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Help getting through off-season


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All right, folks, I have written a book about the Auburn/Alabama rivalry. Seriously, I have. The title is Nine Straight and you can guess what period I wrote it about from the title. I know that Alabama fans will like it because of the nine game winning streak but I would like to get a gauge on how Auburn fans like it. Sure it involves a lot of the Alabama tradition and a lot of the Bear, but it is a historical piece. The good news, Auburn fans, is that it begins and ends with the Tigers winning. I spent months going through newspaper archives reading the sports pages from each of the games in the book. It is amazing how much better football is covered in newspapers these days.

The first addition is available online for $10 in print but you can download it for free (it is only 104 pages). If you are interested I would appreciate it if you could read it and tell me what you think.

This is a first edition. I intend to republish it again with the addition of interviews with coaches and players from that era. I am in the process of lining them up right now.

As I said the download is free and let me know your honest opinion. My e-mail address will be printed in the thank you message from the site.

To get it go here:


P.S. Don't rag me on the cover art. I have a guy working on a much better one.

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I could care less about reading some book written about the bear's last ride. However I work with a couple of older men that are close to retirement that can remember "those days". I'll pass it along to them.

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RTR i guess?

Unfortunately for Auburn fans there is a good bit of pro-Bama to this book. Like I said before it is history and an inescapable one. Rome had a glorious society but when it fell others reaped the benefit of striving to conquer it. So what I tried to concentrate on from an Auburn fan's stand point was how that long streak and the success of Bama motivated positive change for Auburn.

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