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UF's offensive game plan...


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is pathetic. How did they beat UT? It's predictable and slow developing. If any team with any speed faces them, they will lose. They depend on their WRs to hold blocks for 4-5 seconds and they just can't do that. :ua: may win this game by 35!

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Florida is making Bama look like football gods on that field. I think I may have to stop watching before I throw something heavy at the tv.

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As much as I hate to say it, you have to give :ua: credit where credit is due. I don't think Florida's game plan is the problem. Bama is getting to Chris Leak, which is the key to beating Florida. They have the Flordia offense on their heels and Brodie Croyle is tearing up the Florida secondary. Unless Bama has the biggest choke job ever in UAT history, this game is over!

I don't know who else is left on the UAT schedule that can beat them for sure. Well, at least that makes it even more interesting when we play them. :D

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Bama is looking great! Doing whatever they want w/ UF....gonna be a great win for the tide. I hope we can follow it up w/ a good showing tonight....


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I'm glad you guys are jumping on Bama's band wagon so quickly, they'll need your moral support over the next couple months. I've said it consistently on this forum over the last 6 months: Urban Meyer is NOT a proven coach, his claim to fame is one season...at UTAH, and as this game's showing, there's much more to coaching than what you do on game day. Not that Sheila is the coach to copy in that regard (or Tubbs for that matter). UF is unprepared and their gameplan (as mentioned by somebody else on this trhead) SUCKS. UF's talent is 5 times that of UAT, maybe making this win all the sweeter. But We are not talking Bryant vs. Parseghian here as far as coaching factors in the win. (Bahr was 0-4 vs. Parseghian at Notre Dame, for you youngsters). It doesn't help Florida that their DC is almost as overrated as their HC.

There's another factor too, everybody in the state of Florida still thinks FL schools have a monopoly on speedy players. This game is just another reminder that the Sunshine state last dominated speed talent about 1995. Lot of football to be played Bammers, dwait until December before asking Chad Jackson is he made the wrong choice.

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I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Vandy upsets :uf: , but that might not be an upset the way they are playing. I thought they would make it a game even after getting down by 17, but they just quit at that point and bent over. Sad effort by the Gaytors.

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I'm glad you guys are  jumping on Bama's band wagon so quickly, they'll need your moral support over the next couple months. I've said it consistently on this forum over the last 6 months: Urban Meyer is NOT a proven coach, his claim to fame is one season...at UTAH, and as this game's showing, there's much more to coaching than what you do on game day. Not that Sheila is the coach to copy in that regard (or Tubbs for that matter). UF is unprepared and their gameplan (as mentioned by somebody else on this trhead) SUCKS.  UF's talent is 5 times that of UAT, maybe making this win all the sweeter. But We are not talking Bryant vs. Parseghian here as far as coaching factors in the win. (Bahr was 0-4 vs. Parseghian at Notre Dame, for you youngsters). It doesn't help Florida that their DC is almost as overrated as their HC.

There's another factor too, everybody in the state of Florida still thinks FL schools have a monopoly on speedy players. This game is just another reminder that the Sunshine state last dominated speed talent about 1995. Lot of football to be played Bammers, dwait until December before asking Chad Jackson is he made the wrong choice.


Who's jumping on a bandwagon?! I have been saying all year that bama is a good team and will be in the hunt for the SEC championship if they stay healthy. Umm...as far as Urban Meyer not being a proven coach...uh..okay. Uh...our coaches only claim to fame is one undeafeted season also. Florida is a good team and they were highly ranked. Bama manhandled them. I don't think bama's win is a fluke there fella.

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I'm glad you guys are  jumping on Bama's band wagon so quickly, they'll need your moral support over the next couple months. I've said it consistently on this forum over the last 6 months: Urban Meyer is NOT a proven coach, his claim to fame is one season...at UTAH, and as this game's showing, there's much more to coaching than what you do on game day. Not that Sheila is the coach to copy in that regard (or Tubbs for that matter). UF is unprepared and their gameplan (as mentioned by somebody else on this trhead) SUCKS.  UF's talent is 5 times that of UAT, maybe making this win all the sweeter. But We are not talking Bryant vs. Parseghian here as far as coaching factors in the win. (Bahr was 0-4 vs. Parseghian at Notre Dame, for you youngsters). It doesn't help Florida that their DC is almost as overrated as their HC.

