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Kerry, Lieberman Skip Medicare Vote

Jenny AU-92

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Lieberman and Kerry, two of the erstwhile Democratic Presidential candidates, were THE ONLY TWO SENATORS who did not cast a vote on the prescription drug bill. They say their vote didn't matter, as they were both opposed, so they went out campaigning instead. What a role model for "Get Out The Vote"!!!

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Lieberman and Kerry, two of the erstwhile Democratic Presidential candidates, were THE ONLY TWO SENATORS who did not cast a vote on the prescription drug bill. They say their vote didn't matter, as they were both opposed, so they went out campaigning instead. What a role model for "Get Out The Vote"!!!

Somebody should take them out back and beat the s**t out of them!!!

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Somebody should take them out back and beat the s**t out of them!!!

Look, smartypants, this isn't partisan - I would have made the same comment about any prominent Republican that missed this vote. In an election year, the people we have elected should be up there, doing the job we elected them to do, which means VOTING on important legislation, even when their vote "doesn't count" - they should still be heard, and have their opinion on the final record. I am well aware that there are plenty of Republicans who also shirk their duty, but two Senators of national prominence who are ALSO running for President should be even more aware of how this makes them look - the "mainstream" media even picked this up - not just my right-wing crazy sources.

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I guess they thought their time would be better served trying to oust Bush in 2004. Their votes would've been nothing more than window dressing, no substance. Democratic Senators also missed votes during the fillibuster that would've been meaningless as well. We all knew Kerry's and Lieberman's views on Medicare and their votes wouldn't have mattered. I'd personally rather see them out drumming up good Democrats to vote Bush out in a situation like this. They don't have a lot of spare time to campaign so when they get some, don't begrudge them of it, OK?

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