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Respect for Marriage Act passes with Bi-partisan support.


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On 1/1/2023 at 10:56 AM, icanthearyou said:

Are we so weak that we must have someone to look down upon in order to feel good about who we are?

ichy, you are sssooo close to a break thru here man...

Let me reframe the question you asked: 

Are we so weak that we must have some POLITICAL IDEA/PARTY to look down upon in order to feel good about who we are?

Anyone that wants the nation to:

1) Heal
2) Get along
3) Work together

Needs to see that the poison and venom also comes out of our mouths too.

Romney, the now Sane Republican was demonized back in 2012. Now the people that lied about him and smeared him now wonder why he wont crawl over to their side and kiss their asses. This does go both ways. Goebbels talked incessantly about  demonizing your enemies. Well, both parties do it with venom and vengeance in 21st Century America.

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14 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

ichy, you are sssooo close to a break thru here man...

Let me reframe the question you asked: 

Are we so weak that we must have some POLITICAL IDEA/PARTY to look down upon in order to feel good about who we are?

Anyone that wants the nation to:

1) Heal
2) Get along
3) Work together

Needs to see that the poison and venom also comes out of our mouths too.

Romney, the now Sane Republican was demonized back in 2012. Now the people that lied about him and smeared him now wonder why he wont crawl over to their side and kiss their asses. This does go both ways. Goebbels talked incessantly about  demonizing your enemies. Well, both parties do it with venom and vengeance in 21st Century America.

I think Trump's presidency exponentially ramped up the venom and vengeance of people on both sides that normally wouldn't care about politics

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4 minutes ago, Didba said:

I think Trump's presidency exponentially ramped up the venom and vengeance of people on both sides that normally wouldn't care about politics

As it should have.

At least to the people who value our democracy.

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13 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

ichy, you are sssooo close to a break thru here man...

Let me reframe the question you asked: 

Are we so weak that we must have some POLITICAL IDEA/PARTY to look down upon in order to feel good about who we are?

Anyone that wants the nation to:

1) Heal
2) Get along
3) Work together

Needs to see that the poison and venom also comes out of our mouths too.

Romney, the now Sane Republican was demonized back in 2012. Now the people that lied about him and smeared him now wonder why he wont crawl over to their side and kiss their asses. This does go both ways. Goebbels talked incessantly about  demonizing your enemies. Well, both parties do it with venom and vengeance in 21st Century America.

Respectfully disagree.  I don't remember Romney ever being "demonized".  Yes, Obama ridiculed him over foreign policy.  And, Romney was ridiculed over his, "can't help half of America" statement (rightfully so).  Historically, Reagan and Thatcher set something in motion that the Republican Party has yet to address and correct.  They, the Neo-liberals have been more destructive than anyone since perhaps Woodrow Wilson.

The only commonality between the parties is,,, they both take money from Wall St., the old eastern establishment.  Yes, there is a lot of meaning in that statement.  Remember the words of Douglass MacAthur to Richard Nixon.

Partisan politics, identity by ideology, is not going to solve our problems.  Real politics, the semi-civilized class warfare between the capital class and, the masses, has the possibility of succeeding. 

The politicians will not lead us to a better place.  The electorate will have to grow up, renounce ideology and, work toward the restoration of the government of the people by removing money from politics/government.  We cannot have democracy and capitalism in an environment in which the government is for sale.

For the past five decades, only one party has been willing to push for legislation that somewhat "levels the playing field". 

We all need to stop considering politics, ourselves, as conservative or liberal, Democrat or Republican.  We have been trained to think in a very binary manner and, that is just not intelligent. 

We need to be considering real policy issues that will reform government.  Our society will continue to decay unless we stop wealth from buying the government, unless we end concentrating power and wealth.  99.9% of all of us would be better off if, we stopped allowing .1% of the nation to make all of the rules. 

Our problem is not government.  Our problems are about losing the "government of the people".  The people are going to have to solve this problem by unifying and demanding:

End to paid lobbying.

