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Partitioning Iraq...What do you think?


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I think any partition that does not get in line with and follow the dictates of Iran & to a lesser degree Syria will be overrun with insurgents and suicide bombers. Anyone Muslim or otherwise will be killed.

BTW - Iran announced that they are only months away from joining the nuclear community. But they are doing that only for peaceful purposes aren't they?

The Iranian leader said he hoped "to hold the big celebration of Iran's full nuclearization in the current year." Iran's current calendar year ends on March 20.

"We need time to produce enough fuel for one complete nuclear power plant," he said. (What he really means is one really good bomb to exterminate Israel.)


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I can see the possibility of partitioning areas that are overwhelmingly only Sunni, Shiite, or Kurdish. But I think the problem is in those areas that are such a tangled mix of Sunni & Shiite that you'd almost have to separate block by block to separate the warring factions--which, of course, is impossible. And could/would those partitioned areas live in peace with each other and the world, or would they continue to war on each other?

At the very least, I see no problem with those northern Kurdish areas that had already established some degree of autonomy from Saddam Hussein becoming a separate state. Of course, I'm not Turkey, Iran, or the neighboring former Soviet regions that have large dissident Kurdish populations to worry aobut.

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Get out of there now and let them settle it. They separate and the Turks will be in on this war as well. We could have the biggest regional war we have ever witnessed on earth and Israel will not be involved.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

The British created the mess that is today Iraq when they threw all those tribes and factions together many years ago. I agree with David, to a degree. I don't think we should leave, but something should be done to make the provinces more autonomous.

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Get oput of there now and let them settle it. They separate and the Turks will be in on this war as well. We could have the biggest regional war we have ever witnessed on earth and Israel will not be involved.

Under such circumstances, it might be a clever move for one of the factions to drag Israel into it--all the Islamic factions might then unite against the common enemy. [Although to be fair, they aren't having much success in uniting against their current common enemy, us.]
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I think it's an idea whose time has come. I think they should actually have four districts: Sunni, Shiite, Kurd and "mixed" for those who are more moderate and want to live with others. Largely self-governing but a central government for things such as controlling oil revenues. Divide the oil revenues equitably and make all refineries and oil infrastructure areas "non-sectarian" areas controlled and guarded by the central gov't.

No, it's not the melting pot America became, but I don't think these people can live together for the most part. It seems to have worked for the former Yugoslavia...divide into Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzagovina and so on. You don't have to go quite that far in terms of declaring separate countries. But the effect can be the same.

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Well, something like this would not happen smoothly, that's for sure. All you have to do is look at the political separation of India and Pakistan, as well as the breakup of Yugoslavia. Can anybody say Srebrenicia?

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Get oput of there now and let them settle it. They separate and the Turks will be in on this war as well. We could have the biggest regional war we have ever witnessed on earth and Israel will not be involved.

Under such circumstances, it might be a clever move for one of the factions to drag Israel into it--all the Islamic factions might then unite against the common enemy. [Although to be fair, they aren't having much success in uniting against their current common enemy, us.]

QF, imagine that the IslamoFascists have driven Israel into the sea. The are celebrating, firing guns into the air. All is well with the Sunnis, the Shia, etc. Do they start killing each other that night, or do they wait until morning?

I am poking fun, but in reality I am not. If Israel was out of the Middle East, the Muslims would turn all their hatred on each other the next day.

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Well, something like this would not happen smoothly, that's for sure. All you have to do is look at the political separation of India and Pakistan, as well as the breakup of Yugoslavia. Can anybody say Srebrenicia?

Could it possibly be worse than it is right now? The old Yugoslavia looks to be in pretty good shape now in terms of not killing each other.

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Get oput of there now and let them settle it. They separate and the Turks will be in on this war as well. We could have the biggest regional war we have ever witnessed on earth and Israel will not be involved.

Under such circumstances, it might be a clever move for one of the factions to drag Israel into it--all the Islamic factions might then unite against the common enemy. [Although to be fair, they aren't having much success in uniting against their current common enemy, us.]

QF, imagine that the IslamoFascists have driven Israel into the sea. The are celebrating, firing guns into the air. All is well with the Sunnis, the Shia, etc. Do they start killing each other that night, or do they wait until morning?

I am poking fun, but in reality I am not. If Israel was out of the Middle East, the Muslims would turn all their hatred on each other the next day.

Actually, I agree with you. But they'd still manage to drag Israel into it, and gang up on Israel before they turn back on each other.

So I suppose one could argue that they need the existence of Israel to unite them against a common enemy. In destroying Israel, they would be destroying the only thing they really have in common. Seems sort of self defeating to try to kill the only thing that holds you together.

Of course, then again, if they all made peace with Israel and weren't attacking Israel, they'd again have nothing to keep them from fighting each other.

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