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Auburn Benefits


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The last soup to nuts excellent season for an Auburn quarterback happened during their magical campaign of 2004. Then-senior quarterback Jason Campbell, benefiting from an outstanding running game, excellent offensive line and solid receiving corps, completed 69.6 percent of his passes for 2,700 yards and 20 touchdowns that year. Not to mention, Campbell threw only seven interceptions and rushed for three touchdowns.

In other words, Campbell was able to utilize his legs and 4.69 speed to buy time -- and sometimes even run the ball himself -- with the utmost effectiveness, making him one of the best dual-threat QBs in college football. In fact, the way that Auburn's offensive attack and talent have historically emphasized the run, a mobile quarterback is preferred.

Interestingly, a player from an SEC West rival seems to have helped the Tigers secure another promising multidimensional signal caller. Actually, he's really a former SEC West rival player and member of the infamous Springdale Three.

His name is Mitch Mustain. And he was one of three talented Springdale High School recruits to enroll at Arkansas in 2006. Now he's a player who's asked for a transfer.

When Mustain, the Parade Prep Player of the Year in 2005, decided to enroll at Arkansas in January '06, it had an affect on Auburn. Two words: Kodi Burns.

Burns was the 2006 eighth-ranked dual-threat quarterback in the nation; he was also the second-ranked overall recruit coming out of the state of Arkansas this season. When deciding on which school to attend, Burns only gave Arkansas a brief glimmer of hope before committing to Auburn. After all, Mustain was clearly the future in Arkansas; why would he even challenge that? Thus, he took his 4.5 speed and 245-pound bench press in a different direction.

Burns, however, is potentially the perfect quarterback for either of these SEC West systems (Auburn and Arkansas could both really benefit from mobility). Even better, he's actually faster than Campbell was.

And Tigers fans know how he turned out, of course.

To boot, Mustain is now leaving. Thus, his signing likely helped Auburn land Burns, and now his transfer hurts the Razorbacks (also helping the Tigers in the SEC West).

But the Springdale Three seems to have given Auburn even more help than that.

Remember that infamous meeting between Mustain's mother, Beck Campbell, and others with Arkansas athletic director Frank Broyles? After that soiree, one of the Springdale Three decided to transfer (Damian Williams). That particular move didn't impact Auburn too much. However, the fallout from the meeting was rather severe. Rumors began to spread that Razorback head coach Houston Nutt had lied to the recruits. Maybe, maybe not. It didn't matter, though, because the thought had been expressed.

Next thing you know, the topic recruit in Arkansas, offensive tackle Lee Ziemba, decided on Auburn over Arkansas. Don't think that the problems in Razorbacks country had anything to do with his decision? Then think about this: Arkansas hadn't lost its No. 1-rated recruit to another state since 2003, a year when quarterback Bret Smith decided to attend Tennessee. Not to mention the fact that Arkansas hadn't come up empty on its top three in-state recruits in quite some time.

But we digress. The point is that the Auburn Tigers owe, at least in part, a vote of appreciation to the Springdale Three. Ziemba and Burns probably both wouldn't be with them had it not been for the fiasco that the threesome, right or wrong, caused. Besides, the fallout has hurt recruiting for a division rival, which is always helpful.

Wisdom through the Clicker

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I read this article a couple of days ago. I think this guy is really overstating how much of an effect Mustain had on Kody's choice of schools. While its true that he probably wanted to stay away from the soap opera that is unfolding in Fayetteville, I think his decision had more to do with him wanting to be a Tiger than him not wanting to be a Razorback. Remember, before his knee injury, Caudle was a VERY highly regarded player in HS. Burns is coming into a crowded field at Auburn and he knew it. I think Burns is confident enough in his ability that he feels he can start anywhere, even a school that has Mitch Mustain.

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I think this guy is really overstating how much of an effect Mustain had on Kody's choice of schools. While its true that he probably wanted to stay away from the soap opera that is unfolding in Fayetteville, I think his decision had more to do with him wanting to be a Tiger than him not wanting to be a Razorback.

That's exactly what I thought when I read it. Pure conjecture on the author's part.

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Do I think that the Arkansas situation caused Burns or Ziemba to go to Auburn? No! Do I think it helped? Definely!

Well said alum. I'm sure as with lots of other life decisions, many things played a part. Kodi's realtionship with Lee and Lee's connection to AU and relatives in Alabama surely played a role as well.

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