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Jenny AU-92

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Maddux can't pitch and the Disatros can't hit - maybe they should play checkers, or Monopoly or something to decide this one, or else we'll take a 0-0 tie into the 15th inning... and trust me, I need my sleep!!

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Well, maybe I can break out another nanner.  Big Z has the Cubbies up 3-0 in the 5th.


It wasn't Big Z - it was Raggedy Andy you have to thank for those two back to back yards in the 3rd. :angryfire:

Finally - Will T crosses the plate. 4-1 Cubbies in the 8th, 2 outs.

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Well, maybe I can break out another nanner.  Big Z has the Cubbies up 3-0 in the 5th.


It wasn't Big Z - it was Raggedy Andy you have to thank for those two back to back yards in the 3rd. :angryfire:

Finally - Will T crosses the plate. 4-1 Cubbies in the 8th, 2 outs.


Woo Hoo!!! Now the Cubbies are only 20 games under .500


That's like their 3rd series win this year... :blink:

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Guess everyone's reading the latest trade rumors, so they don'thave time to gripe about their teams?

I'm guessing Reyes isn't the savior of STL Cardinal baseball after all...

Cards/Cubs this weekend at Wrigley. Can the Cubs continue their recent dominance of the Cardinals?

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Cards lose to the Rockies??? What kind of lame as team loses to the Rockies... oh, wait...


In other news, the Astros lost to a scheduled off day yesterday. They had the lead going into lunch, but Brad Lidge blew another save when he dropped his pizza on the floor with two men on, two strikes and two outs.

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Cards lose to the Rockies??? What kind of lame as team loses to the Rockies...

I know, I keep going back to Major League for quotes.

"One hit? All we got was one lousy hit?" At least until Pujols got a double.

I'm just hoping that sometime this season, Jason Marquis gets in a fight with someone on the team, so I can say "Albert Pujols trying to hit Jason Marquis... And why not? Everyone else in the league has."

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Jenny, I'm going to take over the yelling at Houston for both of us today.

WHY THE (censored) CAN'T YOU GIVE ROGER (censored) CLEMENS SOME (censored) (censored) RUN SUPPORT? (censored)!!! (censored) pathetic. (censored)!

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Jenny, I'm going to take over the yelling at Houston for both of us today.

WHY THE (censored) CAN'T YOU GIVE ROGER (censored) CLEMENS SOME (censored) (censored) RUN SUPPORT?  (censored)!!!  (censored) pathetic.  (censored)!


Thanks. I was just too depressed today to work up the energy to be profane. Why the man even bothers to suit up is beyond me... They suck so freaking bad...


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Guest Tigrinum Major

11 times in approximately 40 starts, the Astros have provided Clemons with exactly 0 run support. It is almost as if they say, "Roger's pitching, we don't have to score much today," and promptly score none. Amazing.

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11 times in approximately 40 starts, the Astros have provided Clemons with exactly 0 run support.  It is almost as if they say, "Roger's pitching, we don't have to score much today," and promptly score none.  Amazing.


Yeah, it's like they switch unis with my Cubbies before every Clemens start. :(

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Jenny, do you think in past seasons, someone like Bagwell would come into the clubhouse and begin yelling at the team to pull their heads out of their butts? Is that what's missing from this years team? Lidge's mental problems aside, there is no reason why this team should be below .500.

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Jenny, do you think in past seasons, someone like Bagwell would come into the clubhouse and begin yelling at the team to pull their heads out of their butts?  Is that what's missing from this years team?  Lidge's mental problems aside, there is no reason why this team should be below .500.


I have no clue. Not one. NOT A SINGLE FREAKING CLUE. How can an ENTIRE TEAM have their collective head up their collective asses? There is not ONE bright spot on the whole FREAKING roster. Maybe Berkman. Maybe.

Wouldn't that be Biggio's job now? Or Roger? Hell, Roger is the one getting screwed each and every time. Check this out:

Who Screwed Roger Clemens Bingo Card

But I sure as heck fire will volunteer to go into that locker room and chew their collective asses into nubbies.

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Only trying this because the Stros helped us out...

WHAT THE (censored) KIND OF BABIES ONLY WIN 8-5? YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A BUNCH OF (censored) (censored)!!! COULDN'T TAKE THREE OF THOSE (censored) RUNS AND USE THEM LAST (censored) NIGHT, COULD YOU, YOU BUNCH OF (censored) (censored)? (censored). AT LEAST BRAD (censored) LIDGE DIDN'T BLOW THIS ONE!!! BUNCH OF (censored) (censored). GARNER WISED UP AND USED (censored) WHEELER! THANK YOU!

Good luck in game 3, Jenny.

And Card/Cubs the next 4. We really need Houston to beat the Reds tomorrow. "Cubs" is spanish for "Owners of St Louis."

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Meanwhile, ho-hum, the Braves are 4.5 GB of the Wild Card, solo 4th, and staring up at the three teams in front of them - the Giants, D-Backs, and Reds.

That sounds promising.

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Meanwhile, ho-hum, the Braves are 4.5 GB of the Wild Card, solo 4th, and staring up at the three teams in front of them - the Giants, D-Backs, and Reds.

That sounds promising.


