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The Unbelievers


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A 2013 documentary which focuses on Dr. Richard Dawkins and theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss, and their lecture circuit on discussing the topic of non belief in God.

I wanted to like this movie more than I did. There was no narration, just mostly the 2 of them , in their own words, as cameras followed them around stops in Australia, London and Arizona.

While some really good points were made, it was clear neither, especially Dawkins , had any reservations about mocking and insulting the idea of and those who believed in religion.

Part of me gets it, and can see their point, but I think they do a bit of disservice to their message by being so adversarial. They aren't so openly hostile, say as Bill Maher is, but I guess there's no pleasing everyone.

One main reason I didn't care for this as much as I wanted was how political some parts of the video were. And because of that tone, I decided to post about it here, rather than 'All Things Considered ', which is where I think would be its natural home for such a discussion. Of course, a remark was made about the Religious Right, but nary a word about the Religious LEFT.

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They will believe at Judgement Day, but it will then be too late.

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They will believe at Judgement Day, but it will then be too late.


Zeus, Vishnu, Ra, ... which line will they get in ?

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