End to all graft (financial, future employment, even token gestures)

Term limits

End regressive taxation, restore progressive taxation

End all foreign and dark money from politics, end all forms of unlimited contributions

IMHO, nothing changes as long as the American electorate continues to play the game as we have been trained.  Nothing changes until we restore some integrity to the system.

We have spent the last 50+ years worshiping at the alter of "free market" capitalism.  We are left will little more than a corrupt, heavily indebted government, extreme inequality (more for them, less for you and me).  Democracy and capitalism can't take much more.  WE THE PEOPLE must restore integrity, fairness, equality.  WE THE PEOPLE need to stop trying to destroy government and,,, take our government back from the capital class.

Ideology/partisanship is the darkness.  Fundamental principles and a sense of humanity are the light.

Justice, happiness, equality, opportunity are for all, not just those who can afford them.  Everything, particularly government, should not be monetized.

We need to grow up and realize that a very small group of people have taken over this country and,,, they need to be stopped.  We cannot stop them as long as we allow their narratives, their training, to influence how we think, how we vote.  The capital class has masterfully gamed the system.  They masterfully play us.  They have the wealth and power to prove it.

Make no mistake though.  I do not want to see the capital class destroyed, only their influence on government.  I am not all for society, against all who represent capital.  I believe in balance, the balance between the concerns/needs of society, the concerns/needs of capital.  IMHO, that is what good government does, it balances the interests of the two real political concerns.

Remember, WE are the ones who believe in capitalism.  The capitalist do not want capitalism, their goal is monopoly, absolute control.  They are almost there. 

Sadly, if we do not clean up our own house, the world may do it for us, not through war but rather, through the rejection of our financial systems and, through the rejection of our currency as the only game in town.

WE are allowing the greed of ~400 people to destroy our country.  Our only hope is to restore the "Government of the People".

Reagan was wrong.  Government is not the enemy, not the problem.  The problem lies in government not being the "Government of the People".  At that moment, our government loses it's ability to be the best form of government to ever be conceived of.  At that moment, our government becomes just like every other government, the powerful dictating to the powerless, the powerful carefully manipulating the powerless.

Restore the government of the people, restore democracy, restore capitalism.  Restore the balance.  That is the answer.

I will vote for a Republican, Democrat, Greenie, Independent,,, anyone who shares this fundamental idea.  At the moment, there are just far more democrats who will even talk about the real issue. 

Even you have to admit that,,, even though you despise them, on most fundamental issues (not the BS cultural stuff), you support Democratic policies.

The bomb throwing ideologues have never helped this country.  They have always been self serving.  We have to stop feeding these corrupt trolls and return to independent critical thinking.





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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

At least to the people who value our democracy.

Well, he ultimately served the capital class so,,, democracy, capitalism, fundamental right and wrong were never a concern.

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On 1/5/2023 at 10:25 AM, Didba said:

I think Trump's presidency exponentially ramped up the venom and vengeance of people on both sides that normally wouldn't care about politics

Nah. it was well underway before that. It only raised it a level more. Demonizing the other side is all the fools in the parties know how to do.

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On 1/5/2023 at 11:42 AM, icanthearyou said:

Respectfully disagree.  I don't remember Romney ever being "demonized".  Yes, Obama ridiculed him over foreign policy.  And, Romney was ridiculed over his, "can't help half of America" statement (rightfully so).  Historically, Reagan and Thatcher set something in motion that the Republican Party has yet to address and correct.  They, the Neo-liberals have been more destructive than anyone since perhaps Woodrow Wilson.

The only commonality between the parties is,,, they both take money from Wall St., the old eastern establishment.  Yes, there is a lot of meaning in that statement.  Remember the words of Douglass MacAthur to Richard Nixon.

Partisan politics, identity by ideology, is not going to solve our problems.  Real politics, the semi-civilized class warfare between the capital class and, the masses, has the possibility of succeeding. 

The politicians will not lead us to a better place.  The electorate will have to grow up, renounce ideology and, work toward the restoration of the government of the people by removing money from politics/government.  We cannot have democracy and capitalism in an environment in which the government is for sale.

