and reading BG's Bama spin. That can be hard on anyone, especially a little one like Hailey. :D

Great news though. See how quickly prayer works?

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