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I just had a horrible thought...

Guest Tigrinum Major

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Guest Tigrinum Major

we are cursed, much as the BoSox were for selling Babe Ruth, for not hiring Vince Dooley when we had a chance? Could that be the reason we have been getting screwed by the pollsters for the past twenty years on about a ten year interval? Think about it, '83, '93, '04...

If this is true, then we have 38 more years before we get voted Number One in the AP poll...

Oh, well, guess I will have to find solace in three in a row and four out of the last five...

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the vince dooley curse? come on, you can't compare vince dooley to babe ruth. i know dooley was successful with the dawgs, but really?

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Guest Tigrinum Major
the vince dooley curse? come on, you can't compare vince dooley to babe ruth. i know dooley was successful with the dawgs, but really?


Good, I am being paranoid. Maybe it will be a much shorter timeframe between AP titles.

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Yeah, if Auburn has a Bambino, it's the Bear. Our last national title was in 1957, the year before Bryant became Bama's coach. No need to thank me for keeping the curse thread going... :poke:

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... on about a ten year interval?  Think about it, '83, '93, '04...


While I agree we got screwed in '83 and '04, we have no one to blame but ourselves for '93--we were on probation and ineligible for bowls. Blaming anyone else for '93 is like Bama trying to blame everyone else for their current probation problems. Was it a "curse" that screwed them out of the SECCG in 2002, or simply the system they voluntarily joined enforcing its rules?

I know some Auburn faithful want to say we were set up, or our punishment didn't fit the crime, etc., in 1993--but that also sounds too "Bama-ish" to me. I say, it's over, we swallowed our medicine, now move on--but nobody screwed us but ourselves.

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regardless of whether the wound was self-inflicted or not, we still stand as the only team in the conference since the division split to go unbeaten and not win the national title, a trick we've turned twice.

i'm a sox supporter, and i have to say that auburn does reek of curse worthy pitfalls (how else do you explain dye only giving bo 7 carries in our only loss of 1983?). i also think it's going to take a much longer drought to lay claim to a curse; however, the "curse of the bear" theory is as substantial as any curse of any billy goat.

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Known By suffers from the dreaded VD curse....  :(




You must be thinking what I'm thinking, moe!

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