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ESPN NEWS is showing the video of $abban firing at the media ALL Day

The Prowler

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You people really go off when you read the truth. I know ,I know it hurts that you've had about as much success as your going to have for a long time. You have a coach that's been on the job for 10 years and nobody really cares because 6 wins against Bama is your claim to fame . :roflol:

OMG, that's as good as it will ever get for you ,so sad and pathetic.

Face it, YOU WILL NEVER, EVER win a championship with your coach. Never have and never will!

Lets see, LSU's Miles has been on the job for what 4 or so years? He's got a MNC. Florida's Meyers has been on the job around 4 years. He's got a MNC. Saban was at LSU for about 4 years, he's got a MNC. Georgia, thery're in the hunt and I'd bet they get one very soon. Where does that leave ears an the barn?

With all the troubles we have had the last few years we will still win a national championship before you do.

Your irrelevance will always remain,have fun wallowing in it.

Call me what ever you want ,say what you want but nothing, I mean nothing will ever change the fact that you will always be second best, Well except in recorded sanctions in the books. You know the ''OFFICIAL'' records. Wait , aren't you guys recorded officially as the #3 worse team in sanctions in all of NCAA history?

Calling Bama cheaters, :no:

Hypocritical ,finger pointing ,rock throwing, pathetic, irrelevant cry babies.

You will always be in the shadow of UA. As much as you hate us you'll all have to live with that the rest of your lives. You'll never have the winning records ,bowl championship wins or national championships Bama has, ever.

To put in easy terms so you all can understand..... you suck and always will. :roflol::roflol:

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baby grid, is there really no end to your idiocy? Continue to post and solidify that hold you have on being the stereotypical uat fan. We all continue to laugh at your stupidity. Ever wonder why the other uat fans that post here don't come to the threads you post in and help you? That should tell you something...

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baby grid, is there really no end to your idiocy? Continue to post and solidify that hold you have on being the stereotypical uat fan. We all continue to laugh at your stupidity. Ever wonder why the other uat fans that post here don't come to the threads you post in and help you? That should tell you something...

To quote you, ''if your going to respond to my post learn how to spell my name,geeze ,it's easy to do.''

Your hatred is noted. It's too bad you can't deal with the truth either.

Like I said ,say what you will but, nothing can change what you guys are, have been or ever will be.

Nope, I don't wonder about any of the other Bama fans here. I know of them from other places.

As far as being a stereotypical fan and spreading idiocy, you folks here do a fine job of it yourselves and I truly do get a great deal of humor watching most of you making fun of people all the while doing the same things yourself. My how much fun I will have watching your glass houses crash when the rocks you guys throw come back to you. Make no mistakes about it. It will happen.

Again, the fun part is most of you know it will happen but choose to ignore the fact that it will.

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I've been over this thing several times and can not figure out where the quote function is messed up.... Guess we'll just have to live with it.

You people really go off when you read the truth.

Truth? Hmm... okay, let's review the truth as written by you so far Colonel Flapjack.

I know ,I know it hurts that you've had about as much success as your going to have for a long time.

Truth: Not only did you just admit that we're having success, but additionally, it's STILL HAPPENING.

Truth: Bama hasn't experienced "success" in a LONG time.

You have a coach that's been on the job for 10 years and nobody really cares because 6 wins against Bama is your claim to fame.

Truth: Tuberville has been here for 10 years, and still improving, maintaining, graduating players, keeping players out of trouble, keeping his own name out of the media for the wrong reasons, and all for a bargain compared to Gray Pants the Barbarian.

Truth: You haven't had a coach that will stay with you, and you haven't stayed with a coach. You now are on your 5th coach in almost as many years. You have nothing to offer in terms of coaching consistency, or loyalty.

Truth: Our claim to fame, is a fame held within the rivalry, but funny how even in the article you linked to earlier, it's used as a jab against your team in a national publication.

Truth: The very fact you are here proves beyond any doubt that our rivalry matters to you. Obviously very passionately matters.

OMG, that's as good as it will ever get for you ,so sad and pathetic.

Truth: Seeing definative examples of proven records and 50 win senior classes shows that not only are we just getting better, we're doing lots of things Auburn hasn't done in the past. We have proof on the field with results in the written record that we ARE getting better.

Truth: Bama hasn't done a single thing on the field to show improvement. Not one.

Face it, YOU WILL NEVER, EVER win a championship with your coach. Never have and never will!

Truth: Lets see, if you actually could tell the future, and weren't the drooling f-tard you are, then you'd be elsewhere making lots of money. Excuse me if I dismiss your ignorance.

Lets see, LSU's Miles has been on the job for what 4 or so years? He's got a MNC. Florida's Meyers has been on the job around 4 years. He's got a MNC. Saban was at LSU for about 4 years, he's got a MNC. Georgia, thery're in the hunt and I'd bet they get one very soon.

Truth: Not one of these examples has the first thing to do with Alabama. Not one.

