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18 minutes ago, bishoptf said:

Me too, just seems to be a recurring theme against Bama, uga and more...just loose games that we should win.


I'd really like some folks to really ask CHF tough questions, Why was Moore back on the Punt, Why are you only rushing 2 players on a 4 and 30.

Just so tired of losing to these asshats, over and over

I just had an AU cousin ask me what you just posted , except it was a total 180. Replace CHF with CNS ( but he actually said 'recurring' in a sentence )about NS , asked why a totally inferior AU team could even stay on the field with the mighty tide. He wanted someone to ask NS about 20 different plays.  It was all about AU and not anyone else, though. I found it amazing that two people from both fan bases could sound so alike, but then both of you seem to want to fire the HC after every loss or close win. 



If you're right we should fire everyone in the coaching staff and start over. If he's right, we have a great coaching staff. I actually called the last play (that mattered ) as a TD to my wife. It sucks big time. Sometimes players have to make plays. 


Edited by JuscAUse!
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Just now, Tiger said:

At least Thorne saved us from the dumbassery of putting Robby in the game. Particularly on our last full drive. 

It was dumb to not instruct Battie to try to save clock on the last return. 

The 4th down conversation will go on for the rest of Iron Bowl history

We had 32 seconds and no timeouts our only chance was a huge return, which by the way is one of the major reasons Battie was brought in. 

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1 minute ago, Zeek said:

Didn’t think it’d be close 

lost by 3

Rushing two was idiotic

War Eagle

I don’t retrospectively assess a game. This game was a total choke job by two players; we all know who they are. It happens, but losing like this has nothing to do with spreads or what the pre-game expectations are. It’s just another embarrassing breakdown of basic football responsibilities and it’s what keeps Auburn as the epitome of embarrassment.


Id bet that ESPN win probability graph was damn near 100% on that play, but guess what?

I don’t really know why I’m so pissed, because I’m conditioned for this kind of BS just due to being for Auburn.

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I remember when we would win games we shouldn’t, all the time. Now we LOSE games we shouldn’t and hope for moral victories against the tough teams. We are not the Auburn I know and haven’t been for a long time. I’m numb to Auburn it’s the same ole sheet over and over. Find a way to sheet the bed and lose, but “there’s always next year” (this is repeated over and over).

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If Freeze didn't know who was back there on the punt return, well that is inexcusable.  You don't put a guy with a history of muffing punts back there in such a critical situation. And if Freeze didn't know about it, then I dunno what to say. 

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6 minutes ago, Auburn Tiger said:

That’s worse. Speaks to deeper problems in his program. You gotta know your personnel and packages, coach. Come on. 

It might help if they didn't have the same number, too. That screw up is even more colossal if that was the reason. 

Seriously, as soon as they said the name, I had a bad feeling, and then he muffed it. :(


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1 minute ago, AUx said:

I wish I could block out the fact Auburn football exists hereafter. I want to love and support it. It just keeps kicking me in the balls.

Same, same. Solidarity in this mess. I try and tell myself to have no expectations and yet, I get sacked every single time. 
Guess I need to stop being so stubborn. 

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Just now, fishepa said:

In all honesty, if you would have told me we bama would have had a 4th and 31 play to win the game I'd rather take that.  I mean, the odd's have to be 5% or less at actually making a TD in that scenario.

If it was ANY other football team. But at Awwwwwwburn, odds only increase the higher the down number and longer the yardage. If it could be 5th down and 100 yards, odds are 100% we give up the score.

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Is this the most disappointing Iron Bowl we have ever lost? I have to say yes because of the way we lost. Such a fluke play and such a bone-headed coaching decision cost us a game we had in our hands.

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2 minutes ago, aujohnson said:

We had 32 seconds and no timeouts our only chance was a huge return, which by the way is one of the major reasons Battie was brought in. 

I can see that perspective 

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Just now, Dan-0 said:

Is this the most disappointing Iron Bowl we have ever lost? I have to say yes because of the way we lost. Such a fluke play and such a bone-headed coaching decision cost us a game we had in our hands.

"It's how we lost..." Let's be real, we say that after EVERY loss.

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2 minutes ago, AcUmen said:

If Freeze didn't know who was back there on the punt return, well that is inexcusable.  You don't put a guy with a history of muffing punts back there in such a critical situation. And if Freeze didn't know about it, then I dunno what to say. 

No, but what you can do is reassign the stupid a**hole who put him back there.

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3 minutes ago, Auburn Tiger said:

I’m of the mind that if we don’t put Robbie in at all we get the yards and points needed to win. All he did today was go backwards. 

Robby negative plays didn’t affect anything. Auburn still scored 

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Just now, Swamp Eagle said:

Some of you, just stop with the “fire the coaches” BS. Players either make plays or don’t. Ours don’t when it’s on the line.

That’s the worst part in my mind is missing out on the momentum of recruiting that could have come from a single knocked down pass. 

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In the grand scheme of things, this loss doesn't mean a lot to our season. It would have killed bama's season though. Too bad we didn't do that. 

That said, it's sickening to lose like that. I would have been okay with losing a close one, but not when we throw it away in the last few minutes with stupid decisions and execution. 

I just hope the outcome doesn't hurt recruiting. The place looked ELECTRIC after the 3rd quarter. I just hope the recruits aren't as disgusted as some of us fans are. 

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LSU beat our star CB Jerraud Powers beat us to end a game in like 2007 or something. 

Seen UGA do the same to us in 2002 (or 01).

This one actually hurts more even though stakes were essentially nothing. Something about giving up a 4th and goal from the THIRTY-ONE


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1 minute ago, MagnoliaGoldie said:

Same, same. Solidarity in this mess. I try and tell myself to have no expectations and yet, I get sacked every single time. 
Guess I need to stop being so stubborn. 

Here's where AU football fans are, and why the negative vibe at the folks saying things like "write off year" and "just be patient". I cannot possibly lower my expectations. I've had them set on "just show up and don't default for 60 minutes" for about 4 years. And, we are finding ways to implode in even more creative ways.

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2 minutes ago, Swamp Eagle said:

Some of you, just stop with the “fire the coaches” BS. Players either make plays or don’t. Ours don’t when it’s on the line.

Tell me you didnt know the outcome of 4th and 31 when we rushed two. Sorry but that alone shows Roberts has no business coaching this team

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2 minutes ago, Swamp Eagle said:

Some of you, just stop with the “fire the coaches” BS. Players either make plays or don’t. Ours don’t when it’s on the line.

 Cause Auburn is special? Cursed? 

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3 minutes ago, Dan-0 said:

Is this the most disappointing Iron Bowl we have ever lost? I have to say yes because of the way we lost. Such a fluke play and such a bone-headed coaching decision cost us a game we had in our hands.

I don't know. So many to choose from. 

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