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On the Streets in London


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The London Streets, Who are these anti-Bush people?

Those who can never win elections, always take to the streets. Street politics enables them to escape debate on complex issues that cannot be reduced to a few simplistic slogans.

Britain's participation in the war against terrorism was the subject of four exhaustive debates in the House of Commons in 2001 and 2002, each followed by a vote that Prime Minister Tony Blair won.

Street politics is for those who wish to abolish individual political judgment, the cornerstone of democratic life. Street politics encourages the irrational tendencies of crowds that could turn into hunting packs or lynch mobs. Power won in the streets produces only ochlocracy (rule by the worst).

To make sure that no discordant voice is heard, the organizers of the demonstrations have announced that only "authorized" t-shirts, hats and other paraphernalia will be allowed. Only four slogans are permitted: "Stop Bush," "Stop Blair," " U.S. Out of Iraq and Afghanistan," and " Bush Go Home!"

The demonstration's security force, made up of muscular Marxists and Islamists, has instructions to prevent any sign of pro-American sentiments. A group that has said it wants to take part in the demonstrations with t-shirts saying "Bush-Cheney: Four More Years!" has been warned of "dire consequences."

The London demonstration is planned and will be supervised in the best Stalinist traditions still in force in North Korea.

Where would Dean be if he were in London right now, on the streets with the "demonstration organized by a shadowy group called "Stop the War Coalition," part of the Hate-America-International, which has orchestrated a number of street "events" in support of the Taliban and the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein since 2001?"

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Interesting question. I don't think Howard Dean feels like he has any business in London right now. He's too busy gaining popularity here at home so he can introduce Dubya to the back of the unemployment line. Besides, his website doesn't link to "Stop The War Coalition", so maybe he doesn't know about them.

What IS making me curious is how you've brought Dean into the topic when the article didn't mention him once. Well, wait. Let me look again to make sure...nope, no mention of Dean. Not once. He must have you worried.

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What IS making me curious is how you've brought Dean into the topic when the article didn't mention him once. Well, wait. Let me look again to make sure...nope, no mention of Dean. Not once. He must have you worried.

Well, if it was to get your feathers ruffled it obviously worked! :lol:

You're getting rather predictable, Al. ;)

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What IS making me curious is how you've brought Dean into the topic when the article didn't mention him once. Well, wait. Let me look again to make sure...nope, no mention of Dean. Not once. He must have you worried.

Well, he is the candidate that's making the biggest deal of his opposition to the war. It isn't that far of a leap. Besides, he's just the flavor of the month. When one of the others becomes the front runner, the game of whack-a-mole will just move on to them.

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...nope, no mention of Dean. Not once. He must have you worried.

Yes, I am worried, please don't nominate him for the Democratic Candidate, please don't, I'm begging you!!

And I didn't mention Dean for Dean's sake, I mentioned him because I knew I could get a resonse out of you on this article, TigerAl. It worked I got you to read the whole thing!! ;)

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