There's another factor too, everybody in the state of Florida still thinks FL schools have a monopoly on speedy players. This game is just another reminder that the Sunshine state last dominated speed talent about 1995. Lot of football to be played Bammers, dwait until December before asking Chad Jackson is he made the wrong choice.


Who's jumping on a bandwagon?! I have been saying all year that bama is a good team and will be in the hunt for the SEC championship if they stay healthy. Umm...as far as Urban Meyer not being a proven coach...uh..okay. Uh...our coaches only claim to fame is one undeafeted season also. Florida is a good team and they were highly ranked. Bama manhandled them. I don't think bama's win is a fluke there fella.


I agree with Ranger. I really believed Bama would be good this year as long as BC stayed healthy. They look very good so far. Not sure now how good UF is. Bad decision to still have starters in up 31-3 so late in the game. Seems to happen very often when folks get greedy.

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I'm glad you guys are  jumping on Bama's band wagon so quickly, they'll need your moral support over the next couple months. I've said it consistently on this forum over the last 6 months: Urban Meyer is NOT a proven coach, his claim to fame is one season...at UTAH, and as this game's showing, there's much more to coaching than what you do on game day. Not that Sheila is the coach to copy in that regard (or Tubbs for that matter). UF is unprepared and their gameplan (as mentioned by somebody else on this trhead) SUCKS.  UF's talent is 5 times that of UAT, maybe making this win all the sweeter. But We are not talking Bryant vs. Parseghian here as far as coaching factors in the win. (Bahr was 0-4 vs. Parseghian at Notre Dame, for you youngsters). It doesn't help Florida that their DC is almost as overrated as their HC.

There's another factor too, everybody in the state of Florida still thinks FL schools have a monopoly on speedy players. This game is just another reminder that the Sunshine state last dominated speed talent about 1995. Lot of football to be played Bammers, dwait until December before asking Chad Jackson is he made the wrong choice.


Who's jumping on a bandwagon?! I have been saying all year that bama is a good team and will be in the hunt for the SEC championship if they stay healthy. Umm...as far as Urban Meyer not being a proven coach...uh..okay. Uh...our coaches only claim to fame is one undeafeted season also. Florida is a good team and they were highly ranked. Bama manhandled them. I don't think bama's win is a fluke there fella.


I agree with Ranger. I really believed Bama would be good this year as long as BC stayed healthy. They look very good so far. Not sure now how good UF is. Bad decision to still have starters in up 31-3 so late in the game. Seems to happen very often when folks get greedy.


GaTiger, and Ranger, take it for what you will, but i appreciate people like you over here. You, among select others, can see through the Orange glasses, and at least give congratulations where it is due. Hardly anyone over here picked us to win, and most all picked us to lose by more than 7, saying that UF manhandled UT, so we had no chance. However, now that we blew them off the field, and out of the stadium, some around here just have to have a reason to say something negative. So they take it out on UF, saying they are unproven. All i have to say is, according to y'all they sure were proven before today!!!

So, to GaTiger and Ranger, and several others, thank you for at least having a lil sense. To the rest of you, good luck trying to find some more arsenal for your anti-UA stance. See you in November!

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Alabama's 3-man rush was unbelievable today. They got to Leak without blitzing and then had men flying everywhere it seemed.

Blew me away.

Kudos to them...

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"Umm...as far as Urban Meyer not being a proven coach...uh..okay. Uh...our coaches only claim to fame is one undeafeted season also".

You need to do your homework..."fella". Tubbs was beating #1 teams (UF...Spurrier) when Urban Blight was coaching wide receivers at Notre Dame, and UM beating the Utah States of the world does not make him a proven coach. The point is UM is UNPROVEN. What the heck is he doing @ a major program like UF? Every now and then the UM's and Tommy Bowden's (post Tulane) of the world successfully work the "awesome year w/ a joke schedule" angle w/ the media and Wheel of Fortune Crowd. Today's coaching "effort" by UM doesn't help his "impressive" coaching resume. You got facts or just blather...fella?

