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Anybody really good at Access?


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I need help with a few things:

I am trying to devise an Access database that tracks our product loss/gain on barge movements up and down the west coast. I have been able to create a Table which collects the relevant data (barge name, date, tank gauge, barge gauge, etc) - as well as a form in which our product schedulers can enter the data.

1) I need to enter forumlas on a table which will tell me if our loss our gain on the movement is within tolerance. If this was in Excel, I would have no issues - I would just type in something like =(F1-G1)/F1 to get the percentage difference - but I can't do that in Access.

2) I need to create some form of button on my form that prints the form, and one that emails the form

3) When entering data via the form, how do I make it that when somone opens the form to enter new data, the form is blank, ready for a new record vs. at the 1st record?


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Chuck, I went to an Excel class not long ago. If want to use any type of formulas in that database/spreadsheet USE Excel, DO NOT use Access. It can't do it. Excel is for use with spreadsheet calcualtions. Access is purely a database to store and sort information.

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Enter your info into an excel spreadsheet that will always reside in the same directory with the same name.

In Access, create an automated process that imports the data from the spreadsheet, saves the info, prints and emails the data.

If you want the automated process to run every night, create a .bat file that launches the access process and download some freeware from cnet that will kick off the .bat file every night.

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I know a guy in Houston that could knock that out for you in short order but he'll want to get paid. E-mail me if you want his contact information.

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I need to use access because I want multiple people to be able to enter data by use of a common form - I can't do that with Excel.

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Chuck, if you have a database format in mind, VBA (ie Visual Basic for Applications... macros) are the way to do this. PM me if you need help......

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1) Set up a query based off a form. I'm guessing there are date ranges or something which you need to define to pull the data. Just setup a query with the date ranges established then put an expression value with the formula in another parameter.

If multiple date rage do a make table query and sum them fields into a new table then create another query and create an expression to evaluate.



2) Research sendobject function in VBA - easily done, run through wizard to print

3) Docmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, Form1,acNewRec in VBA

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Not to start a flame war or anything, but I'd would've done it with php & mysql and threw it on the company intranet. :big:

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Try this site for help.

Mr. Excel

We're using Access now as a temporary system until we get a package software. We manage and track production capacity for or off shore factories. This includes importing data from our order entry system and internal order system. We're expanding into materials mangement for these same factories. Access can be effective, but it will still be avery manual process compared to a software program that is designed for your specifc purpose.

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