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Arizona GOP Hands Voter Ballots over to a small, obscure Florida Company with no prior election Experience to Audit ballots in attempt to prove fraud. *Company's CEO happens to be Trump Fan that believes Election was stolen*


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How anyone can continue to take todays GOP seriously in any capacity is beyond me. The State of Arizona audited the Maricopa Conuty election results multiple times in multiple ways and declared there was no irregularities or fraud found, but that's not good enough apparently. In the GOP's continuingly desperate attempts to prove that Donald Trump was robbed of a  2nd term as President, the Arizona GOP successfully got the courts to allow them control over voters original ballots, which they promptly handed over to a little known Florida company called "Cyber Ninjas", who nobody has ever heard of, and has a website that looks like it was created by a teenager in a day on wordpress. 

The Company's website doesn't have any reference to working with or auditing elections in the past, and no election officials or candidates in Florida can claim to have ever heard of the company or seen them involved in Florida elections in the past.    

So this company is now handed American's ballots for them to look over and "Audit" for fraud. The kicker is that the company's CEO is a Trump supporting conspiracy nutter himself who propagated voter fraud conspiracies on his twitter before he deleted his account when people started actually reading what he was posting. Why didn't the Arizona GOP just hire Donald Trump himself to audit the ballots? I mean seriously, it's all so idiotic that it's unbelievable. 

Thankfully, Democrats and privacy advocate groups sued to force Cyber Ninja's to provide documentation and proof on their auditing procedures and how the ballots will be handled and kept secure. Cyber Ninja's countered that those are trade secrets and requested the courts allow them to keep all documents and everything regarding the counting private and unviewable by the press or public, which the court just denied earlier today, so at least the company has to provide some form of transparency while they waste taxpayer money on another AZ Republican led goosechase to sooth the fears of their smooth-brained supporters. 

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Gee, I wonder what the outcome is gonna be on this one? (He said to no one particular.)

So, when they comeback and tell us that there was "fraud," anyone want to place over/under how many tens of people will GAD?

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8 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

Sounds like someone is worried.

Do tell...


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1 hour ago, jj3jordan said:

Why try so hard to stop an audit paid for by Republicans that will discover nothing?  Unless..there is something to discover?

Why try so hard to stop an audit paid for by Republicans that will put forth a narrative that is false and misleading and be used to spread a bogus, conspiratorial view of reality? Why? Because we should, and can.

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1 hour ago, DKW 86 said:

Why try so hard to stop an audit paid for by Republicans that will put forth a narrative that is false and misleading and be used to spread a bogus, conspiratorial view of reality? Why? Because we should, and can.

Completing the audit would put an end to the bogus, conspiratorial view of reality would it not?

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7 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

Completing the audit would put an end to the bogus, conspiratorial view of reality would it not?

Perhaps. If legitimately conducted by fully independent sources with no credibility issues.

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11 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

Completing the audit would put an end to the bogus, conspiratorial view of reality would it not?

Really?  Was this a question? 

Hell no. The org doing the audit is already tainted. That is the whole point. 

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43 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

Really?  Was this a question? 

Hell no. The org doing the audit is already tainted. That is the whole point. 

Ah. Well done. Attack the audit as tainted in case they uncover subterfuge.  But if there is nothing there, even a bunch of motivated miscreants won’t be able to find anything.

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5 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

Ah. Well done. Attack the audit as tainted in case they uncover subterfuge.  But if there is nothing there, even a bunch of motivated miscreants won’t be able to find anything.

That doesnt mean they want say there is in fact stuff there even if they dont find it.

IE: Steele Dossier...Or havent you heard about that? It was in all the papers for four years, including three years after the FBI knew they could not verify one word of it.


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6 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

That doesnt mean they want say there is in fact stuff there even if they dont find it.

IE: Steele Dossier...Or havent you heard about that? It was in all the papers for four years, including three years after the FBI knew they could not verify one word of it.


There is a big difference between an audit of voting in Arizona and the Steele Dossier namely the media was balls to the wall in favor of the misinformation being passed around.  The media has no interest in this audit and, if that audit found anything, still won’t publish the information.  They have already hedged their bet with the company doing the audit.

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7 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

That doesnt mean they want say there is in fact stuff there even if they dont find it.

IE: Steele Dossier...Or havent you heard about that? It was in all the papers for four years, including three years after the FBI knew they could not verify one word of it.


So yes I know about the Steel dossier all made up fake paid for by Hillary and used to obtain FISA warrants perpetrated and advanced by the Democrat party and the media.  So are you implying that the Republican Party of Arizona would perpetrate a fake finding and try to get the media to push it? Nobody is perfect but I don’t believe republicans would attempt to do that unless there was something substantive and prove able to report.

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26 minutes ago, jj3jordan said:

So yes I know about the Steel dossier all made up fake paid for by Hillary and used to obtain FISA warrants perpetrated and advanced by the Democrat party and the media.  So are you implying that the Republican Party of Arizona would perpetrate a fake finding and try to get the media to push it? Nobody is perfect but I don’t believe republicans would attempt to do that unless there was something substantive and prove able to report.


