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If you like good beer call your stae rep.

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This was from another site I visit.

TO: Alabama BeerAdvocates

FROM: www.freethehops.org

Alabama BAs: with your help, beers like Rochefort, Three Philosophers, and Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA will soon be seen in retailers throughout the state.

Our House bill has been put on the calendar for a floor vote this Tuesday, April 3rd. That means Tuesday will be the single most critical day in the history of Free The Hops. Our bill must pass a vote in the House to become law. If HB195 passes the floor vote Tuesday, it will then proceed to the Senate, where it will go through a Senate committee before being voted on by the full Senate body. At which point we expect Governor Riley would sign it, and all your favorite Trappist ales and American double IPAs will hit the shelves of fine retailers across the state.

Hopefully I have conveyed how pivotal Tuesday, April 3rd is for the FTH campaign. It is absolutely crucial that everyone who gets this message calls his or her Representative before the House convenes Tuesday morning. Please have a conversation with your Rep. If you can manage an email too, do that as well. Even if you have already written and/or called, you need to do it again now. If you already know your Rep supports our bill, call to thank them for their support, and tell them you are looking forward to seeing the passage of the Gourmet Beer Bill reported in the news Tuesday evening. If you know your Rep is opposed to our bill, call and politely convey that as a voter you hope they'll reconsider. Make sure they understand the bill will bring a better selection of expensive gourmet beer, and that 46 other states already have these beers available. And the data proves there is no link between the availability of these beers and underage drinking. NO LINK. They are too expensive and the flavors are too strong.

There is a vocal anti-alcohol opposition that will be making a last-ditch effort to stop our bill from passing. They will be making phone calls and personal visits to members of the House in an attempt to convince them HB195 is bad legislation. Their only argument is that the beers we're trying to legalize will appeal to underage drinkers. That is simply not true, and we have the data to prove it. Please see http://www.freethehops.org/Underag ... inking.php if you haven't already.

We need the phone calls and emails from supporters of HB195 to drown out the phone calls from the anti-alcohol opposition. Make your voice heard, and Wednesday morning you can enjoy reading about The Gourmet Beer Bill being sent from the House to the Senate.

Click here to find out who your Representative is:

http://www.legislature.state.al.us ... earch.html

It's time to liberate beer in Alabama.

Danner Kline


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You poor Alabamians. We've been able to drink those beers in Ga for a while now. If you've ever in Atlanta, you need to check out The Brick Store Pub in Decatur. I live about 2 miles from the place.


There's a menu on the link of the beers they serve. Best selection of Belgian and craft beers in Atlanta. It was one of the top 25 places in the country to get a beer on Beeradvocate.com last year.

I'll never understand the stance govt takes on things like this. We still can't buy beer on Sunday in Ga, but we can get drunk off 3 beers that are 10% alcohol at the Brick Store on Sunday or any other day of the week. God forbid I go and buy a 6 pack of Budweiser on Sunday for a cookout.

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You poor Alabamians. We've been able to drink those beers in Ga for a while now. If you've ever in Atlanta, you need to check out The Brick Store Pub in Decatur. I live about 2 miles from the place.


There's a menu on the link of the beers they serve. Best selection of Belgian and craft beers in Atlanta. It was one of the top 25 places in the country to get a beer on Beeradvocate.com last year.

I'll never understand the stance govt takes on things like this. We still can't buy beer on Sunday in Ga, but we can get drunk off 3 beers that are 10% alcohol at the Brick Store on Sunday or any other day of the week. God forbid I go and buy a 6 pack of Budweiser on Sunday for a cookout.

We are using the same lobbyists that they used in GA a few years ago when the same bill came up there.

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I heard about this on the John Gibson radio show last week. Wow, Alabama is going from beer with a max alcohol content of 6% to 14.9%!!! Where do I sign?!?!?

I once drank a beer at a brewhouse in Fayetteville, NC that was so dark it was literally black and you needed a knife to cut it. It was only 12% alcohol and I was stumbling around after just one. OK, maybe I wasn't stumbling but I definitely felt it.

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I heard about this on the John Gibson radio show last week. Wow, Alabama is going from beer with a max alcohol content of 6% to 14.9%!!! Where do I sign?!?!?

I once drank a beer at a brewhouse in Fayetteville, NC that was so dark it was literally black and you needed a knife to cut it. It was only 12% alcohol and I was stumbling around after just one. OK, maybe I wasn't stumbling but I definitely felt it.

Man, I travelled to New Zealand and fell in with a bunch of Australian guys. We started drinking beers, and I was determined to match those guys bottle for bottle.

What a huge mistake. I had no idea that New Zealand beer was 14% alcohol.

So the real knee-slapper in Australia is this: "Why is American beer like making love in a canoe? It's f***ing too close to water."

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I heard about this on the John Gibson radio show last week. Wow, Alabama is going from beer with a max alcohol content of 6% to 14.9%!!! Where do I sign?!?!?

I once drank a beer at a brewhouse in Fayetteville, NC that was so dark it was literally black and you needed a knife to cut it. It was only 12% alcohol and I was stumbling around after just one. OK, maybe I wasn't stumbling but I definitely felt it.

Man, I travelled to New Zealand and fell in with a bunch of Australian guys. We started drinking beers, and I was determined to match those guys bottle for bottle.

What a huge mistake. I had no idea that New Zealand beer was 14% alcohol.

So the real knee-slapper in Australia is this: "Why is American beer like making love in a canoe? It's f***ing too close to water."

One of my soldiers is prior service Navy and was talking the other day about when they would make a port of call in Australia. He talked about this one bar that would give out free tshirts if you could drink 8 of their beers. Needless to say they had a lot of tshirts on hand and his sailor buddies didn't even know their own names by the time they walked out of there. But a few did win tshirts which promptly doubled as a bib afterwards.

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