With all the troubles we have had the last few years we will still win a national championship before you do.

Truth: You have to win more than six games a year to get into that conversation. You have to keep players out of jail. Those are the issues Alabama has to tackle first. Leave MNC conversations to the big kids.

Call me what ever you want ,say what you want but nothing, I mean nothing will ever change the fact that you will always be second best.

Truth: This doesn't carry a lot of water coming from you, nor anyone in your inbred fanbase after six straight. Nice try though.

Well except in recorded sanctions in the books. You know the ''OFFICIAL'' records. Wait , aren't you guys recorded officially as the #3 worse team in sanctions in all of NCAA history?

Calling Bama cheaters.

Truth: Even with a past like that, Auburn was able to pull through, learn from its mistakes to do what it's doing now. So, what's Bammer's excuse? To many like you in charge is my theory.

Hypocritical ,finger pointing ,rock throwing, pathetic, irrelevant cry babies.

Truth: The only reason you spelled all that correctly was because others have already called you that before. You cheated. The bammer way.

You will always be in the shadow of UA. As much as you hate us you'll all have to live with that the rest of your lives.

Truth: We're already out of the shadow. At this pace, we'll have the OVERALL record in just the next few years. Just be sure around loved ones when that.....well, I guess that's even too much probably to ask.

You'll never have the winning records ,bowl championship wins or national championships Bama has, ever.

Truth: Unless Auburn explodes, the current trend is not looking good for you and your assessment batterboy.

To put in easy terms so you all can understand..... you suck and always will.

Truth: This is the opposite of "Flame Retardant"..... Retardant Flame. Nice.

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Quote functions mess up, but his complete ownage of your sorry ass has been fun to watch.

Giggle away all you want. You're obviously getting your jollies from this, but you've been owned today.

You've got nothing left but to repeat yourself at this point and look even more ridiculous.


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Apparently auslopper you realise whats coming too!.

Make sure you duck when those rocks come back at you so that one tooth you have doesn't get knocked out!


Doesn't make sense. Try again.


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Can't seem to work your own board there oh master of name calling, Friggin' looser! :roflol::roflol:

You know, if you're going to call someone else a loser, it would help you not look like a blithering idiot if you could actually spell it. It's not exactly one of those 12th grade reading level vocabulary words, Einstein.

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First off, baby grid, shouldn't you be outside playing? It's a beautiful day and I'm sure some of your friends (read...your imaginary friends) would love for you to join them.


Let me ask you a question cast iron: Do you believe that it is Y'alls God given right to be one of the Elite Teams...like Auburn, USC, Texas, Oklahoma, LSU, Georgia, Florida, OSU...etc.?

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he can't write anything after the library closes.

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You people really go off when you read the truth. I know ,I know it hurts that you've had about as much success as your going to have for a long time. You have a coach that's been on the job for 10 years and nobody really cares because 6 wins against Bama is your claim to fame . :roflol:

OMG, that's as good as it will ever get for you ,so sad and pathetic.

Face it, YOU WILL NEVER, EVER win a championship with your coach. Never have and never will!

Lets see, LSU's Miles has been on the job for what 4 or so years? He's got a MNC. Florida's Meyers has been on the job around 4 years. He's got a MNC. Saban was at LSU for about 4 years, he's got a MNC. Georgia, thery're in the hunt and I'd bet they get one very soon. Where does that leave ears an the barn?

With all the troubles we have had the last few years we will still win a national championship before you do.

Your irrelevance will always remain,have fun wallowing in it.

Call me what ever you want ,say what you want but nothing, I mean nothing will ever change the fact that you will always be second best, Well except in recorded sanctions in the books. You know the ''OFFICIAL'' records. Wait , aren't you guys recorded officially as the #3 worse team in sanctions in all of NCAA history?

Calling Bama cheaters, :no:

Hypocritical ,finger pointing ,rock throwing, pathetic, irrelevant cry babies.

You will always be in the shadow of UA. As much as you hate us you'll all have to live with that the rest of your lives. You'll never have the winning records ,bowl championship wins or national championships Bama has, ever.

To put in easy terms so you all can understand..... you suck and always will. :roflol::roflol:

Other than calling me names, which doesn't bother me in the least,

what answers do any of you have regarding your mediocre coach? Huh? 10 years no MNC ,except that wait what was it that kid from the trailer park awarded you and you accepted, ''People's National Championship'', you know the one that a few of your players hocked their rings on e-bay. :roflol:

Your lame ass excuse that you are graduating more players ,we have better character,OMG THAT is the biggest excuse and cop out to the question, it is so laughable. You can't face the fact that nobody really cares about the barn or it's irrelevant, mediocre coach.

Like I said, none of you can dispute how irrelevant you are. When a 2 loss team from an SEC school can get a MNC and your undefeated team and no respected coach can't beg their way into a MNC game doesn't that tell you how dilussional you people are? What's your excuse for that ? I'm sure you'll do what you always do, call me some more names ,get some laughs from other barners here but I'm laughing last. Your bobo honking barn ways have always been this way.