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1 hour ago, DKW 86 said:


Thats where we differ. The only party pushing fake agendas, investigations and narratives are the democrats. Republicans know that would be fruitless.

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15 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

Thats where we differ. The only party pushing fake agendas, investigations and narratives are the democrats. Republicans know that would be fruitless.

You people that dream there is a difference in the parties just dont get it. They have been at war for so long they basically have the same set of tools and the same set of coaches etc. They use the same pollsters. They both use focus groups. They often use retread advisors from the other party. If it wins, it wins. If you can get rich putting people into office, you will get both sides there giving you money. The tactics used by either party are the same. 

If you need to some data to make a piece of legislation SEEM legit, you incorporate an aptly named group. "The Group to Insure American Smoker's Rights." They pay people to do "research that smoking is not that bad for you." They may also take money and actually donate to another aptly named group that may be completely bogus as well. "The Clean Lung Advocacy Group" that is actually just a bunch of shills run by the Tobacco Lobby. They may also run or co-own a charity certification group that will be paid to name these two charities as legit, even though they arent. Now, run these processes for about 50 years and see how incestuous and corrupt the whole system can get. 

What you will get is something akin to NOW vociferously defending WJC from other women with legit harassment charges etc. Now Rinse and Repeat ad infinitum. What we have in DC is two sides that are EXTREMELY well funded, maybe because they have also taken on work from the US Govt to research something or monitor something AND doing the bidding of the Tobacco Lobby etc.

It is asked, "If smoking is actually so bad for America, why dont they just outlaw it?" For one, tobacco is taxed heavily and the pols would just rather have the revenue. Screw the people. Why cant the Drs and Insurance companies get it outlawed? The tobacco money is funding other research that might not get ample donations. It is pretty much a scam. 

Look: One of the most profitable boondoggles in America is the Defense Industry. We have been "fighting" and dropping bombs on brown people for decades now. Why? It means Pols on the Raytheon Payroll get wealthy. General Dynamics and other companies sell us planes we do not need to kill enemies we havent seen in decades. The MIC is today more active and more powerful than ever, just as Eisenhower predicted. In order for them to get wealthy, THEY NEED WARS. So instead of taking the time to negotiate and use peaceful means, the US goes off half cocked and unilaterally declares a war on some brown skinned people on the other side of the world dropping an average of 26K Raytheon bombs a year instead of taking the time to let the peace process work. They get Robert Mueller and the FBI to convince the US and the World that there are WMD in the ME when we know now there were none. We spend $TNs on a war with no end in sight and help take out a President that had announced an end to the war and set a date to start to withdraw. (likely one of the very few things history will be kind to DJT for)

May be an image of text that says 'REPUBLICANS DEMOCRATS BLACK EMS MATTER'

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18 hours ago, jj3jordan said:

Thats where we differ. The only party pushing fake agendas, investigations and narratives are the democrats. Republicans know that would be fruitless.

This is literally the definition of a fruitless, fake investigation. The Arizona GOP is hiring an inexperienced pro-Trump/pro-fraud company to perform an "audit' that regardless of findings can't change anything about the elections or the official counts. These same ballots and elections have already been audited and recounted by Arizona several times at the demands of the GOP with no findings of fraud or irregularities.

The Republicans just keep throwing hail mary passes down the field, but there's already 0:00 on the clock, everyone has gone home, and they lost by more than 10 points anyway. 






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7 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

You people that dream there is a difference in the parties just dont get it. They have been at war for so long they basically have the same set of tools and the same set of coaches etc. They use the same pollsters. They both use focus groups. They often use retread advisors from the other party. If it wins, it wins. If you can get rich putting people into office, you will get both sides there giving you money. The tactics used by either party are the same. 

If you need to some data to make a piece of legislation SEEM legit, you incorporate an aptly named group. "The Group to Insure American Smoker's Rights." They pay people to do "research that smoking is not that bad for you." They may also take money and actually donate to another aptly named group that may be completely bogus as well. "The Clean Lung Advocacy Group" that is actually just a bunch of shills run by the Tobacco Lobby. They may also run or co-own a charity certification group that will be paid to name these two charities as legit, even though they arent. Now, run these processes for about 50 years and see how incestuous and corrupt the whole system can get. 

What you will get is something akin to NOW vociferously defending WJC from other women with legit harassment charges etc. Now Rinse and Repeat ad infinitum. What we have in DC is two sides that are EXTREMELY well funded, maybe because they have also taken on work from the US Govt to research something or monitor something AND doing the bidding of the Tobacco Lobby etc.

It is asked, "If smoking is actually so bad for America, why dont they just outlaw it?" For one, tobacco is taxed heavily and the pols would just rather have the revenue. Screw the people. Why cant the Drs and Insurance companies get it outlawed? The tobacco money is funding other research that might not get ample donations. It is pretty much a scam. 

