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Saddam's Death Helps Al Qaeda


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Interesting view. Puppets have a hand controlling them, remove the hand and there is nothing left but an empty rag.

Saddam's death solidifies the vaccuum in leadership in Iraq. It sends a message to other Dictators, Kings, Emirs, Sheiks, whatever you want to call the billionaire thugs who rule without democracy in the desert-- a message that when you stop dancing the puppet game for the USA and the west, you may not be able to keep on doing your own dance. You die. This, at the same time, sends a message to Al Qaeda, the Taliban and others, that they can sucker the US, Neocons and other imperialists suffering from hubris into helping them take down their enemies.

This execution will not help the US one iota. It will hurt the US. It will make it clear that doing business with the US can be deadly. It will show that working with the US as an ally can be more dangerous that doing without the US, when fighting an enemy.


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