For the past five decades, only one party has been willing to push for legislation that somewhat "levels the playing field". 

We all need to stop considering politics, ourselves, as conservative or liberal, Democrat or Republican.  We have been trained to think in a very binary manner and, that is just not intelligent. 

We need to be considering real policy issues that will reform government.  Our society will continue to decay unless we stop wealth from buying the government, unless we end concentrating power and wealth.  99.9% of all of us would be better off if, we stopped allowing .1% of the nation to make all of the rules. 

Our problem is not government.  Our problems are about losing the "government of the people".  The people are going to have to solve this problem by unifying and demanding:

End to paid lobbying.

End to all graft (financial, future employment, even token gestures)

Term limits

End regressive taxation, restore progressive taxation

End all foreign and dark money from politics, end all forms of unlimited contributions

IMHO, nothing changes as long as the American electorate continues to play the game as we have been trained.  Nothing changes until we restore some integrity to the system.

We have spent the last 50+ years worshiping at the alter of "free market" capitalism.  We are left will little more than a corrupt, heavily indebted government, extreme inequality (more for them, less for you and me).  Democracy and capitalism can't take much more.  WE THE PEOPLE must restore integrity, fairness, equality.  WE THE PEOPLE need to stop trying to destroy government and,,, take our government back from the capital class.

Ideology/partisanship is the darkness.  Fundamental principles and a sense of humanity are the light.

Justice, happiness, equality, opportunity are for all, not just those who can afford them.  Everything, particularly government, should not be monetized.

We need to grow up and realize that a very small group of people have taken over this country and,,, they need to be stopped.  We cannot stop them as long as we allow their narratives, their training, to influence how we think, how we vote.  The capital class has masterfully gamed the system.  They masterfully play us.  They have the wealth and power to prove it.

Make no mistake though.  I do not want to see the capital class destroyed, only their influence on government.  I am not all for society, against all who represent capital.  I believe in balance, the balance between the concerns/needs of society, the concerns/needs of capital.  IMHO, that is what good government does, it balances the interests of the two real political concerns.

Remember, WE are the ones who believe in capitalism.  The capitalist do not want capitalism, their goal is monopoly, absolute control.  They are almost there. 

Sadly, if we do not clean up our own house, the world may do it for us, not through war but rather, through the rejection of our financial systems and, through the rejection of our currency as the only game in town.

WE are allowing the greed of ~400 people to destroy our country.  Our only hope is to restore the "Government of the People".

Reagan was wrong.  Government is not the enemy, not the problem.  The problem lies in government not being the "Government of the People".  At that moment, our government loses it's ability to be the best form of government to ever be conceived of.  At that moment, our government becomes just like every other government, the powerful dictating to the powerless, the powerful carefully manipulating the powerless.

Restore the government of the people, restore democracy, restore capitalism.  Restore the balance.  That is the answer.

I will vote for a Republican, Democrat, Greenie, Independent,,, anyone who shares this fundamental idea.  At the moment, there are just far more democrats who will even talk about the real issue. 

Even you have to admit that,,, even though you despise them, on most fundamental issues (not the BS cultural stuff), you support Democratic policies.

The bomb throwing ideologues have never helped this country.  They have always been self serving.  We have to stop feeding these corrupt trolls and return to independent critical thinking.

And you do realize that you lost just about everyone on this board? I want exactly what you want. I do not see any chance, I mean ZERO CHANCE that either party will put down that lobbyist money crack pipe and do anything that benefits the real people of this nation. The Republicans? They are too busy listening to Fox and Hannity to even see the real issues. They still thank that a liveable wage is Socialism. The Dems? They TALK really nice but when push comes to shove, **** it. They dont care one wit more than the Republicans do. For the support in 2020, the Progs demanded a simple vote, that we know would go nowhere, but it would get the nation talking about a Meaningful Minimum Wage Increase. We couldnt even get a ******* vote. Not legislation, not anything that would have taken any debate time, nor committee work, or even any real political capital. Just a straight up or down vote. The American People did not get jack s***. THAT is how much the Dems care about the middleclass. We werent even worth the sweat off the crack of their collective asses.

