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Washington DC, Hollywood for ugly people...

DKW 86

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Who runs this company?????


This is just too true to passup...

You will be stunned by the figures quoted here in this rant.

500+ Employee Company:

29 have physically assaulted their bosses...

7 have been arrested for fraud...

19 are notorious bad check writers...

117 have bankrupted TWO OR MORE COMAPNIES (300 plus have bankrupted at least one company.)

3 have been jailed for assault...

71 have credit SSSOOO bad that they cannot get a credit card...

14 have been arrested for smoking dope or other drug charges...

8 have been arrested for Shoplifting...

21 are defendants in civil suits...

84 have been arrested for DUI THIS YEAR ALONE!!!!!!!!!

Who is this company? It is one run by the American Taxpayer. It is the US Congress. These fools are the ones telling you and I how to live, how to work, etc. They are in reality nothing but a bunch of total screw-ups.

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Excuse me, this info is for 1999, not 2007. The Snopes piece questions a few things such as words etc, but in the end says that the info "was drawn from a series of articles that appeared in the online publication Capital Hill Blue in 1999..."

In today's white collar world, folks must go through a credit check to get a job. Why shouldn't congress have to go through one also. And if you don't meet the criteria, then you can't run? Of at least post the results for everyone to see. If you cannot manage your own affairs, how in the hell can you manage the country's?


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