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US jobs growth remains sluggish


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Why do you have so much hatred for Democrats and Liberals? I've noticed that you can't make a single post without the crybabies, selfish libs or some other such reference. Do you really think that helps your argument? Everyone has different politcal views and everyone on this board pretty much is respectful of the other's views except you. I was just thinking how much better everyone has been towards each other until you went off on this rant?

I hate no one. However, my strong resentment of the far left began fairly recently. I am actually more of a middle of the road kind of person, but I lean to the right because of the way I was raised (conservative, christian morals) and in the belief that hard work get a person ahead in this life, not government mandated handouts. I believe my hard earned money should not be spent supporting 3rd and 4th generation welfare recipients, be they black or white. I have compassion for my fellow man, but that compassion goes only so far.

It is my belief that the previous administration did more to damage the national security and global reputation of MY country than any of the other administrations combined. I care deeply for this country, and the complete lack of regard and plain disrespect for the nation and the office of the presidency the Clinton administration exhibited is something I will never forgive nor forget.

There are several democrats I have the utmost respect for. They represent what the party used to stand for.....the working man. Although I don't agree with a lot of what the democratic party stands for, I can respect them. Unfortunately, they are a dying breed. With the likes of Daschle, Clinton, Pelosi, and Dean taking over; the party is becoming nothing more than a collection of divisive left wing extremists.

The group I have perhaps the most heartburn with are the Gore sore losers who refuse to let go of events from 3 years ago. They figure that if they continue to b*tch, whine and moan enough, Gore will somehow magically appear in the White House. They bring up skewed facts about the "stolen" election, yet when confronted by fact, they continue to parrot the same tired "forget the electoral college, Gore won the popular vote" line. The fact of the matter is the same process was used to elect Bush as was used to elect every president over the last 200 years.

I have other points of contention but I am kind of rushed for time at the moment.

I knew you could do it!! That was a very well tought out and informative post. I congratulate you. It's your best yet and you demonstrated a deep passion for your beliefs. There is only one comment that I want to make on the 2000 election. You stated that "The fact of the matter is the same process was used to elect Bush as was used to elect every president over the last 200 years." I disagree. NEVER has the Supreme Court of the United States stepped in and refused a candidate the right to a recount in a state so closely contested.

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NEVER has the Supreme Court of the United States stepped in and refused a candidate the right to a recount in a state so closely contested.

The only reason it went to the Supreme Court is because Gore and his 10,000 lawyers kept contesting the results of several recounts, all of which showed Bush won. If the Supreme Court hadn't stepped in, that bug eyed dude would still be looking at dimpled chads through a magnifying glass.

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NEVER has the Supreme Court of the United States stepped in and refused a candidate the right to a recount in a state so closely contested.

The only reason it went to the Supreme Court is because Gore and his 10,000 lawyers kept contesting the results of several recounts, all of which showed Bush won. If the Supreme Court hadn't stepped in, that bug eyed dude would still be looking at dimpled chads through a magnifying glass.

Actually, the first recount was never finished. Katherine Harris gave them a deadline that she knew couldn't be met and demanded not only the recount stopped when that time came but refused to accept the numbers from the counties who actually DID finish their recount.

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No one wants to address why more Americans are working today than on 9/10/01?

Then why don't you?

Well, the entire premise of this thread is that we have lost more jobs since 9/11 and that the economic recovery is a jobless recovery..........but, according to the department of labor more Americans are working today than before the economic downturn of 2 1/2 years ago...............

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