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Hardly anyone over here picked us to win...

So, to GaTiger and Ranger, and several others, thank you for at least having a lil sense. To the rest of you, good luck trying to find some more arsenal for your anti-UA stance. See you in November!

Umm...actually, I did not pick UAT to win, but it was no surprise to me that they did win. I am surprised that it was a blowout like that. I expected a closer game regardless of whoever won. But, like I said, you can't deny that UAT played and incredible game against a highly ranked opponent. That has been a tough win to come bye at B-D stadium in recent years. Meyer is a good coach and Shula out coached him. I think that is a bigger deal then then the USC win because even though Spurrier was probably the better coach, he did not have the talent to compete with UAT. Florida had the coaching and talent, but UAT outplayed and outcoached them. Anyway, I look at the big picture. I want UAT to be undefeated every year we play them. That only makes us look better when we beat them. :D It does not help us at all in the polls if our in-state rival is barely about .500. I think that fans on both sides miss that point because they can't see past their distaste for the other school. It is like the schools in Florida, if they are all successful, then the kids want to go there to play. If both schools in the state of Alabama or successful, then kids will want to come here to play. Not complicated and very logical if you ask me. I think UAT has a good chance to be undeafeted when we play them. I think they can beat LSU and UT will be their bigger test before they get their first loss of the year when they play us. ;)

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"Umm...as far as Urban Meyer not being a proven coach...uh..okay. Uh...our coaches only claim to fame is one undeafeted season also".

You need to do your homework..."fella". Tubbs was beating #1 teams (UF...Spurrier) when Urban Blight was coaching wide receivers at Notre Dame, and UM beating the Utah States of the world does not make him a proven coach. The point is UM is UNPROVEN. What the heck is he doing @ a major program like UF? Every now and then the UM's and Tommy Bowden's (post Tulane) of the world successfully work the "awesome year w/ a joke schedule" angle w/ the media and Wheel of Fortune Crowd. Today's coaching "effort" by UM doesn't help his "impressive" coaching resume. You got facts or just blather...fella?


Dude, I think you need to chill the hell out. If you can't take somebody debating with you on the board, then you may need to back away from the keyboard. Your little sarcastic "fellas" is a bit childish. Facts are the Florida was an undefeated team ranked number 5 in the country, but obviously you are college football expert and your opinion is fact, so I guess I will just digress. :D

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Hardly anyone over here picked us to win...

So, to GaTiger and Ranger, and several others, thank you for at least having a lil sense. To the rest of you, good luck trying to find some more arsenal for your anti-UA stance. See you in November!

Umm...actually, I did not pick UAT to win, but it was no surprise to me that they did win. I am surprised that it was a blowout like that. I expected a closer game regardless of whoever won. But, like I said, you can't deny that UAT played and incredible game against a highly ranked opponent. That has been a tough win to come bye at B-D stadium in recent years. Meyer is a good coach and Shula out coached him. I think that is a bigger deal then then the USC win because even though Spurrier was probably the better coach, he did not have the talent to compete with UAT. Florida had the coaching and talent, but UAT outplayed and outcoached them. Anyway, I look at the big picture. I want UAT to be undefeated every year we play them. That only makes us look better when we beat them. :D It does not help us at all in the polls if our in-state rival is barely about .500. I think that fans on both sides miss that point because they can't see past their distaste for the other school. It is like the schools in Florida, if they are all successful, then the kids want to go there to play. If both schools in the state of Alabama or successful, then kids will want to come here to play. Not complicated and very logical if you ask me. I think UAT has a good chance to be undeafeted when we play them. I think they can beat LSU and UT will be their bigger test before they get their first loss of the year when they play us. ;)


i agree with you wholeheartedly, about everything... only thing though, i wasn't saying that you picked BAMA to win..

