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Benefit for 15 Year old AU Fan with MD

DKW 86

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On this board, I have the absolute honor of being a 'host' to a great bunch of people.

When Jim Fyffe died, the mods passed the hat and made a donation to the ADA.

When Jay Lisby passed away, the co-owner administrator for BamaMag, the mods took up money and gave to the ACS at the request of the BamaMag Staff.

We are a giving group here. Please read this article from the HSV Times. I am asking you to make a donation for this 15 year old kid with MD. He is a lifelong :au: fan. If you want to send a donation here I will make sure it gets to his family thru the HPD or you can send it to:

Deke Miller Benefit Fund

SouthTrust Bank

2525 North Memorial Parkway

Huntsville, AL 35810

On the frontpage of this site we proclaim that it is for the entire :au: family. Today, I want to start to show just how much we are a part of the :au: Family. We are not fair weather fans. We are a part of a huge, caring, loving FAMILY.

Ms Stewart, his primary caregiver, has to transport him in a 1991 CAMARO. That means he has to be lifted in and out of the car, rain or shine and he does not get to use his electric chair anywhere but at home. They are trying to raise money for a wheelchair lift van.

Link to HSV Article

It didn't take long seeing him around and talking to him that the neighbors began to "fall in love" with Deke, she said.

Watching Stewart, barely 5 feet tall, (his 70 year old Grandmother) lift Deke into and out of his wheelchair to and from her Camaro every day has been "heartbreaking" for neighbors.

Deke races to the car in his motorized chair. Stewart lifts him up, out and then into the car. She takes the motorized chair back inside. A folding wheelchair stays in the car.

"She does it all with a smile and never complains," Caldwell said.

Stewart said God's strength helps her.

"When I see some of the other children with this, I know we're lucky to have him this long in this good of shape," Stewart said. Deke sees six doctors for treatment. His expenses are covered by Medicaid, but it has its limits.

Stewart can't afford a van with a wheelchair lift. She's doing the best she can with what she has, the car her late husband gave her for their 35th wedding anniversary. She manages because the car is low to the ground so she doesn't have to lift him up onto a seat, just over and down.

The struggle of transporting Deke is what prompted the planning of this weekend's benefit for the boy by neighbors Caldwell and Shelia Stacy, along with Doug Hemphill, a community relations officer with the Huntsville Police Department.

They got area musicians to donate their talent. Joe Davis Stadium officials are donating use of the stadium.

Deke doesn't fully understand what it's all about. But he gets that it's something special for him.

"I'm ready," he said. Stewart said they attend most Stars games, unless it's raining. Deke loves going to the stadium.

Just thinking about all their friends have done to make Saturday night's benefit happen is a little overwhelming for Stewart and Deke.

For Deke, it's simple. He'd like to get a van so he can go everywhere in his motorized wheelchair.

Stewart admits it would be easier. Especially during bad weather.

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DKW if you have it available, please post information for making a contribution for Deke. I believe if all the AU people on this board would give something we could together make a big difference. We could be like the 2004 team coming arm in arm on the field before the ballgames. Nothing is too small. One match stick is easily broken, but many wrapped together are hard to break.


It is added now...

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i have already sent a check and i know that i can count of my little brother,badhand, to do the same....lets do this as a family because he is one of our own....i sent the article to coach tubs

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DWK, thanks for adding the address ... my check and letter to Deke are on the way. I-T-S G-R-E-A-T T-O B-E A-N A-U-B-U-R-N T-I-G-E-R!!!


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A drop of rain is like the begining.............swelling a seed to sprout and grow into the sun.

WE ARE AUBURN!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I believe that this is a practical world and that I can count only on what I earn. Therefore, I believe in work, hard work.

I believe in education, which gives me the knowledge to work wisely and trains my mind and my hands to work skillfully.

I believe in honesty and truthfulness, without which I cannot win the respect and confidence of my fellow men.

I believe in a sound mind, in a sound body and a spirit that is not afraid, and in clean sports to develop these qualities.

I believe in obedience to law because it protects the rights of all.

I believe in the human touch, which cultivates sympathy with my fellow men and mutual helpfulness and brings happiness for all.

I believe in my Country, because it is a land of freedom and because it is my own home, and that I can best serve that country by "doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with my God."

And because Auburn men and women believe in these things, I believe in Auburn and love it. -George Petrie

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