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36 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

And you do realize that you lost just about everyone on this board? I want exactly what you want. I do not see any chance, I mean ZERO CHANCE that either party will put down that lobbyist money crack pipe and do anything that benefits the real people of this nation. The Republicans? They are too busy listening to Fox and Hannity to even see the real issues. They still thank that a liveable wage is Socialism. The Dems? They TALK really nice but when push comes to shove, **** it. They dont care one wit more than the Republicans do. For the support in 2020, the Progs demanded a simple vote, that we know would go nowhere, but it would get the nation talking about a Meaningful Minimum Wage Increase. We couldnt even get a ******* vote. Not legislation, not anything that would have taken any debate time, nor committee work, or even any real political capital. Just a straight up or down vote. The American People did not get jack s***. THAT is how much the Dems care about the middleclass. We werent even worth the sweat off the crack of their collective asses.

Disagree.  Democrats can only do what is politically feasible.  They have fought for healthcare for all.  They have not supported tax breaks for the wealthy.  They have attempted to improve infrastructure.  They have fought to maintain Social Security.   They have fought for collective bargaining. 

Think about where this country would be without them.  I share most of your progressive ideals.  Those ideals will not be furthered by condemning the only people who are even willing to listen, to discuss, to compromise.  There isn't even a seat at the table for progressive without the Democratic Party.

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14 hours ago, icanthearyou said:

Disagree.  Democrats can only do what is politically feasible.  They have fought for healthcare for all.  They have not supported tax breaks for the wealthy.  They have attempted to improve infrastructure.  They have fought to maintain Social Security.   They have fought for collective bargaining. 

Think about where this country would be without them.  I share most of your progressive ideals.  Those ideals will not be furthered by condemning the only people who are even willing to listen, to discuss, to compromise.  There isn't even a seat at the table for progressive without the Democratic Party.


The simple VOTE for a Minimum Wage Increase cost nothing. No political capital at all. I simple up down vote and we didnt even get a smell of that. This is a very important topic to me. I know and love people struggling to get by. I see it everyday. No money for car repairs, for housing improvements, for school for their kids, etc. And now we cant even have a ******* vote? These people dont matter to the Dems at all. It was just a vote and they could not even get that. 

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23 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

Nah. it was well underway before that. It only raised it a level more. Demonizing the other side is all the fools in the parties know how to do.

The nastiness really started up by the MSM and certain liberals attacking George W. Bush in his 2nd term.

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21 hours ago, PUB78 said:

The nastiness really started up by the MSM and certain liberals attacking George W. Bush in his 2nd term.

It was before then. Google Lee Atwater. That should end your free time for the day. 

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31 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

It was before then. Google Lee Atwater. That should end your free time for the day. 

Naw, that was just one individual. The MSM increased the whining substantially during Bush’s 2nd term along with the libbies

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On 1/9/2023 at 11:34 AM, PUB78 said:

Naw, that was just one individual. The MSM increased the whining substantially during Bush’s 2nd term along with the libbies

Atwater was THE prototype, the Model for others to follow.  What he didnt do in volume he made up for being the Johnny Appleseed of dirty tricks and smears and lies.

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30 minutes ago, PUB78 said:

The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise.

Keep it in church.

Edited by homersapien
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31 minutes ago, PUB78 said:


 Many left-leaning media figures and progressive politicians have tried to link the fall of Roe to an attack on democracy.


Yes, Because poll after poll after poll shows that a large majority of the population believes at least some access to abortion is needed and acceptable, while pro-birth Republicans are attempting total bans in almost half of America. whenever abortion comes up for a vote to the voting public on ballots, even in Conservative States, the pro-birthers lose more often than not. This is why Republicans fight like hell to keep abortion laws out of the voting booth, and try to implement their bans through legislative force that doesn't include the input of the public. That's undemocratic.