I was saying thanks for having some sense in seeing that our blowout win wasn't because UF was overrated, but because we played harder, and were coached better today. UF may have better talent, but today we played harder and faster. That was what that was for...

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Guest Tigrinum Major
i agree with you wholeheartedly, about everything... only thing though, i wasn't saying that you picked BAMA to win..

I was saying thanks for having some sense in seeing that our blowout win wasn't because UF was overrated, but because we played harder, and were coached better today.  UF may have better talent, but today we played harder and faster.  That was what that was for...


I didn't pick Bama to win either, but thought it would be a field goal either way that decided the game as teh week went on.

I still think that Florida is a good team. Kines decided to let Leak run to beat the Tide and he refused to do so, just as Kines suspected he would. The spread option is not in full force yet, but it had been effective enough. Bama's offense is what surprised me.

Florida also failed to cowboy up on the 4th and 1 early and that was the turning point of the game, in my opinion.

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...Urban Meyer is NOT a proven coach, his claim to fame is one season...

Word is that the Bama defense coahing staff went back to the Utah films and finally deciphered Urban's offense...he sends out four receivers, two of which run "dummy" routes and are only meant to draw DBs or LBs away for the two real route receivers...the key was locating the two real targets...once this was done word is that the scheme was so easy to read that it was in their words "laughable"...and if you look back over the game...didn't it seem as though Bama had Urban's playbook in hand?

This is not a slam on Bama...contrary! Hat;s off the the great coaching jobs and properly welcoming Urban to SEC football..he flat out got schooled on Saturday.

So beating UF...

1.) Shut down the running game.

2.) Find the two real receivers and the two "dummy" receivers.


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I'm glad you guys are  jumping on Bama's band wagon so quickly, they'll need your moral support over the next couple months. I've said it consistently on this forum over the last 6 months: Urban Meyer is NOT a proven coach, his claim to fame is one season...at UTAH, and as this game's showing, there's much more to coaching than what you do on game day. Not that Sheila is the coach to copy in that regard (or Tubbs for that matter). UF is unprepared and their gameplan (as mentioned by somebody else on this trhead) SUCKS.  UF's talent is 5 times that of UAT, maybe making this win all the sweeter. But We are not talking Bryant vs. Parseghian here as far as coaching factors in the win. (Bahr was 0-4 vs. Parseghian at Notre Dame, for you youngsters). It doesn't help Florida that their DC is almost as overrated as their HC.

There's another factor too, everybody in the state of Florida still thinks FL schools have a monopoly on speedy players. This game is just another reminder that the Sunshine state last dominated speed talent about 1995. Lot of football to be played Bammers, dwait until December before asking Chad Jackson is he made the wrong choice.


Who's jumping on a bandwagon?! I have been saying all year that bama is a good team and will be in the hunt for the SEC championship if they stay healthy. Umm...as far as Urban Meyer not being a proven coach...uh..okay. Uh...our coaches only claim to fame is one undeafeted season also. Florida is a good team and they were highly ranked. Bama manhandled them. I don't think bama's win is a fluke there fella.


I agree with Ranger. I really believed Bama would be good this year as long as BC stayed healthy. They look very good so far. Not sure now how good UF is. Bad decision to still have starters in up 31-3 so late in the game. Seems to happen very often when folks get greedy.


GaTiger, and Ranger, take it for what you will, but i appreciate people like you over here. You, among select others, can see through the Orange glasses, and at least give congratulations where it is due. Hardly anyone over here picked us to win, and most all picked us to lose by more than 7, saying that UF manhandled UT, so we had no chance. However, now that we blew them off the field, and out of the stadium, some around here just have to have a reason to say something negative. So they take it out on UF, saying they are unproven. All i have to say is, according to y'all they sure were proven before today!!!

So, to GaTiger and Ranger, and several others, thank you for at least having a lil sense. To the rest of you, good luck trying to find some more arsenal for your anti-UA stance. See you in November!


uat's flipper has won ONE game over a top ten team. O N E :blink:

p.s. AU currently has the SEC's #1 Scoring offense and #1 Scoring defense. :cheer:

You are quite welcome. :D

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