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Why? As I said in one other thread, I am not taking away anything from FL last weekend, but LSU GAVE them that game. FIVE turnovers, crappy special teams play, and receivers that could not catch a cold. If LSU had played the ball we know they are capable of, it would have been anyone's game, and would not have been an ass kicking like it was. Instead, it was a gift to a team that is good enough to make the most of an opponent's mistakes. If AU steps up and plays mistake free ball, I have no reason to think we can't beat Florida. Could we lose to FL? Absolutely. Could we also win this game? Absolutely. And that is not Homerism - that is just looking at the LSU - FL game with some perspective, and being willing to consider last weekend as an abberation rather than the way things absolutely are and will continue to be.

There are a couple of other Chicken Little types on this board - y'all should get together and whine some. Geeze...

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Why? As I said in one other thread, I am not taking away anything from FL last weekend, but LSU GAVE them that game. FIVE turnovers, crappy special teams play, and receivers that could not catch a cold. If LSU had played the ball we know they are capable of, it would have been anyone's game, and would not have been an ass kicking like it was. Instead, it was a gift to a team that is good enough to make the most of an opponent's mistakes. If AU steps up and plays mistake free ball, I have no reason to think we can't beat Florida. Could we lose to FL? Absolutely. Could we also win this game? Absolutely. And that is not Homerism - that is just looking at the LSU - FL game with some perspective, and being willing to consider last weekend as an abberation rather than the way things absolutely are and will continue to be.

There are a couple of other Chicken Little types on this board - y'all should get together and whine some. Geeze...

How did what I say denote whining? For some reason the current team has had trouble playing up to the media's expectations. Those picks did not indicate a game in which the "analysts" believed each team had a 50/50 chance of emerging victorious, but that Auburn is a clear favorite to win.

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Everyone up here is still shocked the boys are favored against Florida.

Unless there is some considerable change in the way the team is playing this very moment, I don't believe it's unreasonable to be somewhat shocked that they are favored. I realize that it has been said before, but our Tigers just took a brutal loss against a freshman QB that only needed to complete 7/10 passes the entire day. Therefore, we were beat with only one dimension of offense; the running game. This week, there's a potential double threat.

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I have to agree with AuburnRugby. If there isn't some sort of change in the way we're playing, the same thing that happened last weekend is going to happen on Sat. I figured Fla would be favored by 5 or 6. I know we have a good team and I think when we are hitting on all cylinders we can compete with anyone, but I don't think we've played a complete game all year. We def. didn't play one last week and we're playing an even better team than Ark this week. I just hope we can get some offense going or we're gonna have alot of trouble come Sat.

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Those picks completely baffle me. Why should Auburn win? No one is making plays. I'm not saying we can't, but things have to change ALOT for that to happen.

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I can't believe people are still freaking out about the loss.

Look at how that game was lost. It was MUCH closer than the stats would make it appear. That game came down to about 4 big plays.

1. The Arky TD pass in the first half. 3rd down and they get a 50 yard td pass. It could have and probably should have been an easy interception had our CB not tripped. It was a terrible throw.

2. McFadden's 63 yard td run. When was the last time someone broke a play like that on Auburn? Don't give me bs about how terrible our defense is or anything like that. It was the first rushing TD we gave up this season and it was incredibly unlucky for us.

3. Jones's TD run on 3rd and goal. We'd stopped them on 1st and 2nd down and Herring was all over that play but just overpursued a bit and missed a tackle. That is a shocking missed tackle from Will. Won't see it happen much.

4. Courtney Taylor missjudging Cox's pass. CT beats his defender (the defender was actually on the ground at the time) and I'm not sure what he did but somehow a sure huge gainer/probably touchdown turned into a completely unexpected incomplete pass.

If any one of these plays goes our way the game could have shifted drastically momentum wise. We caught some crazy bad luck but for those of you that are completely giving up on these kids....come on now. We're still one hell of a football team.

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I did not play football in high school or college. I was a baseball player and in the band.

Some of you guys that played....what is the mindset of the team right now? What are they thinking? I find it hard to believe that they are not going to come out with absolutely everything they have on Saturday. I would think the same would be true for the coaches.