But for those who believe that the unborn child is fully human and worthy of life

 That's the rub isn't it. Is a fertilized egg or clump of cells 'fully human and worthy of life'? Most people believe that at least until several months of pregnancy goes by that it is not. The author tries to compare this to murder and rape. the Difference is that everyone in our normal functioning society no matter political, religious, or cultural beliefs agree that murder and rape are wrong and should be outlawed and punished. There is no wider argument about any of that like there is about abortion access. 

Again...the number of people who believe in total abortion bans are in a relatively small minority....but trying to compare their beliefs as being equivalent to opposing murder? silly argument. 

Today pro-life activists are urging public action on a robust pro-family policy agenda that buoys parents socially and economically at critical stages of life. 

Disagree. This is what pro-life groups want to believe about their movement, but Conservative states who were quick to implement abortion bans are FAAAARRRR from quickly implementing pro-family legislation like expanded Medicare through the ACA, parental leave laws, and daycare cost assistance. 

Conservative states controlled by pro-life legislation also have some of the western worlds worst parental assistance laws. America at large, no matter the state, is generally far behind other European nations in parental leave and assistance, yet we're the one nation trying to make abortion and parental planning harder and harder to access. 

Pro-life groups SAY they are championing pro-family and pro-mother causes, but the actual results and reality tell a far different story. 



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6 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:


 Many left-leaning media figures and progressive politicians have tried to link the fall of Roe to an attack on democracy.


Yes, Because poll after poll after poll shows that a large majority of the population believes at least some access to abortion is needed and acceptable, while pro-birth Republicans are attempting total bans in almost half of America. whenever abortion comes up for a vote to the voting public on ballots, even in Conservative States, the pro-birthers lose more often than not. This is why Republicans fight like hell to keep abortion laws out of the voting booth, and try to implement their bans through legislative force that doesn't include the input of the public. That's undemocratic.

But for those who believe that the unborn child is fully human and worthy of life

 That's the rub isn't it. Is a fertilized egg or clump of cells 'fully human and worthy of life'? Most people believe that at least until several months of pregnancy goes by that it is not. The author tries to compare this to murder and rape. the Difference is that everyone in our normal functioning society no matter political, religious, or cultural beliefs agree that murder and rape are wrong and should be outlawed and punished. There is no wider argument about any of that like there is about abortion access. 

Again...the number of people who believe in total abortion bans are in a relatively small minority....but trying to compare their beliefs as being equivalent to opposing murder? silly argument. 

Today pro-life activists are urging public action on a robust pro-family policy agenda that buoys parents socially and economically at critical stages of life. 

Disagree. This is what pro-life groups want to believe about their movement, but Conservative states who were quick to implement abortion bans are FAAAARRRR from quickly implementing pro-family legislation like expanded Medicare through the ACA, parental leave laws, and daycare cost ad distance. 

Conservative states controlled by pro-life legislation also have some of the western worlds worst parental assistance laws. America at large is far behind other European nations in parental leave and assistance, yet we're the one nation trying to make abortion and parental planning harder and harder to access. 

Pro-life groups SAY they are championing pro-family and pro-mother causes, but the actual results and reality tell a far different story. 



Clearly, those who would ban all abortion must first ban democracy.


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The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act would require that treatment be administered to fetuses who survive botched abortions. 

My comment:  Now comes the ghoulish Democratic arguments 

Democratic House Whip Katherine Clark said the name of the bill was “deliberately misleading and offensive to the women who face pregnancy complications and the doctors and nurses who provide their care.” The bill is also not based on “science,” she alleged.

My comment:  science says if a child is born alive, even if the doctors and nurses failed at their mission, it is a human life and the doctors are obligated to do everything to save that life.  This, 
I would think, based on the fear of law suits brought by the mother and/or child when they get older

Democratic Representative Jerry Nadler of New York objected to the part of the bill that instructs doctors to bring the struggling baby to the hospital after administering care.

“The problem with this bill is that it endangers some infants by stating that that infant must immediately be brought to the hospital,” he said. “It directs and mandates certain medical care that may not be appropriate.” 

