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Are We asleep at


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Just My Opinion

In a recent article, in USA Today, the Mujahadeen Shura Council, an umbrella organization of Sunni Arab extremists groups that includes al-Qaida in Iraq, issued a statement saying that Muslims would be victorious and addressed the Pope as “the worshipper of the cross” saying “You and the west are doomed you can see from the defeat in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya and elsewhere…we will break up the cross, spill the liquor and impose a head tax, then the only thing acceptable is a conversion (to Islam) or (killed by) the sword.” It’s also important for all Americans and Christians alike to understand that Extremist Muslims are not engaged in a legitimate Jihad, but rather in brutal, uncontrolled terrorism against innocents which is NOT sanctioned in the Koran.

It’s also clear that extremist Muslims have world domination as their goal, organized mass murder of all Christians who refuse to convert to Islam by beheading and/or the total destruction of the Western world by any means available. Given this outlook, are we sleeping while our destruction is being planned?

In a world where we once feared nuclear war with the Soviet Union or China, it’s now clear that the real threat to this planet’s existence will likely come from Extremist Muslim terrorism and possibly from insane, irresponsible leadership from other third world countries such as Iran or Venezuela.

Despite 9-11, which was our modern day Pearl Harbor, Americans historically have short memories and somehow fail to admit threats when they exist right under their noses. While worry about our next raise or promotion, follow the super bowls, take our vacations, check our stock portfolios, watch our beauty pageants, root for American Idols, drive our gas guzzling SUV’s, and allow lobbyists to influence our politicians to vote for measures which endanger our existence, , the EXTREMIST Muslim world is plotting our total destruction. In fact, many extremists honestly believe that they are bound by their religious beliefs to behead us as infidels and non –believers.

Do we have the will to confront these elements until we are safe or will we be content to worry about trivial things of the moment and ignore the very real threat to our existence as a nation and as a people? I hope so but I’m beginning to doubt It!! General Giap of North Vietnam said some 40 plus years ago: “The Americans do not have the will to fight a protracted war in Southeast Asia” He was right! Is the same true of the war against terrorism? I believe so ! :(

JMHO War Eagle! And No, Idon't have a link because this represents my opinion.

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I most certainly am and I still resent the fact that he will reap benefits from this war, probably even after leaving office. (which can't be too soon for me) Unlike you and other republicans, I don't necessarily believe that getting rich (any way you can) is permissible in a society where capitalism rules. Apparently, from Bush's cabinet, most of his people do.

I believe that this war was unnecessary because those who attacked us on 9-11 came from Afghanastan and not Iraq. We are now bogged down four years later in both countries. However, to validate my post, I must say that even though I am opposed to the war in Iraq, I believe the mistake would be compounded by our desertion of th e Iraqi people. This would leave Iraq open to other nations such as Iran and further destabilize the region. There are no easy answers to the resolution of this issue NOW THAT BUSH has put us there. I don't believe that a military solution is possible and if a solution is found, it must involve all the major players in the region and must be a diplomatic solution. So far. Mr. Bush has refused to negotiate with others and his only response it to raise troop levels.

As for Democratic involvement, say what you want, but the people of this nation indicated recently that they wanted a new direction in this war and many wanted our troops home. This puts the democratic party in a difficult position because they cannot put conditions to funds because Mr. Bush will veto it and they know an immediate withdrawal is not wise. THing is, Mr. Bush stops war funding himself by vetoing any measure that contains funding for his war. Make no mistake, you cannot impose a democracy on a people who have never known anything but war and a dictatorship and the 25% of the middle east's oil supply in the Kurdish region is the real reason why we are there.... Mr. Colin Powell was right when he told King George, "If you break it, you own it." He just didn't know he couldn't afford it!

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I most certainly am and I still resent the fact that he will reap benefits from this war, probably even after leaving office. (which can't be too soon for me) Unlike you and other republicans, I don't necessarily believe that getting rich (any way you can) is permissible in a society where capitalism rules. Apparently, from Bush's cabinet, most of his people do.