Our overall performance sucked in the SC game and the Arky game. But some of you guys that played, I would like to know what you think is going through our guys' minds right now?

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I can't believe people are still freaking out about the loss.

Look at how that game was lost. It was MUCH closer than the stats would make it appear. That game came down to about 4 big plays.

1. The Arky TD pass in the first half. 3rd down and they get a 50 yard td pass. It could have and probably should have been an easy interception had our CB not tripped. It was a terrible throw.

2. McFadden's 63 yard td run. When was the last time someone broke a play like that on Auburn? Don't give me bs about how terrible our defense is or anything like that. It was the first rushing TD we gave up this season and it was incredibly unlucky for us.

3. Jones's TD run on 3rd and goal. We'd stopped them on 1st and 2nd down and Herring was all over that play but just overpursued a bit and missed a tackle. That is a shocking missed tackle from Will. Won't see it happen much.

4. Courtney Taylor missjudging Cox's pass. CT beats his defender (the defender was actually on the ground at the time) and I'm not sure what he did but somehow a sure huge gainer/probably touchdown turned into a completely unexpected incomplete pass.

If any one of these plays goes our way the game could have shifted drastically momentum wise. We caught some crazy bad luck but for those of you that are completely giving up on these kids....come on now. We're still one hell of a football team.

1)no call pure and simple

2) AU burnt on a LB blitz with Brock in the box on the weakside...

3)shouldn't have got to that..McFadden lost the ball before his knee was down @ the goalline. watch it on your dvr.

4)HUGE HUGE huge momentum buster...after this the game was officially over.

1 dropped int...4 or 5 dropped passes (I still say Trott caught the low 2nd quarter throw)

ON the 2nd quarter blown 4th down...CT was wide open near the goalline (bottom of the screen) Cox was running left and just didn't see himsafety was NOT backing up the CB....

many blwon opportunities/calls.....

I'll give the Hogs some credit but they should not have won if AU shows up,etc!

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Aren't these are the same experts who unanimously picked us to beat Arkansas last week? I want to believe, but hmmmmm.... I am a little skeptic. I will ENJOY the game and hope AU hands the Gators a whipping!

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Is it just me or does that picture of Tray on your sig scare you too??? He looks BEAST! I am not going to say that he is going to be the best LB ever since he still has yet to be on a field in the SEC. But when TT is willing to let you come back off of a SIX WEEK suspension and get "significant playing time" That tells me he knows something we dont! And back to the main point if the thread I think we can win this game and know that f we play our "A" game Fla will have to bring theres. The best thing we have going for us is that we have been so poor at times the rest of the teams dont have a lot of good footage to look at!

We get back just like we got here ONE GAME AT A TIME!!!!!!!

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I did not play football in high school or college. I was a baseball player and in the band.

Some of you guys that played....what is the mindset of the team right now? What are they thinking? I find it hard to believe that they are not going to come out with absolutely everything they have on Saturday. I would think the same would be true for the coaches.

Our overall performance sucked in the SC game and the Arky game. But some of you guys that played, I would like to know what you think is going through our guys' minds right now?

I played in high school and walked on at AU. Taking one like we did sat. gets you 1. Very focused on what you are supposed to be doing. 2. Hearing how terrible you are all week makes you want to prove you are a man. 3. If you were not listening to your coaches before you definately are now. Any of you see the AU football review from Ark. game? Tub. mentioned they also let everyone in the stands down as well. We got a similar talk just before our first game my senior year of high school. We were told that if we would not play hard for ourselves then we needed to do it for all of our moms and dads and everyone in the community that came to see us play and supported us. We were ready to take someones manhood away from them when we took the field that night. Bottom line: a loss gets you focused and motivated like nothing else. You as a player will give your life before you lose again.

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I'm surprised by the picks, but not for the same reason everyone else is. At the first of the year it seemed like every writer in the US was on the FL bandwagon simply because it was Urban's second year in Gainesville. I heard the Florida drum beaten until I was sick of it. I really can't believe the media would miss an opportunity to slobber all over this team some more. I think this is a good sign. How this team responds Saturday will go a long way to revealing if they truly have the heart of a champion. They got a good dose of their manhood taken away last week, and its time for them to go out and get it back. We all know they CAN, its just a matter of if they WILL. And that goes for the coaches, too. Al Borges and Will Muschamp have been raked over the coals the last few weeks in the media and on the internet and wherever football fans talk. Its time for them to show what they are made of as well. Personally, I think last weeks game can set the attitudes of this team straight for the rest of the year.