I'll admit not only was I wrong about Atlanta, but I'm wrong about Cincy. I thought they would have faded long before now.

And, I hope Atlanta doesn't make the Wild Card. If St Louis wins the Central, I'd hate to play ya'll in a best of 5. You guys get in, I think you win the NLCS.

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Meanwhile, ho-hum, the Braves are 4.5 GB of the Wild Card, solo 4th, and staring up at the three teams in front of them - the Giants, D-Backs, and Reds.

That sounds promising.


I'll admit not only was I wrong about Atlanta, but I'm wrong about Cincy. I thought they would have faded long before now.

And, I hope Atlanta doesn't make the Wild Card. If St Louis wins the Central, I'd hate to play ya'll in a best of 5. You guys get in, I think you win the NLCS.


Well, here's where I think baseball is silly. If the Braves have the worst record out of any NL playoff team, and the Mets have the best, they don't play each other in the first round because they're in the same division? That's silly.

But I agree the Braves would have an excellent chance at postseason play despite being the road team in the Division Series if we get there - the Padres aren't dominant by any means and the Cardinals have no pitching and not much middle relief outside Wainwright (can we give you JD Drew back?) ..

Speaking of JD Drew, I see the Dodgers as the most dangerous team if they get in - but fortunately for the rest of the league, they've imploded, losing 8 in a row and falling to last place in the NL West.

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the Cardinals have no pitching and not much middle relief outside Wainwright (can we give you JD Drew back?) ..


Except for Mr. Cy Young. But as for the other 4 starters.... :puke:

Wainwright will be a starter next year. I'm actually shocked he hasn't been sent down to AAA to condition his arm to plug him into the rotation this year.

And if we take JD back, you have to take Jason Marquis. ;)

Do you guys play the Mets this weekend? That's going to be a great series.

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Yesterday morning, some of the local sports radio guys played nature music, you know, the kind you hear at spas and Zen Meditation rooms - birds chirping, waves crashing, etc. Then they held a "relaxation" session for the Astros. You know "Be the ball. Let the energy flow through your arm, Brad Lidge, and through the ball and take it into the happy place called the strike zone..." and so forth.

The Disatros won 8-5 in a stellar comeback last night.

The radio guys did it again this morning.

What am I going to say today?



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the Cardinals have no pitching and not much middle relief outside Wainwright (can we give you JD Drew back?) ..


Except for Mr. Cy Young. But as for the other 4 starters.... :puke:

Wainwright will be a starter next year. I'm actually shocked he hasn't been sent down to AAA to condition his arm to plug him into the rotation this year.

And if we take JD back, you have to take Jason Marquis. ;)

Do you guys play the Mets this weekend? That's going to be a great series.


Is it just me, or have the Cardinals always needed starting pitching since the untimely death of Darryl Kile in 2002? Apologies to Chris Carpenter, who really goes unnoticed on a national scene for some reason.

Braves/Mets this weekend - hopefully the Braves look better than they do today (Marlins 6-0 in the 6th) - Sunday's game should be good - Tom Glavine vs the next Tom Glavine (Braves' rookie Chuck James)

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Is it just me, or have the Cardinals always needed starting pitching since the untimely death of Darryl Kile in 2002?  Apologies to Chris Carpenter, who really goes unnoticed on a national scene for some reason.

It's not you at all. I can't help but think what would 2003 and 2004 have been like if DK hadn't died, and Rick Ankiel hadn't developed location problems (and that's being very kind, as I'm sure you remember him in the NLCS). Matt Morris was erratic, at best. And he is by far the third best pitcher we've had the past 5 years (Carp, DK being 1 and 2).

Some trade discussion today envolving Wilson Betemit on one of the Cards forums I read. It was on MLBTraderumors.com, so I wouldn't put too much stock in it. Thought? Can he play 2B? I know the Cards have a few relief pitchers, not that they're any good, but you never know. I'd be happy if they traded [NAME NO LONGER SAID BY JARHEAD] this clown. And if you're wondering why I won't say his name, look at his college. This is the idiot that gave a post game conference wearing a BAMA hat. Ugh.

So what big moves, if any, will we see in the next 4 days? Jenny, is Lidge safe?

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As far as I am concerned, none of them sorry bastidges except Lance Berkman is safe. That's yet another bitch I have about Uncle Drayton and the Astros - they never seem to make THE trade, the ONE BIG PLAYER who makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE, who SPARKS A TURNAROUND... with the exception being Carlo$ Beltran and we see how well THAT worked out... Instead we nickle and dime around with halfassed half talent players like Preston Wilson and Aubrey Huff who provide nothing but a new facial expression to look at as they wiff out at the plate.

We barely even acknowledge the game being on at my house anymore. It just breaks my heart. It's like a car wreck - you don't want to look but you can't quit staring at the horror of it all.

Is it football season yet??????? :no:

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Ok, Cubs fans. Please tell me what you put in Rolen's Breakfast. In 10 games against the Cubs this year, Rolen as 4 errors. In the other 91 games, he has 5. Pujols is batting .230 against the Cubs this year, also, so maybe he's stealing Rolen's Wheaties or something.

Ah well, you guys made plays when you had to, I knew when we left the bases loaded for the second time without scoring that we were in deep trouble. You got key GIDPs when you had to have them. Good luck today.

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