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When ignoring biological sex and prioritizing gender identity goes wrong


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On 4/18/2022 at 7:27 AM, aubiefifty said:

see i disagree. now one of you is gonna tell me when a grade school kid is raped and murdered it is gods will when it is nothing more than pure evil and yet people continue to lay that one at gods feet. you think telling a parent that lost his child in such a horrific way makes anyone feel better? do you really want to tell folks god is killing their children but he works in mysterious ways? that it is all part of the plan? i do not buy that and i never will. also 9377 i meant to quote 78 and i have not even had my first cup of coffee. we need to quit acting like god because it hurts him and it hurts religion. these people turn to godly folk for help and are told it is ok god did it for a reason? get real. you end up hurting the cause with statements like that. for years i turned away from the bible because people justified parts of it to say slavery is ok and it is in the bible. people tend to belittle and or hurt people that need more love. instead of some of you throwing folks under the bus why not go wash their feet? some of you think gays are unnatural and unclean. jesus washed feet for a point and many miss it when the point becomes important. and some christians want to send gays to camp to brainwash them into being something they are not. so now go ahead and throw me under the bus because of my beliefs but all you will do is make me dig in harder to what i believe. but some of you have in my humble opinion some ugliness in your hearts. and trust me i used to be just like many of you. i did not care for gays and belittled them regularly. in the nineties i found out a band i was in had two gay members and they hid it. they did not act feminine or any of that. they were good people. they were intelligent and caring people. what i found out was i was the monster. me. all because to my tastes i would never take a male lover. i am sure this take will not be positive here and i probably made more enemies but i have to stand true to what i believe in. especially when it comes to right and wrong.

You make some great points.

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Here is a passage from Kyle Whitmire’s column that gets to the heart of the matter:

These lawmakers — and let’s be clear, we’re talking about the Republicans — have little regard for the kids they want to legislate back into the closet. Heck, they don’t give a rip for their queer colleagues in the Legislature.

When Neil Rafferty, D-Birmingham, tried to ask Allen questions about his bill, Allen stubbornly refused to answer.

“It’s your 10 minutes,” Allen repeated every time Rafferty asked him a question.

Allen’s contempt for Rafferty, the only openly gay Alabama lawmaker, was clear.

Rafferty turned his attention to the rest of the chamber and pleaded with them to kill the bill.

“It’s hard enough growing up being different,” Rafferty said. “It’s even harder growing up being different and then have a state legislature — your elected officials, the leaders of this state — put a target on children’s backs.”

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Around 80% of pre-pubescent children who express gender dysphoria end up later deciding they are not trans after all.  About 60% or so of those end up identifying as gay or lesbian, which could suggest that their dysphoria was more about internalized conflict with their sexual orientation than anything to do with gender.

No matter what anyone says, no we don't have a good idea of what long term use of puberty blockers will do in terms of permanent and irreversible changes to a person should they choose to remain their birth sex.  We know a few things - such as keeping a child on them into puberty until they are old enough to choose gender reassignment surgery creates complications.  For instance, the blockers result in stunted genital development in males.  The end result being that if they choose to continue as trans and want a vaginoplasty, there isn't enough penile tissue to work with to properly make a vagina for them.  So they may never be able to experience orgasm or in some cases any real sexual sensation at all post op.  And the kind of vaginoplasty that they have to perform when they don't have enough tissue is a high risk surgical procedure on top of that.  And this stunted genital development presents other obvious problems if the individual later decides they are not trans and comes off the drugs.

There's also the risk of sterility, bone weakening and other things - long term permanent problems, all based on the feelings expressed by a child that has an 8 in 10 chance of having the feelings not persist.

What families choose to do in their homes and friend groups and such is one thing - affirming gender fluidity/preferences, letting the child dress as their chosen gender, change their name and pronouns, etc.  But allowing medical treatments like this given what we know and don't know is beyond unwise.

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