Enjoy your 6 win wonder. God it's pathetic that that is all you have.

Just like the recruiting situation. You people poked out your chest and proclaimed, '' Saban won't EVER do that well, He can't do that against the mighty barn!'' Wait till they go 6 or 7 wins ,it won't happen'' '' Hey they cheated. We don't have proof but it must be true'' Cry,cry ,cry. We all know how that turned out. Now it's '' play time ,play time you can't offer play time, we got character ,we didn't want those 4 and 5 star guys.''


You bitch about Bama fans claiming championships, yet you claim a Peoples National Championship? Hypocrite. That's proof.

You point your fingers about Bama cheating, Yet the barn sits at #3 on the ncaa all time cheaters list '' OFFICIALLY'' More proof of you being a hypocrite

You call Saban a liar, yet your coach stated he wasn't leaving ole miss unless he was in a pine box. A week later he's the new irrelevant barn coach. Still more proof of you people being hypocrites.

You laugh at our administration, yet SAC had to come in and threaten your administration.

There's plenty more but it just keeps getting more embarassing for the barn. Your nothing more than hypocritical, irrelevant, finger pointing nobodys. It will never change for you.

All the name calling in the world towards me won't change the truth and the facts.

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You people really go off when you read the truth. I know ,I know it hurts that you've had about as much success as your going to have for a long time. You have a coach that's been on the job for 10 years and nobody really cares because 6 wins against Bama is your claim to fame . :roflol:

OMG, that's as good as it will ever get for you ,so sad and pathetic.

Face it, YOU WILL NEVER, EVER win a championship with your coach. Never have and never will!

Lets see, LSU's Miles has been on the job for what 4 or so years? He's got a MNC. Florida's Meyers has been on the job around 4 years. He's got a MNC. Saban was at LSU for about 4 years, he's got a MNC. Georgia, thery're in the hunt and I'd bet they get one very soon. Where does that leave ears an the barn?

With all the troubles we have had the last few years we will still win a national championship before you do.

Your irrelevance will always remain,have fun wallowing in it.

Call me what ever you want ,say what you want but nothing, I mean nothing will ever change the fact that you will always be second best, Well except in recorded sanctions in the books. You know the ''OFFICIAL'' records. Wait , aren't you guys recorded officially as the #3 worse team in sanctions in all of NCAA history?

Calling Bama cheaters, :no:

Hypocritical ,finger pointing ,rock throwing, pathetic, irrelevant cry babies.

You will always be in the shadow of UA. As much as you hate us you'll all have to live with that the rest of your lives. You'll never have the winning records ,bowl championship wins or national championships Bama has, ever.

To put in easy terms so you all can understand..... you suck and always will. :roflol::roflol:

Other than calling me names, which doesn't bother me in the least,

what answers do any of you have regarding your mediocre coach? Huh? 10 years no MNC ,except that wait what was it that kid from the trailer park awarded you and you accepted, ''People's National Championship'', you know the one that a few of your players hocked their rings on e-bay. :roflol:

Your lame ass excuse that you are graduating more players ,we have better character,OMG THAT is the biggest excuse and cop out to the question, it is so laughable. You can't face the fact that nobody really cares about the barn or it's irrelevant, mediocre coach.

Like I said, none of you can dispute how irrelevant you are. When a 2 loss team from an SEC school can get a MNC and your undefeated team and no respected coach can't beg their way into a MNC game doesn't that tell you how dilussional you people are? What's your excuse for that ? I'm sure you'll do what you always do, call me some more names ,get some laughs from other barners here but I'm laughing last. Your bobo honking barn ways have always been this way.

Enjoy your 6 win wonder. God it's pathetic that that is all you have.

Just like the recruiting situation. You people poked out your chest and proclaimed, '' Saban won't EVER do that well, He can't do that against the mighty barn!'' Wait till they go 6 or 7 wins ,it won't happen'' '' Hey they cheated. We don't have proof but it must be true'' Cry,cry ,cry. We all know how that turned out. Now it's '' play time ,play time you can't offer play time, we got character ,we didn't want those 4 and 5 star guys.''


You bitch about Bama fans claiming championships, yet you claim a Peoples National Championship? Hypocrite. That's proof.

You point your fingers about Bama cheating, Yet the barn sits at #3 on the ncaa all time cheaters list '' OFFICIALLY'' More proof of you being a hypocrite

You call Saban a liar, yet your coach stated he wasn't leaving ole miss unless he was in a pine box. A week later he's the new irrelevant barn coach. Still more proof of you people being hypocrites.

You laugh at our administration, yet SAC had to come in and threaten your administration.

There's plenty more but it just keeps getting more embarassing for the barn. Your nothing more than hypocritical, irrelevant, finger pointing nobodys. It will never change for you.

All the name calling in the world towards me won't change the truth and the facts.

So, in other words, you still have nothing new, just more bammer BS rhetoric....

You're still...


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