Look: One of the most profitable boondoggles in America is the Defense Industry. We have been "fighting" and dropping bombs on brown people for decades now. Why? It means Pols on the Raytheon Payroll get wealthy. General Dynamics and other companies sell us planes we do not need to kill enemies we havent seen in decades. The MIC is today more active and more powerful than ever, just as Eisenhower predicted. In order for them to get wealthy, THEY NEED WARS. So instead of taking the time to negotiate and use peaceful means, the US goes off half cocked and unilaterally declares a war on some brown skinned people on the other side of the world dropping an average of 26K Raytheon bombs a year instead of taking the time to let the peace process work. They get Robert Mueller and the FBI to convince the US and the World that there are WMD in the ME when we know now there were none. We spend $TNs on a war with no end in sight and help take out a President that had announced an end to the war and set a date to start to withdraw. (likely one of the very few things history will be kind to DJT for)

May be an image of text that says 'REPUBLICANS DEMOCRATS BLACK EMS MATTER'

Sad but true.

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On 5/2/2021 at 2:24 PM, jj3jordan said:

Thats where we differ. The only party pushing fake agendas, investigations and narratives are the democrats. Republicans know that would be fruitless.


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On 5/3/2021 at 9:13 AM, CoffeeTiger said:

This is literally the definition of a fruitless, fake investigation. The Arizona GOP is hiring an inexperienced pro-Trump/pro-fraud company to perform an "audit' that regardless of findings can't change anything about the elections or the official counts. These same ballots and elections have already been audited and recounted by Arizona several times at the demands of the GOP with no findings of fraud or irregularities.

The Republicans just keep throwing hail mary passes down the field, but there's already 0:00 on the clock, everyone has gone home, and they lost by more than 10 points anyway. 






Almost like using pro Hillary/fake dossier Trump hating lawyers and fbi agents to create and investigate whether Trump told the Russians to buy $150k worth of Facebook ads to throw the 2016 election his way. Totally legit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And did yall know that those Wascally Dems had actually infiltrated and committed fraud in (DUH DUH DUH) MARICOPA F'IN COUNTY AZ?

That's right, the company that was tasked to find fraud actually did find fraud in the MOST RED MAGA COUNTY IN AMERICA. 

I mean who could've seen that coming?


Missing data, subpoena noncompliance bring Arizona election audit to a boil

The head of the Arizona Senate confirmed this week that an audit of the Maricopa County election in November has identified significant irregularities as well as missing data, with the county itself also being warned of its ongoing noncompliance with the Senate's audit subpoenas.

The dispute is likely to boil over in public next week when county election officials have been asked to testify before a Senate hearing to address the legislature's concerns. 

State Senate President Karen Fann said in a Wednesday letter to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors that the Senate was seeking resolution to three "serious issues that have arisen in the course of the Senate’s ongoing audit of the returns of the November 3, 2020 general election in Maricopa County."

Among those are the county's continued non-compliance with the subpoena issued by the state Senate in pursuit of the audit. Maricopa County has refused to hand over numerous routers covered by that subpoena, citing security concerns for both local and federal law enforcement. 

The county has claimed that the routers are used for multiple public departments outside of election management, and that allowing auditors access to the hardware could endanger the security of various classified materials. 

Fann in the letter proposed that contractors hired by the Senate's audit team "review virtual images of the relevant routers in Maricopa County facilities and in the presence of representatives of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office."

Fann also called attention to what she said were "apparent omissions, inconsistencies, and anomalies relating to Maricopa County's handling, organization, and storage of ballots" revealed by the audit thus far, including a lack of chain-of-custody documentation as well as "a significant number of instances in which there is a disparity between the actual number of ballots contained in a batch and the total denoted on the pink report slip accompanying the batch."

The senator also warned of what appears to be the deletion of an entire database from a county election machine. Data from the machine "suggests that the main database for all election related data for the November 2020 General Election has been removed" from it. 

Fann in the letter invted Maricopa County officials to a state Senate hearing on Tuesday, May 18 to resolve the issues. 

"I am hopeful that we can constructively resolve these issues and questions without recourse to additional subpoenas or other compulsory process," she wrote.

The event will be "live-streamed to the public," she added.

On Thursday, meanwhile, former President Donald Trump called the letter "devastating."

"The Fake News and Lamestream Media is doing everything they can not to cover this major story," Trump wrote on his website. "They just refuse to talk or report about it."

The Arizona audit has faced numerous hurdles since the 2020 election, with Democrats and county officials struggling to block Republican attempts to investigate the election results, including a massive hand recount of 2.1 million ballots. A judge in February ruled that the subpoenas issued by the state Senate were valid, clearing the way for the Senate to acquire voluminous documentation from the county minus the routers the county is currently withholding.

The Arizona Secretary of State's office, meanwhile, has criticized the Senate's handling of the audit, claiming that the digital securities firm Cyber Ninjas hired by the Senate may not be following proper security protocols in conducting the audit.

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Just as expected, they aren't finding jack so are now going to complain that they can't 'really' do a full audit because the  county wont rip out all the government routers and computers in the entire county for a private company to examine and tinker with to see if a Dominion employee used an Italian space satellite to hack the machines during the election. 


The auditors are also reportedly holding ballots up to a light to see if they are made of "bamboo" paper which would mean the ballots came from China or whatever.  The entire thing is a clown show 



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