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Signs for Gameday in Auburn

Jenny AU-92

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So if we are nice to them they will show AU more. Uhh no.

They will promote who they want to promote. The decision as to where they go is not up to those three. It is up to some management dude who probably doesn't even like football but is crunching numbers to decide where it is profitable to go.

I don't think we need 3rd grade signs like "Corso is a doodoo head" but I like the witty ones like showing Kirk's contradictions and obvious bias' by ESPN.

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So if we are nice to them they will show AU more. Uhh no.

Nope, but they could show us less. Granted, not much less, but less. Please notice I am not advocating kissing ESPNs collective arse, just supporting Auburn, without looking like cry babies.

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Another one along the lines of the ones I've offered so far:

"If Auburn is able to run the tables in the SEC and win their SEC Championship, they will absolutely have my vote for the National Championship game" - Kirk Herbstreit 2004, just before placing Auburn third despite fulfilling this ultimatum
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And if I had a vote....Holtz ith a Penith would be my write in candidate. That's classic.

Yes, whomever came up with that one should be hailed as POSTER OF THE WEEK... ;)

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LOL - I'm not saying you have to believe it, just not to go running around showing our arses as a result of it. All we'd do is give them more ammo to talk about how classless Auburn is. I love Auburn, and don't want it to look like trash.

GoAU, I agree with you exhibiting class is never in poor taste ... people across the nation with class will recognize it and it will add only positives to AU's reputation. A few classless acts will hurt AU's reputation as quickly as anything we could do. Our team plays with class ... let the fans support the team in a like manner. Reputations are easier to destroy than build. Typically a good rule to follow when deciding if something would be in good taste or not is to ask yourself the following question, "Would a UAT person do or say this thing I'm considering?" If the answer is "Yes" then don't do it ... it is probably in poor taste.


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I am in total agreement with GoAU. I can't stand the Gameday crack heads either, but I would not sell out the class and dignity of Auburn just to piss ESPN off. Why would we want to sink to that level? If we are going to do that, let's just thrash the AU Creed while we are at it.

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I think this thread expresses the way Auburn people honestly feel, but is mostly in fun. Relax, I don't believe most of these sign ideas will ever be made. I honestly wouldn't care is some of the signs showed up on t.v. because the nation would laugh their heads off at some of the witty ones in this post.

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Guest BoStillKnows

I think it would be funny if everyone ignored them. Can you imagine if nobody showed up? It could never happen though. :(

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I do wish that we could show up with signs pointing out how ridiculous their actions are, and how they are biased....but honestly I agree with those who don't want to compromise our reputation among college football fans across the nation. I can't stand the fact that these guys set a benchmark for us, then we achieve it and they act as if nothing happened, but I do think that they might have realized the error of not coming here for the LSU game, and are trying to make it up....so we should definitely show up in full force, and try to be classy. Of course, a little wit never hurt anyone....I just wish there was an easy way to get all of the longer quotes of stuff they said one signs....perhaps we could just get several signs together that would allow the quotes to be read....of course they'd have to be passed to the people right behind the stage, but it might be worth it. This all really sucks because I hate the fact we aren't given much credit, and they advocate being fluid early in the year, this year, when we really don't need it....oh well, we've just got to keep winning!!

But seriously, I love some of these sign ideas, I just don't want us to be unclassy and drive them away for good....because as much as we can't stand them, we still need the little bit of exposure we do get.....

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I think there is more to it than that. Call me crazy, most do anyway, but I believe they're staying quiet on Auburn for our own benefit. Just think about it for a moment. Playing into the hype doesn't have the same result as the opposite. So, for Auburn's benefit, ESPN must remain MUM (Mentally Impaired). It's kind of an inverse reality.

But seriously, I love some of these sign ideas, I just don't want us to be unclassy and drive them away for good....because as much as we can't stand them, we still need the little bit of exposure we do get.....

Let the Lil' War Eagles have fun with it. Adults young and older can practice self-discipline.

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.......Should be








I think we just need to ignore the bunch.

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Signs like:

BCS= "Big Collective Scam"

or "Real Championships have playoffs"

or BCS="Bama Can't Score" hehe


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