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George Bush has a new neighbor


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July 27, 2006, 12:36PM

Sheehan buys land near Bush's Crawford ranch

Associated Press

CRAWFORD -- War protester Cindy Sheehan has purchased a 5-acre plot in Crawford with some of the insurance money she received after her son was killed in Iraq.

The group she helps lead, Gold Star Families for Peace, says on its Web site that it will return next month to protest the war in Iraq in the small town near Waco where President Bush has a ranch. Like last year, Sheehan, whose son Casey was killed in Iraq in 2004, will again demand to meet with the president.

"We decided to buy property in Crawford to use until George's resignation or impeachment, which we all hope is soon for the sake of the world," Sheehan said in a newsletter set to be sent to supporters Thursday. "I can't think of a better way to use Casey's insurance money than for peace, and I am sure that Casey approves."

Her anti-war gathering in Crawford is scheduled for Aug. 16 through Sept. 2. But Bush is scheduled to be at his ranch mainly during the first two weeks of August.

Sheehan, from California, reinvigorated the anti-war movement last summer with her peace vigil, which started in ditches off the road to Bush's ranch. As it grew, the group also set up its protests on a private, 1-acre lot closer to the ranch.

How would you like to have Cindy live in your neighborhood. :angry:

Hey Cindy, check this out :moon:

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"I can't think of a better way to use Casey's insurance money than for peace, and I am sure that Casey approves."

Actually, Casey would most likely tell you to STFU, you are embarrassing him and his country.

I have NO problem with intelligent discourse on why we should or should not be in Iraq. But this lady is a nut job, lacking the sense the good lord gave a fence post.

I wish the media would let this go, but that is not going to happen.

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She ain't all there is she? Too bad her son can't come back from the grave to tell her a thing or too. You know, how she is disrespecting the choice he made to join and the sacrifice he made. How she and her cronies give the enemy propaganda to use against his buddies that are still living.

Buying land close to the President's ranch just so you can protest is hilarious. Too bad it is wasting the money her son left her. I guess he did not figure his mom would go cuckoo if he died. Hey lady, the President is not there that dang much for you to buy land to protest! All you are going to do is piss off everybody else that lives there. Good luck getting your money back out of that land when you try to sell it when Bush is not president anymore in a couple of years.

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Heard today that the people that sold the land claim she had someone buy it for her. They claimed to be a Hurricane Katrina Survivor trying to start over. :blink:

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Heard today that the people that sold the land claim she had someone buy it for her.  They claimed to be a Hurricane Katrina Survivor trying to start over.  :blink:


Lies from the left surprises you? :rolleyes:

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Heard today that the people that sold the land claim she had someone buy it for her.  They claimed to be a Hurricane Katrina Survivor trying to start over.  :blink:


Certainly you don't believe any of that, do you? That rumor was obviously started by Karl Rove. Had to be. :roflol:

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