BTW, I agree about the Blackmon pic. Its a little like looking down the barrel of a .357 Mag, isn't it.

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I did not play football in high school or college. I was a baseball player and in the band.

Some of you guys that played....what is the mindset of the team right now? What are they thinking? I find it hard to believe that they are not going to come out with absolutely everything they have on Saturday. I would think the same would be true for the coaches.

Our overall performance sucked in the SC game and the Arky game. But some of you guys that played, I would like to know what you think is going through our guys' minds right now?

I played in high school and walked on at AU. Taking one like we did sat. gets you 1. Very focused on what you are supposed to be doing. 2. Hearing how terrible you are all week makes you want to prove you are a man. 3. If you were not listening to your coaches before you definately are now. Any of you see the AU football review from Ark. game? Tub. mentioned they also let everyone in the stands down as well. We got a similar talk just before our first game my senior year of high school. We were told that if we would not play hard for ourselves then we needed to do it for all of our moms and dads and everyone in the community that came to see us play and supported us. We were ready to take someones manhood away from them when we took the field that night. Bottom line: a loss gets you focused and motivated like nothing else. You as a player will give your life before you lose again.

Thanks for your response. This is what I was thinking and hoping!! Anyone else?

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I can't believe people are still freaking out about the loss.

Look at how that game was lost. It was MUCH closer than the stats would make it appear. That game came down to about 4 big plays.

1. The Arky TD pass in the first half. 3rd down and they get a 50 yard td pass. It could have and probably should have been an easy interception had our CB not tripped. It was a terrible throw.

2. McFadden's 63 yard td run. When was the last time someone broke a play like that on Auburn? Don't give me bs about how terrible our defense is or anything like that. It was the first rushing TD we gave up this season and it was incredibly unlucky for us.

3. Jones's TD run on 3rd and goal. We'd stopped them on 1st and 2nd down and Herring was all over that play but just overpursued a bit and missed a tackle. That is a shocking missed tackle from Will. Won't see it happen much.

4. Courtney Taylor missjudging Cox's pass. CT beats his defender (the defender was actually on the ground at the time) and I'm not sure what he did but somehow a sure huge gainer/probably touchdown turned into a completely unexpected incomplete pass.

If any one of these plays goes our way the game could have shifted drastically momentum wise. We caught some crazy bad luck but for those of you that are completely giving up on these kids....come on now. We're still one hell of a football team.


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I can't believe people are still freaking out about the loss.

Look at how that game was lost. It was MUCH closer than the stats would make it appear. That game came down to about 4 big plays.

1. The Arky TD pass in the first half. 3rd down and they get a 50 yard td pass. It could have and probably should have been an easy interception had our CB not tripped. It was a terrible throw.

2. McFadden's 63 yard td run. When was the last time someone broke a play like that on Auburn? Don't give me bs about how terrible our defense is or anything like that. It was the first rushing TD we gave up this season and it was incredibly unlucky for us.

3. Jones's TD run on 3rd and goal. We'd stopped them on 1st and 2nd down and Herring was all over that play but just overpursued a bit and missed a tackle. That is a shocking missed tackle from Will. Won't see it happen much.

4. Courtney Taylor missjudging Cox's pass. CT beats his defender (the defender was actually on the ground at the time) and I'm not sure what he did but somehow a sure huge gainer/probably touchdown turned into a completely unexpected incomplete pass.

If any one of these plays goes our way the game could have shifted drastically momentum wise. We caught some crazy bad luck but for those of you that are completely giving up on these kids....come on now. We're still one hell of a football team.


My sentiments exactly.

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Something else everyone needs to remember.....The pressure is off...baby!! We no longer have nothing to lose...while the Gators are riding high, and you know our Tigers love the underdog role. (even though technically they are not, they still are the underdogs)

Primetime Game, under the lights of JHS, autiger518's first trip to AU this year...all = big time WIN!!!!

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