My comment: define *appropriate*.  Noe for the religious stance:

“As a pro-choice Christian who chose life, this issue is personal to me… When I read scripture, I turn to Jeremiah 1:5 which states ‘I knew you before I formed you and placed you in your mother’s womb.’ It doesn’t say the government’s womb,” Democratic Representative Hillary Scholten said before the chamber.


My comment:  If the baby is born, it is no longer in the mothers womb, does the mother still have the right over this child’s life?  That argument doesn’t hold water.

All but two Democrats opposed the bill.  The 2 Dems voted present.  It has little chance of passing the Senate, but the debate should be interesting.


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17 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act would require that treatment be administered to fetuses who survive botched abortions. 

My comment:  Now comes the ghoulish Democratic arguments 

Democratic House Whip Katherine Clark said the name of the bill was “deliberately misleading and offensive to the women who face pregnancy complications and the doctors and nurses who provide their care.” The bill is also not based on “science,” she alleged.

My comment:  science says if a child is born alive, even if the doctors and nurses failed at their mission, it is a human life and the doctors are obligated to do everything to save that life.  This, 
I would think, based on the fear of law suits brought by the mother and/or child when they get older

Democratic Representative Jerry Nadler of New York objected to the part of the bill that instructs doctors to bring the struggling baby to the hospital after administering care.

“The problem with this bill is that it endangers some infants by stating that that infant must immediately be brought to the hospital,” he said. “It directs and mandates certain medical care that may not be appropriate.” 

My comment: define *appropriate*.  Noe for the religious stance:

“As a pro-choice Christian who chose life, this issue is personal to me… When I read scripture, I turn to Jeremiah 1:5 which states ‘I knew you before I formed you and placed you in your mother’s womb.’ It doesn’t say the government’s womb,” Democratic Representative Hillary Scholten said before the chamber.


My comment:  If the baby is born, it is no longer in the mothers womb, does the mother still have the right over this child’s life?  That argument doesn’t hold water.

All but two Democrats opposed the bill.  The 2 Dems voted present.  It has little chance of passing the Senate, but the debate should be interesting.


How's this for a "goulish Democratic argument":

This is a hypocritical, political red herring designed to appeal to emotion.


1 in 4 Republicans support universal health care

Key Findings

  • 25% of Republicans want a single government-run healthcare program
  • 12% of Republicans want to abolish Medicare and Medicaid
  • 1/3 of young Republicans want a single government-run healthcare system
  • Those who wish to abolish government-run healthcare programs cite lack of efficiency, poor quality of care, and abuse



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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise.

Keep it in church.



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33 minutes ago, homersapien said:

How's this for a "goulish Democratic argument":

This is a hypocritical, political red herring designed to appeal to emotion.

Yes, yes it is.  As I said, the arguments in the Senate should be interesting.

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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

How's this for a "goulish Democratic argument":

This is a hypocritical, political red herring designed to appeal to emotion.


1 in 4 Republicans support universal health care

Key Findings

  • 25% of Republicans want a single government-run healthcare program
  • 12% of Republicans want to abolish Medicare and Medicaid
  • 1/3 of young Republicans want a single government-run healthcare system
  • Those who wish to abolish government-run healthcare programs cite lack of efficiency, poor quality of care, and abuse



If we practiced Unity in American Politics, we would likely have Universal Healthcare.

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1 hour ago, PUB78 said:



As a Christian Male, I totally reject this. I know first hand more totally judgmental so-called Christians than I know actual practicing ones.

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1 hour ago, DKW 86 said:

If we practiced Unity in American Politics, we would likely have Universal Healthcare.

The populous must be divided in order for the over class to maintain control and prosper at a such a disproportionate rate.

Power understands, human nature, the nature of power, the mechanisms of power.  Most of us do not.

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1 hour ago, DKW 86 said:

As a Christian Male, I totally reject this. I know first hand more totally judgmental so-called Christians than I know actual practicing ones.

Are you sure?

Jesus was probably wrong.

We should probably be self righteous and highly judgmental.  Jesus has never really understood "christianity".

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