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The civilized world has two enemies--Radical Islamists and the United Nations.


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The United Nations of Child Rapists

The civilized world has two enemies--Radical Islamists and the United Nations.

I wrote about the Sex-for-Food depravity of the United Nations in my book "The Death of Right and Wrong." The fact that it is not only still an issue, but actually flourishing is mind-boggling. Here is another report, by the BBC, of how UN troops and staff, in every single one of the UN missions around the world, is raping women and children, and using food as a bargaining chip for sex.

UN troops face child abuse claims

Children have been subjected to rape and prostitution by United Nations peacekeepers in Haiti and Liberia, a BBC investigation has found.

Girls have told of regular encounters with soldiers where sex is demanded in return for food or money...The UN has faced several scandals involving its troops in recent years, including a DR Congo paedophile ring and prostitute trafficking in Kosovo.

The assistant secretary-general for peacekeeping operations acknowledges that sexual abuse is widespread.

"We've had a problem probably since the inception of peacekeeping - problems of this kind of exploitation of vulnerable populations," Jane Holl Lute told the BBC. "My operating presumption is that this is either a problem or a potential problem in every single one of our missions."

It's important you know that it is our tax dollars that pay for every UN "mission." The UN is obviously not only useless when it comes to solving the world's problems, it is the problem for the world. If the UN's facilitation of the Islamist problem, its Jew-hating bias against Israel, and the so-called security council's work (via China and Russia) to protect tyrants isn't enough for some to recognize the abject depravity of the UN, perhaps this systematic rape and prostitution of children in the world's most vulnerable countries will do it.


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Child Abuse, Prostitution, Genocide, Corruption, Etc.

Yep, we sure do need to get rid of the one guy at the UN that was trying to clean it all up. Must be so easy being a Dem. Not ever having to be held responsible for anything at anytime.

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It will be nice when Kofi "I never met a dictator I didn't love" Annan moves on. The UN had finally started to understand that the US will not be their whipping boy anymore. There are many in these Unites States that will not stand for the UN much longer. It's time they move out and move on. NATO is more proactive thatn the UN. Look at the agreement with Hamas. When will Israel get their soldiers back. I think its time Israel stepped up the bombings again. The UN is a joke. Unfortunately, its on us.....

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