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Favorite Deer Gun!


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Winchester .270 light-weigth. Synthetic stock. Glass bedded. Tasco wideview 3-9 scope. Shooting 130 gr. Nosler ballistic tip.

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Chinese SKS 7.62MM Full Metal Jackets, 30-round banana clip :big:

Seriously, I have used my trusty ol' Winchester 30-30 lever action ever since I started hunting. Nothing fancy, still use the iron sights, but it is deadly accurate from a tree stand.

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Chinese SKS 7.62MM Full Metal Jackets, 30-round banana clip  :big:

Seriously, I have used my trusty ol' Winchester 30-30 lever action ever since I started hunting. Nothing fancy, still use the iron sights, but it is deadly accurate from a tree stand.


Although this post was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, You can use an SKS but not with FMJ. Extract the FMJ and replace with a lead hunting bullet and the SKS is just as accurate and deadly as a 30-30. Many deer have been taken with an SKS. And if you get a nice sporterized aftermarket stock, it looks and fits better. I even have a scope on mine. You do not, however, need the full ten rounds available......

Unles A LOT of deer run out at once. :rolleyes:;)

Do you ever get to hunt overseas?

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Chinese SKS 7.62MM Full Metal Jackets, 30-round banana clip  :big:

Seriously, I have used my trusty ol' Winchester 30-30 lever action ever since I started hunting. Nothing fancy, still use the iron sights, but it is deadly accurate from a tree stand.


Although this post was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, You can use an SKS but not with FMJ. Extract the FMJ and replace with a lead hunting bullet and the SKS is just as accurate and deadly as a 30-30. Many deer have been taken with an SKS. And if you get a nice sporterized aftermarket stock, it looks and fits better. I even have a scope on mine. You do not, however, need the full ten rounds available......

Unles A LOT of deer run out at once. :rolleyes:;)

Do you ever get to hunt overseas?


No, hunting over here in Europe is pretty difficult in a legal sense and it costs a fortune to register a gun and get hunting permits. Most of the hunts they have down here in southern Europe are guided tours, where the hunting organization runs the animals in front of your stand. Pretty much a slaughter. There's not much sport in it here at all. The meat gets donated to orphanages and you have to cough up between $700-$1000 to hunt.

I try and get back home once a year during deer season. My uncle and I own a hunting cabin up in the U.P of Michigan (near Munising) and we usually go up for about a week.

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8MM German Muaeser.

(My Grandfather gave it to me when I was 9 yrs. old. He "assumed" control of it in WWI) :D

Poor Deer. They wouldn't stand a chance. I have not gone hunting since I was 14 yrs old. The gun is in great shape and I will never part with it. My Grandfather passed away when I was 10 yrs old.

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