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Official MLB Bitch and Moan thread

Jenny AU-92

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I won't even pull for the Tigers because I don't want to be a bandwagoner. So I randomly pointed to a name on my screen and got the Mariners.

Man, that Ichiro guy is awesome!


Anyone want to buy a psychologically damaged closer? :angry:

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Anyone want to buy a psychologically damaged closer?  :angry:


Send him on down to Atlanta!

We'll try anything at this point...

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Great pick up by Houston in my opinion...Aubrey Huff is a good bat that needed a change of scenery from Tamba Bay...He should do very well in Houston!

oh yeah...what's up with Phil Garner pushing Zambrano into a swinging bat??? I heard he was tired of being one hit by Zamrano so he "hoped to end his career"...at least that's the story I got!!!

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No even worth a response. There are plenty of guys on my own team that I would like to see hit with a bat. Or a shovel to the face. :angry:

The other huge news for the Disastros yesterday was that they fired hitting coach Gary Gaietti. According to some he was one of the best hitting coaches in the majors. On the other hand, the Disastros have the lowest team BA in the NL, maybe the majors. Someone's head had to roll. Guess it was his turn.

IMO, pitching coach Jim Hickey better be the next butt in the hot seat.

And now, I am going to do something I never imagined I would ever do: say something negative about Baggy.

If Jeff Bagwell gave a damn about this team and his legacy, he would make another unselfish act, declare himself disabled and RETIRE. That would free up $17M for this team to go out and find some bats and pitching to turn this thing around.


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I haver never seen a woman that gets so fired about baseball as Jenny does. I wish Monica could be that way about the Red Sox. Instead, she just rolls her eyes whenever I am watching or talking about them.

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I haver never seen a woman that gets so fired about baseball as Jenny does. I wish Monica could be that way about the Red Sox. Instead, she just rolls her eyes whenever I am watching or talking about them.


Can't say as tho I blame her. Find her a real team to get behind instead of a buncha bean eating blowhards and maybe she would...


WASABIS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Jenny, great pick up for your Astros. Wish Ensberg was doing better, he's one of the most underrated guys in baseballs, I hope he turns it around. Great series last week, two very equal teams, I think.

I'm not sure what Lidge's problem is, maybe getting rid of your pitching coach is the answer. I like Gaetti, though.

And I agree about Bagwell. Freeing up that much money would really help Houston.

Good luck in the second half, everyone.

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Good luck tonight, Braves fans.

Weaver's St Louis debut.

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With an extra-base hit tonight, Chipper Jones will break the ML record for an extra-base hit in consecutive games with 15.

He is currently tied (14) with Paul Waner, who set the record in 1927.

I know he's 3-10 with a 6.29, but Jeff Weaver has always OWNED the Braves, going as far back as when he was with Detroit. Just looked it up - Weaver a career 4-0 record vs the Braves with a 3.19 ERA.

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With an extra-base hit tonight, Chipper Jones will break the ML record for an extra-base hit in consecutive games with 15.

He is currently tied (14) with Paul Waner, who set the record in 1927.

I know he's 3-10 with a 6.29, but Jeff Weaver has always OWNED the Braves, going as far back as when he was with Detroit.  Just looked it up - Weaver a career 4-0 record vs the Braves with a 3.19 ERA.


Well, I hope Chipper does it, but in a losing cause. ;)

My wife and father-in-law have tickets for tonight and tomorrow.

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My Red Sox have let the Evil Empire get within half a game. :angry:

Man, what happened to the Cubs last night? The Mets had batting practice with the Cubs pitching staff. Ouch.

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My Red Sox have let the Evil Empire get within half a game. :angry:

Man, what happened to the Cubs last night? The Mets had batting practice with the Cubs pitching staff. Ouch.


Two Grand Slams in one inning...sheesh!

The wind was blowing out at about a 20mph clip, but it's obvious that the Mets had a wind machine in their dugout. It only blew in the top of every inning... <_<

Can it really get any worse this year for my Cubbies???

Oh snap, Wood and Prior are on the DL together, AGAIN.

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Can it really get any worse this year for my Cubbies???


Cards could meet the ChiSox in the world series... ;)

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Can it really get any worse this year for my Cubbies???


Cards could meet the ChiSox in the world series... ;)



Serenity Now!!!!!

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In the immortal words of the grounds crew from Major League, "They're ****** again."

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When a relief pitcher takes you out for a 440-foot blast, yeah .. ouch.

Hmm, you know, I still don't think the Braves are entirely out of it. 11.5 GB of the Mets, playing unbelievably good baseball right now, and we have 9 games against the Mets left this season.

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I'd like to see them catch the Mets, but I don't see it happening.

What would be some delicious irony is to see Atlanta make a postseason run as a wild card a la the Marlins in '97 and '03.

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I don't understand this pitching staff. Marquis can look like the second coming of Cy Young some nights, and then like total poop the next. Heck, I can get out there and pitch, much cheaper, and give up just as many runs as he does.

The sad thing is, I don't see the Cards making a move to get better. Let's face it, one player does not seperate the Cards from the ChiSox, BoSox, or the Yanks. I guess that applies to all the teams in the NL.

Oh well, good luck tonight Braves fans, Carp on the mound so let's hope he can stop the bleeding.

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You want to hear sad and pathetic? Roy O gives up a three run HR and the stupid pathetic Cubbies only lead 3-1 in the fourth, but after the game, OZ said "I knew the game was over right then..." HOW FREAKING SAD IS THAT!! When a 2 run lead looks insurmountable??????????? AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead:

Now Roger pitches against Maddux tonight. Why not just forfeit now, and save Roger the embarassment of pitching a whale of a game and still losing 1-0.

I can't even catch a break with my randomly selected new favorite team! The stupid ump cost the Mariners the game against the jailbirds last night.


Baseball sucks. Is it football season yet???

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Baseball sucks.  Is it football season yet???


Preach on, oh preacher woman.

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You want to hear sad and pathetic?  Roy O gives up a three run HR and the stupid pathetic Cubbies only lead 3-1 in the fourth, but after the game, OZ said "I knew the game was over right then..."  HOW FREAKING SAD IS THAT!!  When a 2 run lead looks insurmountable???????????  AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead:

Now Roger pitches against Maddux tonight.  Why not just forfeit now, and save Roger the embarassment of pitching a whale of a game and still losing 1-0.

I can't even catch a break with my randomly selected new favorite team!  The stupid ump cost the Mariners the game against the jailbirds last night.


Baseball sucks.  Is it football season yet???


A two run deficit has been insurmountable for the Cubbies all year so far...

Also, I wouldn't count on any less than 7 runs with Mad Dog on the hill tonight.

Still, I will give one nanner 'cause that's how many games the Cubbies will win in the series... :nanner:

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