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Tex and Al...Other than "We hate Bush" what do you two really believe in?

DKW 86

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Please we would all love to know what you two really stand for other than criticism of everything Bush. BTW. Most of the Conservatives are tired of Bush as well. But we are at least talking about other ideas and platforms.

What ideas do you two really SUPPORT?

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Please we would all love to know what you two really stand for other than criticism of everything Bush. BTW. Most of the Conservatives are tired of Bush as well. But we are at least talking about other ideas and platforms.

What ideas do you two really SUPPORT?

Well since it has been almost 22 hours and no responses yet, I guess we can deduce that Al and Tex really dont believe in anything at all. They just know one thing: "We hate Bush!"

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That's what they support....anything opposite of what President Bush supports.

Outside of that.....nothing but the sweet sound of crickets.

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Such a simple, straight forward question, one must wonder why they don't come right out and answer.

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The whole clueless chorus chimes in! Idiots on parade!

David, I'm thinking of writing a sitcom and basing a character on you. So much to work with.

I first answered this question nine months before you asked it again, and bumped it to the top last night. David only has about three posts he repeats over and over. This is one them. He asks a question, you take the time to answer and he doesn't read it. Then demands that you do it again, or you must believe what he says you believe. BTW, you will notice (okay, anybody else who really reads it will notice, but maybe not you) that "hating Bush" is not only not in the platform, the only mention of him, even nine months ago, was agreeing with him. Your brain won't be able to process that fact, because it conflicts with what you are programmed to believe and recite. On those rare ocassions when he makes sense, I don't discount what he has to say. Anyway, here it is:


I haven’t really planned out a platform, but a few thoughts on the issue are as follows:

I am personally opposed to the death penalty for a number of reasons, but would not likely include it in a national party platform since most criminal law issues are state issues and someone’s position on this is not a deal breaker for me.

I think universal health care should be a goal. Don’t know the best way to get there, but think that for USA businesses to be competitive globally we need to have it.

Might tweak the particulars a bit, but largely support Bush’s idea on visitor work permits. Our economy’s growth is dependent on this labor and there are certainly areas where the available pool of willing citizens aren’t sufficient.

I doubt the abortion issue, per se, would be in my platform. As a candidate myself, my position would be to support choice prior to viability and oppose late-term abortion absent a genuine threat to the life or physical health to the mother. I would include provisions in the platform to actively encourage adoption.

Pass a balanced budget amendment with provisions for exceptions under extraordinary circumstances. Tough decisions are supposed to be part of the job of governance. Everybody wants everything, but wants to pay for nothing. Time to stop being a debtor nation dependent on the Chinese.

Agree with Titan on the FTC and media consolidation.

National Guardsmen and Reservists should not be deployed for more than 3 months out of a year except in extraordinary circumstances.

The portion of a salary exceeding $500,000 a year will not be tax deductible for the business as a cost of that business. Private jet travel can only be a tax deductible business expense for an amount not to exceed the cost of commercial air travel for the same flight. Luxury sky boxes, etc. cannot be a tax deductible business cost. Cap the amount of hotel costs that can be a tax deductible business expense. In short, businesses and individuals can spend as extravagantly as they wish, but it will not be subsidized in the form of tax breaks.

Limit the amount of the home mortgage interest deduction to not include the amounts more than 20% over the median house cost in a given area. Buy as big as you want and can pay for, but don’t expect a tax cut for the whole thing.

Expand incentives for natural gas vehicles.

Reinstate the tax rates that existed between 1993-2001 for the top income bracket—that was still the lowest rate in the western world and the very wealthy still got wealthier, i.e. it provided no disincentive.

Capital gains should not be taxed less than the tax on a working man’s labor.

Expand incentives for solar and wind energy, as well as other alternative energy forms.

Raise CAFE standards every two years.

Prohibit congressman, key staffers and executive appointees from lobbying for at least 5 years after leaving office.

Improve port security and support for first responders.

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Tex, I saw it. I also saw that it was 9 months old and you still had not reaffirmed it yet. Things can shange in anyone's minds as of nine months ago.

BTW, am I supposed to assume that AL says exactly the same things too? hhhhhmmmmmm...Does he always agree with whatever you write? Sounds a little "funny" ;) to me.

If you had read mine, I dont think we are far off at all. Heck if were running for election I could vote for that platform. I really like the house and car stuff. How is it we argue sssooo much? I basically agree with everything you said.

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