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Fair Tax


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Anybody know anything about the FairTax? I am looking for your thoughts on the pros and cons of it.

The fair tax is basically the abolition of the IRS and all state taxes in favor of a 23% retail tax that can be implemented in many ways, which is one of the points of debate. There are many points of debate, and that is what I would like to hear from you guys.

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Anybody know anything about the FairTax? I am looking for your thoughts on the pros and cons of it.

The fair tax is basically the abolition of the IRS and all state taxes in favor of a 23% retail tax that can be implemented in many ways, which is one of the points of debate. There are many points of debate, and that is what I would like to hear from you guys.

Lots and lots and lots of bean counters would be out of work, chiefly because the arcane tax code would be obsolete.

Personally, I'm all for eliminating the yearly ordeal of filing taxes, plus the punitive tax rates. And, as a business owner, I have to undertake all kinds of gyrations simply to keep my fair share of my income. Simply paying a sales tax would be so much more rational--and fairer.

The only thing I would offer as an exception would be medicine.

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Anybody know anything about the FairTax? I am looking for your thoughts on the pros and cons of it.

The fair tax is basically the abolition of the IRS and all state taxes in favor of a 23% retail tax that can be implemented in many ways, which is one of the points of debate. There are many points of debate, and that is what I would like to hear from you guys.

Lots and lots and lots of bean counters would be out of work, chiefly because the arcane tax code would be obsolete.

Personally, I'm all for eliminating the yearly ordeal of filing taxes, plus the punitive tax rates. And, as a business owner, I have to undertake all kinds of gyrations simply to keep my fair share of my income. Simply paying a sales tax would be so much more rational--and fairer.

The only thing I would offer as an exception would be medicine.

You would still have to file something. But I think it would most likely be more of a census filing than anything. each family would get back their taxes paid on the minimum living expenses that they would pay. So if you have four kids, then you would get a check back from the government for the calculated amount of necessary items you would have paid taxes for. So even the poor, as long as they are citizens in good standing would not have to pay taxes on the necessities. I guess we could bitch about what the "necessities" really are. To me its food and clothing. Some might argue shelter. But a tent could be called shelter.

The best part about all of this is that EVERYONE would pay. All visitors and illegals. The only difference is that visitors and illegals would not get their "necessity" check. I like it. If I choose to live frugally, then I pay less taxes. Either way it's my choice, not the government's.

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I have the book by Boortz and congressman Linder.

It would be all about what you spend, not what you make.

I'm all for it.

This thing gets too much of a bad rep.

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IMO, the tax code will not get less complicated. It is in the politicians' best interest to keep it complicated.

And this is why I think it will never become law. I would love it though.

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