How do you feel about Senator Fienstien's husband who has made millions from this war through the influence of his wife's position on the Senate sub-committee for Military Construction? How do you feel about the fact that most of the wealth in congress is in the Democrat Party? How do you feel about the wealth made from the dot com bust went to Democrat operatives? Haliburton is an oil services company and since Democrats no longer allow oil to be drilled here, Haliburton operates in the Middle East and other areas develping oil. Kellog Brown & Root, a subsiderary of Haliburton puchased some years ago) has been in military and international construction for a number of years. The only other company capbable of providing such serivices is in France. Your assertion about Cheney is like complaining that college professors are paid too much for something they should do for free to keep tuition down.

I believe that this war was unnecessary because those who attacked us on 9-11 came from Afghanastan and not Iraq. We are now bogged down four years later in both countries. However, to validate my post, I must say that even though I am opposed to the war in Iraq, I believe the mistake would be compounded by our desertion of th e Iraqi people. This would leave Iraq open to other nations such as Iran and further destabilize the region. There are no easy answers to the resolution of this issue NOW THAT BUSH has put us there. I don't believe that a military solution is possible and if a solution is found, it must involve all the major players in the region and must be a diplomatic solution. So far. Mr. Bush has refused to negotiate with others and his only response it to raise troop levels.

When one opens an ant bed, one did not create all of those ants then and there. They were underground all along. Regime change in Iraq was US policy under a law passed by Congress and the resolution to go to was was also passed by Congress. Bush did not single handedly take us to war. The enemies of freedom do not restrict themselves to Afganistan. They received funding from many sources including Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and others. They are now receiving encouragement from the Democrat Party. You said in your post that you did not think that the American people did not have the will to fight a protracted war. Well we are in one whether we wanted it or not. We have been in it since 1983, but in 2001, we were pushed into taking the fight to the enemy.

As for Democratic involvement, say what you want, but the people of this nation indicated recently that they wanted a new direction in this war and many wanted our troops home. This puts the democratic party in a difficult position because they cannot put conditions to funds because Mr. Bush will veto it and they know an immediate withdrawal is not wise. THing is, Mr. Bush stops war funding himself by vetoing any measure that contains funding for his war. Make no mistake, you cannot impose a democracy on a people who have never known anything but war and a dictatorship and the 25% of the middle east's oil supply in the Kurdish region is the real reason why we are there.... Mr. Colin Powell was right when he told King George, "If you break it, you own it." He just didn't know he couldn't afford it!

Vetoing a pork bill that dictates surrender is the right thing to do. Democrats should fund the troops without having to bribe its own members. Democrats demanded a change in direction. Gen. Petraus has done that and is now fighting an insurgency war as we should have for some time. I don't recall surrender being on the ballot last November.

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I believe that this war was unnecessary because those who attacked us on 9-11 came from Afghanastan and not Iraq.

Then you must be a big fan of The View. We didn't attack Iraq BECAUSE we thought it had a role in the 9/11 attacks. I'm so sick and effing tired of hearing that crap. If you can't pay attention to what is going on in the world, then don't go blaming others for your ignorance.

But make no mistake. Iraq is far more worthy a prize now for al Qaeda and Islamic Fascists than Afghanistan ever was. Afghanistan is a out of the way, backwater hovel that worked fine as a training ground for militant Islam, but they never intended on staying there. They may be evil, but they're not stupid. They see the wealth potential in Iraq, just as anyone else does. They see the greater impact it has on the world stage than Afghanistan ever could, and are more than willing to keep dying THERE than anywhere else. Which is why this war has carried on for so long. 1000's of willing victims have streamed into Iraq from OUTSIDE simply to strap bombs onto themselves, for the sake of Allah. Because of political correctness, and the whiney ass libs who think we should surrender EVERYTHING before we fire another shot, this war has been allowed to carry on a path of eventual surrender and defeat.

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I believe that this war was unnecessary because those who attacked us on 9-11 came from Afghanastan and not Iraq.

Then you must be a big fan of The View. We didn't attack Iraq BECAUSE we thought it had a role in the 9/11 attacks. I'm so sick and effing tired of hearing that crap. If you can't pay attention to what is going on in the world, then don't go blaming others for your ignorance.

I'm a big fan of The View. I wasn't aware there were any spoken words on the show. I thought it was just about watching Elisabeth.


I figured it was a show for farmers because there will occasionally be these red goats that bleat for a while and then this cow/pig makes all kinds of flatulent noise. I assumed Elisabeth was just tending the herd. Hmmmm.

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